"I'm such a whore," Hoseok said to himself, as he laid face down on his bed, contemplating all his life decisions. He blushed at the very fresh memories of kissing his long time crush Mr.Min and his long time childhood best friend Taehyung. It all felt like the plot to some horribly written fanfiction.
The red-headed boy pictured both of the kisses in his head. They were both so different. Mr.Min's kiss felt more tender and sweet, while Taehyung kissed with such lust and need that it was overwhelming. Hoseok would be lying to himself if he said he didn't very much enjoy both of them. However, what would happen now? He wasn't even sure how he felt about either men at this point. He groaned loudly before grabbing his phone. He looked through his contacts before deciding to call Namjoon; he always knew what to say.
"What's up Hoseok?" picked up the cheery older male.
"I kissed Mr.Min..."
"...and Taehyung."
"What do I do?" the red-headed male asked, the desperate tone in his voice obvious. Namjoon stayed silent for a minute, analyzing the situation in his head. He really didn't know what to say, because this was all on Hoseok no matter how he viewed it, so all he could do was help his friend find a solution he would be happy or satisfied with.
"Do you like Taehyung?"
"I-I don't know," Hoseok answered, which felt odd to say because if you had asked him this question prior to hearing Taehyung confess, he would of laughed and said he was like a brother to him. However, now after sharing a kiss and a lot of thinking, he wasn't sure at all. Taehyung was always so attentive to him, very caring, funny, and not to mention really good looking... Hoseok felt his face redden at this thought.
"Do you like Mr.Min?"
"Yes," Hoseok answered without hesitation. He did have a crush on the music teacher since the day he met him, so it felt wrong to just say no, because that wasn't true. Nonetheless, Mr.Min was still his teacher and heck, he still didn't know the older man's first name. How was that love? Maybe infatuation? Daddy issues? The red-headed glared at the thought of this. He didn't like how that sounded, but knew it was a possibility.
"Wait...why did you kiss Taehyung in the first place? Also, how did the kiss with Mr.Min happen and why now?" Namjoon asked, realizing he was missing a bunch of information. Hoseok sighed before explaining everything down to the detail to his friend, not leaving anything out. Namjoon stayed quiet, letting Hoseok vent until both lines went quiet.
"So you heard Taehyung confess and he knows?"
"Does Jungkook know?"
Silence once again was heard from both lines as both males contemplated to say next. A minute passed of silence before Namjoon spoke again.
"One thing is for sure, before anything else happens you need to figure out your feelings for Taehyung properly before either of you gets hurt more."
Hoseok closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Namjoon was right. He just hoped that no matter the outcome that Taehyung would still be a part of his life, because loosing his friend would be worse than any heartbreak.
Jungkook sighed disappointedly, as once again his call to Taehyung had gone to voicemail. None of his friends were picking up the phone or answering his texts. At first, he was calling to tell any of them about his lunch date with Jimin and their plans for a dinner date the following weekend, but now he was just calling them to see if they were okay. It felt like they all had some big secret and were leaving him out of it.
Ever since the gym incident Taehyung seemed more sad, Hoseok more distraught, and Namjoon just lost in his imagination. Nothing felt the same within their friend group anymore.
He wondered if he should talk to Jimin about it, before quickly dismissing that thought. He didn't want to bother the male teacher with his silly high school problems. Plus, things will probably go back to normal soon enough. Jungkook told himself he just needed to stay positive and be there for his friends if needed.
Although, he did plan on confronting Namjoon for answers. If anyone knew something it would be him...
"Jimin, can I ask you for your opinion?" Yoongi asked, as he played with the loose thread of his sweater. He felt awkward, not being good at asking for help on this sort of topic.
"Yeah sure, what's up?" the younger male said, as he looked up from his phone. A smile plastered on his face. It was obvious he had been texting Jungkook.
"Should I ask out Hoseok on a date?" Yoongi asked in a low tone, the question feeling odd coming out of his mouth. Usually he had no problem asking people out, but this was different.
"I mean you did kiss him, at least buy him dinner," Jimin teased, before shifting to a more serious look.
"Why now though?" he asked the older male, who was staring ahead at the wall. They were currently at Jimin's place, hanging out. They had invited Seokjin, but it seemed these days he always had somewhere to be or something to do.
"Well, I was planning on waiting until he graduated by the off chance he felt the same, but now that I think he does and also because I would like to kiss him again, it feels wrong to not ask him out." Yoongi admitted shyly.
Jimin smiled at his friend, he had never seen Yoongi this flustered before. He had seen the older male live fearlessly when it came to dating. Yoongi had so many exes that Jimin lost count. Yoongi was a bit of a playboy from the moment he started high school, dating someone new seemingly every week or two. This pattern seeming to stop once he graduated college, but it's safe to say that the older male had never been in a serious relationship and never considered one until now.
"Then ask him out.
Hey guys! I'm back, I'm sorry for my shitty updates. I'm back and feel better than before so I feel I can now say that I will be taking this story off hold and hopefully complete it soon!
Once again, thank you to those who continue to read, vote, and comment on my story. It truly means a lot.
I hope you're all staying safe and are doing okay during this pandemic.

Mr.Park & I || JiKook
FanfictionSeoul High, one of the top schools in South Korea, and Jeon Jungkook, one of the school's top students. Jungkook is known as respective, smart, and handsome by the rest of his peers. Although he has this high reputation, Jungkook is also known for b...