gojo's girl

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It had been a few weeks since Suzune and Kiyotaka noticed the change in Gojo's behavior. Their quiet, stoic son, who had always been content to stay in his own world of books and solitude, was suddenly acting different. There was a subtle shift in his demeanor—more expressive, and at times, more distracted. He was also staying out later after school, which was completely out of character for him.

Suzune and Kiyotaka exchanged glances across the dinner table one evening, their unspoken concern clear in their eyes. Gojo was, as usual, quiet as he ate his dinner, but there was a slight energy to him that hadn't been there before.

Aiko, on the other hand, had already finished her meal and was cheerfully chatting away about her day at school. Saya sat quietly beside her, ever the calm and collected one, but even she seemed to have noticed Gojo's strange behavior.

After dinner, while Gojo disappeared to his room as usual, Suzune pulled Kiyotaka aside. "Have you noticed how different Gojo has been lately?" she asked in a hushed tone.

Kiyotaka nodded, his calm eyes glancing toward the hallway where Gojo had disappeared. "Yes, I've been meaning to talk to him about it, but I wanted to give him some space first. He's at that age where he might be going through something personal."

Suzune sighed softly. "I know, but it's not like him to stay out late or act distracted. He's always been so... focused."

They stood in silence for a moment, both of them thinking about their son. Gojo had always been the most reserved of their children, a reflection of Kiyotaka in many ways. He rarely showed emotion, and he found comfort in routine and solitude. But something had changed, and neither of them could quite put their finger on it.

The next day, Suzune decided to talk to Aiko. If anyone could figure out what was going on with Gojo, it was her. Aiko had a way of getting information out of people without them even realizing it. Plus, she was always eager to get involved in any situation that piqued her curiosity.

After school, while the kids were doing their homework, Suzune approached Aiko in the living room. She was sitting at the coffee table, drawing something in her notebook with a focused expression.

"Aiko, can I talk to you for a second?" Suzune asked, sitting down beside her.

Aiko looked up, her pink hair bouncing as she smiled. "Sure, Mama. What's up?"

Suzune glanced toward Gojo's room, ensuring the door was closed before speaking. "Have you noticed anything strange about Gojo lately? He's been acting a little... different."

Aiko's eyes lit up with interest. "Oh, totally! He's been staying out later, and sometimes I catch him smiling when he thinks no one is looking. It's weird."

Suzune raised an eyebrow. "Smiling?"

Aiko nodded, leaning closer as if she was about to share a big secret. "Yeah, and get this—he's been hanging out with a girl."

Suzune's eyes widened in surprise. "A girl?"

"Mhm," Aiko confirmed, her voice filled with excitement. "Her name is Lori Utahime. She's a genius, like, really smart. I heard from some kids at school that she's even smarter than most of the teachers, and she's always scoring the highest marks. But Gojo's been spending time with her, and I think he's teaching her stuff."

Suzune blinked, trying to process this new information. "Gojo's teaching her?"

Aiko nodded again. "Yup! I think she's really interested in him. She's always looking for him after school, and she even brings him ice cream to make him spend time with her."

Suzune couldn't help but smile. "Ice cream? That sounds like something Gojo would fall for."

Aiko giggled. "I know, right? But here's the thing, Mama—I think Lori likes him. Like, she thinks he's cool because he's quiet and smarter than her. But she's too shy to say anything."

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