meeting the kids

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a/n i changed some stuff suzune and kiyotaka are close friend's and call each other by first names.

It had been a relatively quiet day at the Advanced Nurturing High School, with classes and student activities proceeding as usual. Suzune Horikita, one of the most diligent and sharp-witted students of Class D, was focused on her studies, but there was a nagging feeling that she couldn't shake. Over the past few weeks, she had noticed something different about Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

For as long as she had known him, Kiyotaka had been an enigma—someone who kept his cards close to his chest and showed little emotion, always in control of every situation. But lately, he seemed preoccupied, his attention divided. Suzune was used to being able to read people, but with Kiyotaka, it was always difficult. However, this time, she could sense that something was genuinely different.

Unable to ignore her curiosity any longer, she decided to confront him. It wasn't in her nature to meddle in others' affairs, but with Kiyotaka, she felt a strange sense of concern that she couldn't quite explain.

She found him after class, sitting alone in the common area near the dorms. His expression was as unreadable as ever, but there was a subtle shift in his demeanor. Suzune approached him, her footsteps light but purposeful.

"Kiyotaka," she began, her voice calm yet direct, "I need to talk to you."

Kiyotaka glanced up, his eyes meeting hers with that same, steady gaze. "About what?"

"You've been acting differently lately," Suzune said bluntly. "I know you try to keep everything hidden, but I've noticed. What's going on?"

For a moment, Kiyotaka didn't respond. He looked at her, weighing his options, as if considering whether or not to share what he had been keeping to himself. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he spoke.

"Come with me," he said, standing up from his seat. "There's something you should know."

Suzune followed Kiyotaka to the apartment building where he now lived, her curiosity growing with each passing minute. She had never been to this part of campus before, and as they walked down the hallways, she couldn't help but wonder what exactly he was about to show her.

When they reached the door to his apartment, Kiyotaka paused for a moment, glancing at her before unlocking the door. Suzune raised an eyebrow but didn't ask any questions yet.

The door opened, and Suzune stepped inside, immediately noticing the difference between this place and the typical dorm rooms. It was larger, more spacious, and clearly designed for more than one person. Her eyes scanned the room, taking in the details—furniture, toys, and... voices.

"Kiyo!" A high-pitched, excited voice echoed from down the hall as a little girl with pink hair and bright blue eyes came running into the living room. Suzune froze, her brain trying to process what she was seeing.

The girl skidded to a stop when she noticed Suzune, her wide eyes growing even wider. "Oh! You're not Kiyo! Who are you?"

Before Suzune could respond, another girl appeared, this one with brown hair and golden eyes. She was quieter, more reserved, but she stood protectively behind the first girl, as if watching over her.

"Kiyotaka..." Suzune began, her voice betraying a hint of confusion. "Who are these children?"

"They're my children," Kiyotaka replied calmly, as if he had just told her something as mundane as the weather.

Suzune blinked, her mind reeling. "Your... what?"

Kiyotaka motioned for her to sit down, and Suzune, still in shock, did so without protest. He took a seat across from her, his expression serious but calm.

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