Chapter 15 • Worry

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Yoongi didn't know what to do, feeling for some reason incredibly uncomfortable, like he was intruding on something.

Hoseok opened his mouth trying to form words but not knowing what to say, because the truth was he didn't know what had just happened either. All he knew was that one second he was helping Taehyung's bleeding nose and the next the younger male was crying and ran out the gymnasium at full speed, leaving him with a bloody rag in his hand and a growing worry for his friend.

Jungkook and Namjoon eventually caught up to Hoseok, seeing they had retrieved Taehyung's stuff first, both looking just as concerned as Hoseok. They didn't understand what had happened but Namjoon had a hunch and he made a mental note to confront his younger friend about it once he got in contact with them again.

"Is everything okay?" Yoongi asked, not knowing what else to say, while the image of Taehyung's bleeding nose and tear stained cheeks was stuck in his mind. He was worried himself, he cared about his students and the look on the bleeding boy's face had more than obvious hatred but also hurt?

"We don't know," Jungkook answered, biting his lip, turning his gaze toward Namjoon and Hoseok, not knowing what to do.

Yoongi sighed, running his hand through his hand through his hair. "Why don't you guys go check up in him? You're all 18, right? You can just sign out for early dismissal," he suggested, not wanting to stall the boys any longer.

They all nodded and made their way past Yoongi.

Yoongi just hoped everything was okay, as he made his way to the printing room.

* * *

Hoseok looked out the window, as Namjoom drove to Taehyung's house. It was just him and his older friend, seeing Jungkook had to stay back not being eighteen yet and his parents would never agree to him leaving early.

"Do you even think he's home?" asked Hoseok, as he turned to look at Namjoon, who had his eyes fixated on the road, trying to not over worry about their friend.

"It wouldn't hurt to look, plus where else would he go?" responded the older male, as they pulled up Taehyung's driveway.

"Look he left the door open," Hoseok pointed out, motioning to the front door that was left ajar.

They both exited the vehicle and made their way into the house, closing the door softly behind them, not wanting to startle their younger friend, seeing they were basically sneaking into his house uninvited.

They quietly went up the stairs, glad the stairs in Taehyung's house were carpeted, then making their way down the hall stopping in front of their friend's bedroom door.

They stayed silent, hearing soft sniffling from the other side and the occasional hiccup. Both males didn't know whether to knock or just barge in.

Eventually, after another minute of standing still, Namjoon knocked gently.

"Tae, it's me," the older boy said in a soft voice, trying to coo the younger boy, knowing the sensitive state he was in.

However, Taehyung didn't say anything, making both Hoseok and Namjoon a little nervous.

"Can I come in?" the eldest male asked more, expecting Taehyung not to respond again so he was surprised when the door slightly opened.

Namjoon looked at Hoseok, mouthing 'stay here', as he entered the room, shutting the door behind him.

Hoseok didn't like just waiting outside the door, he wanted nothing more than to just barge into the room and tackle Taehyung with a hug and tell him that everything was going to be okay, but he didn't dare disobey his friend and stayed put. Besides, Namjoon knew what he was doing. Right?

* * *

The bell signaling the end of the 6th-period rung and Seokjin smiled, knowing he would be seeing Namjoon in a couple minutes.

The black haired male watched the door, waiting for the silver-haired fellow to come through the door any second.

However, his eyebrow raised, when he saw Jungkook enter the classroom without his older friend by his side. Seokjin was confused since those two were inseparable during class.

Another two minutes passed and Namjoon still hadn't come, and he couldn't help but think it was weird since the boy almost had a perfect attendance and he did see him in the morning after all.

The bell finally run, and Seokjin had no option but to start the class, he couldn't pause the class to wait for Namjoon. It was too suspicious.

Seokjin addressed the class, before collecting the homework and giving a summary of the prior day's lesson for those who had forgotten or had been absent.

"Alright, while I do attendance, please answer the prompt at the end of the chapter and we'll discuss it afterward," he said, as he sat down and began doing his attendance. Seokjin went down the list marking everyone present, before stopping on Namjoom's name, he was about to mark him absent, before being interrupted.

"Excuse me, Mr.Kim, Namjoon had early dismissal due to an emergency," Jungkook said, feeling bad he hadn't raised his hand but he saw the look in the male teacher's eye when he saw Namjoon wasn't with him.

"Oh okay, thank you Jungkook," Seokjin said, smiling at the younger male, before clicking 'excused absence' on Namjoon, before continuing the rest of his attendance.

The male teacher gave the rest of his lesson as normal, throwing a couple jokes here and there, making the students groan, but otherwise an enjoyable lesson. He always made sure to make his lessons easy and interesting. He believed the school should be enjoyable and fun, not difficult and stressing.

Although Seokjin was his usual cheery self, he couldn't help but wonder if the younger male was okay and hoped it wasn't anything too serious. He would have asked Jungkook, but decided against it, he had no other choice but to wait until tomorrow.

* * *

Namjoom's eyes widened a bit in surprise when the younger male threw himself on him in an embrace. This caught him off guard, but he immediately hugged his friend back.

"What's wrong?" The elder asked worryingly, as the boy sniffled against his chest wordlessly.

Taehyung shook his head and wiped at his eyes. He was embarrassed he was acting like this, but at the moment he couldn't care less. He was hurt.

Namjoon sighed but didn't push Taehyung to talk. He would talk when he wanted to and if he didn't, that was okay. The older boy just wanted to comfort him.

"I'm in love with Hoseok."

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