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Jungkook & Jimin

"Jeon, what are you doing with our daughter?" Jimin asked as he set down the tray of cookies he had been carrying. Hoseok had recently been into baking and as a result, all of their friend group was constantly being gifted a variety of treats. At first, everything had been hard and practically inedible but after much improvement, Hoseok had become an amazing baker.

"I'm teaching her how to dance!" The raven-haired male responded to his husband with a cheeky smile.

"She can barely walk much less dance," Jimin responded with a giggle. He couldn't have predicted a better life than the one he was living now.

Who would have known that Park Jimin would end up marrying Jeon Jungkook who at first had been too shy to even hold his hand and now they shared a beautiful home and had even adopted a daughter no more than a year ago.

"What type are those?" Jungkook asked as he motioned to the cookies with his eyes.

"I think white macadamia," Jimin answered, as he picked up Hana, who was giggling like most toddlers do when lifted off their feet unexpectedly. She reached for a cookie and Jungkook didn't hesitate to hand her one, as he stood up from where he had been playing with their daughter moments ago.

He kissed his husband on the forehead, as he sighed blissfully. Just some years ago he had no idea what would become of his life and now he was living the dream. It felt like it had been years since he first entered class and saw Mr.Park for the first time. He would have never believed love at first sight existed before then and now they were living their best life with their friends from then who had also settled down.

Everything was just perfect.

Namjoon & Seokjin

"Kim Namjoon, did you break this?!" An irritated brunette asked his husband, as he held up a broken figurine that had been a wedding gift.

"I think it was the twins-"

"Don't lie to me!"

"Okay, it was me," Namjoon admitted with a sheepish expression that only made Jin laugh, as he sighed before setting the broken porcelain figure down. Fortunately, the damage wasn't super bad so it was fixable.

"You're lucky I love you," Jin said with a humorous eye roll and a smile that displayed his true emotions.

"I know, I'm the luckiest man alive," Namjoon replied with a wide smile, as he wrapped his arms around his husband and pecked his lips. Jin could only scoff sarcastically.

"Damn right, you are."

This caused Namjoon to laugh, as he glanced around the home he and Seokjin had been gifted by his parents when they married. At first, his parents had been against the marriage but after the loss of contact with their son they sought out the couple to reconcile and now they were better than ever. They even had paid for a surrogate and had been blessed with twins. One boy and one girl, which couldn't make the couple any happier than they already were.

"Are Minji and Jiho asleep?" Jin asked as he rested his head on Namjoon's shoulder.

"Sure are, just put them down for a nap half an hour ago."

"So does that mean we have time for some adult bonding?" Jin asked with a teasing tone.

"Oh absolutely."

Hoseok & Yoongi

It wasn't a surprise that Yoongi's career as a rapper took off and of course Hoseok was supportive. After all, it had been his fiancé's dream for the longest time. Yoongi had been sad to end his teaching career but wasn't going to waste this given opportunity. He had just finished his worldwide tour and finally would be back home for a while, wanting to spend time with his fiancé. They were finally going to have their wedding after a year-long engagement.

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