"Stop stealing my fries!" Jimin whined as he attempted to swat Yoongi's hand away, being too late watching the older male shove a couple fries in his mouth, chuckling at Jimin's slight pout afterward.
"Yoongi eat your own food," Seokjin said, chuckling as well, putting a mouth of noodles in his mouth, resisting a smile when he saw Namjoon had finally texted back.
"I already finished my Kimchi though."
"Order more food then!"
Seokjin glared about to flip him off, about to flip him off, until he noticed there were children around and decided against it. He instead mouthed "fuck you" at the stubborn male.
"Do us all a favor and please choke on your noodles."
"I said please!"
Jimin shook his head at his older friends, but couldn't help the smile that slowly spread across his face. His friends were annoying dorks but he wouldn't want it any other way.
* * *
Jungkook didn't realize how long he had spent on homework until he looked outside and saw the familiar glow of the street lights illuminating the night. He was a tad sad he had wasted most of his day on homework, but he knew it was his own fault for leaving everything last minute and he had no motive to change his ways just yet.
He picked up his phone, seeing a couple notifications from his friends but was disappointed to see nothing from Jimin or Taehyung, his texts still on delivered. He groaned.
As of on cue, Jungkook's phone vibrated and he quickly opened the message to see it was Taehyung. He opened the message and saw the older male apologizing for earlier and explained that he couldn't explain why he reacted like that but that he was fine.
Jungkook released a long sigh, knowing dang well that Taehyung was not well and had never reacted like that before, but he didn't want to push him for details. Yet...anyway. He was worried for his friend and it hurt a bit that he was keeping secrets, he honestly didn't know what to do.
He typed out a long paragraph telling Taehyung how much he cared and worried about him, hoping it would help the elder male feel better even if just a little.
Jungkook tossed his phone to the side and got his things ready to shower before hearing his phone vibrate once more, surprised that Taehyung had answered so fast.
He opened the message and would never admit that he squeaked a little, seeing Jimin had massaged him.
Sorry for not responding, I was grading. I hope I didn't make you wait too long!
The message read. Jungkook likes the dork he was only waited for a little over a minute before responding, still trying to seem chill.
It's fine cutie ;)
He didn't understand why Jimin made him feel like this but he loved it.
* * *
"Oh my God," Namjoon groaned, facepalming, although he knew Seokjin couldn't see him, seeing they were both currently in a phone call.
The male teacher's windshield laughs making Namjoon crack a huge smile. As bad as his jokes were, his laugh was contagious and funnier than the actual joke.
"C'mon Joonie! That was hilarious," Seokjin protested smiling widely himself, he always enjoyed talking to Namjoon even if it was over the phone, though he preferred face to face over anything.
"Whatever floats your goat."
"Isn't it boat?"
"Don't you still have papers to grade?"
"How rude."
The two males bickered, constantly laughing, never being able to have a serious conversation but they didn't care. They enjoyed each other's company and knew when it was time to get serious. If it weren't for the teacher times student thing, they would have the world.
"It's two in the morning Joon, maybe we should turn in?" Suggested the older male.
"You're right, but then I'll miss your voice."
Seokjin blushed a light crimson, glad Namjoon wasn't able to see him at that moment.
Sure, he had been complimented many many times, but with Namjoon it was different. It made his stomach all fluttery and his cheeks warm... both of them.
"You're such a dork, " Seokjin said giggling afterward.
"Only for you baby."
Now this made the older male squeak, covering his phone a little too late, the other male chuckling in response.
It was something about the way he said in that deep voice of his that made Seokjin lose it, although he would never admit that to the younger male.
"I'm going to sleep and you should too."
"Alright, I will. Only because you said so."
"Goodnight Joon."
"Goodnight beautiful."
Seokjin hung up quickly afterward, realizing a huge squeal.
"Damn you Kim Namjoon," he said to himself, a huge smile on his face, before covering his face with a pillow to squeal a bit. He felt like a school girl, but he honestly didn't care. No one could see him anyway.
* * *
After answering Jungkook's text, he turned his phone off. Taehyung didn't want to talk to anyone if he was being honest. He didn't even plan on going to school the next day either. His parents wouldn't mind, he rarely missed anyway.
His father was currently asleep and his mother was downstairs washing dishes. He wanted nothing more than to go downstairs and tell his mom what was going on but he decided against it. His mom was too tired from work to have to deal with his issues anyway.
The school had called, notifying that he had gone home. Taehyung quickly excused himself that he didn't feel well, although that didn't explain why he ran, his mom brought it. He was glad she didn't push for more.
His dad, on the other hand, didn't care as Taehyung came home with straight A's, sober, and alive.
Taehyung sighed, as he wondered if Namjoon thought differently of him. He avoided thinking that maybe Namjoon would tell Hoseok but knew the older male wouldn't do something like that.
He felt like his life was just a sad romance movie at that point. Except unlike in the movies he wouldn't get his happily ever after with Hoseok.
Taehyung knew he was being dramatic about the whole situation, but he honestly was too hurt to care.
A broken heart always feels like the end of the world anyway.

Mr.Park & I || JiKook
FanfictionSeoul High, one of the top schools in South Korea, and Jeon Jungkook, one of the school's top students. Jungkook is known as respective, smart, and handsome by the rest of his peers. Although he has this high reputation, Jungkook is also known for b...