Chapter 26 • First Date?

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"Why am I doing this?"

Jimin asked himself out loud, the beating of his heart getting more and more aggressive the closer he got to his destination, knowing he was one second closer to seeing Jungkook. He still can't believe he agreed to meet him so voluntarily. He was his freaking teacher after all!

"I don't even like him!" 

He exclaimed out loud to himself once more, glad he was alone in his car, knowing he probably looked ridiculous.

"Yes, you do," Jimin's mind teased

"Shut up, no one asked you," Jimin argued with himself, as images of Jungkook's smile popped into his mind, making his stomach flutter a bit before the images were replaced with the younger male's abs he had seen that one time in the gymnasium. Jimin choked on his breath, feeling himself beginning to get flustered.

"Told you," his mind teased once more.

The cafe soon came into view, it was cute. It reminded him of his favorite cafe but this one was a  little bigger and seemed a bit more modern. Jimin parked alongside the building, right away noticing Jungkook near the entrance pacing, seeming nervous for some reason.

The older male took in Jungkook's outfit and drooled a bit, he was so used to seeing the younger male in his uniform that seeing him in black ripped jeans, a tight white shirt, and a black beanie made him look...dare he think... hot? It didn't help that his bangs were parted in the middle making him look all the more attractive, not that it didn't look good all the other ways he styled it as well.

He still couldn't understand why someone as attractive as Jungkook was into him. The younger male could literally have anyone else, all Jungkook had to do was smile at him hia damn charming smile and they wouls be goners.

Jimin didn't realize how long he had been checking out Jungkook, until the younger male looked up, finally noticing Jimin in his car who automatically blushed at being caught. Jungkook waved and flashed that same cursed smile that made Jimin's heart melt each time. 

Taking a deep breath, the nervous male finally exited his car, locking it behind him as he walked up to Jungkook, whose face also seemed to be flushed for some reason. 

"Hey Jimin, I didn't think you would actually come," the younger male said, happiness and relief seeping from his voice.

"Well you didn't give me much of a choice," Jimin said teasingly, a small giggle slipping out of him.

The younger male looked at Jimin in complete adoration, his laugh was as cute as him. It was overwhelming.

"You ready to eat?" Jungkook asked, forcing himself to stop staring at the adorable shorter being in front of him, who kept playing with the loose string on his oversized sweater.

Jimin nodded, feeling his stomach grumble. He was so hungry. He didn't eat breakfast because he had been so nervous, and still then could feel his heart beating in his throat.

Jungkook smiled, opening the door for Jimin who blushed. Once inside both males were immediately hit with the delicious aroma of pancakes and other delicious foods.

At this Jimin's stomach growled loud enough for Jungkook to hear, who chuckled at this, as Jimin said nothing trying to pretend he hadn't heard it, but his red face said otherwise.

The younger male-led Jimim to a booth at the corner of the cafe, sitting on opposite sides of it.

"Nice to see you again Kook!" a voice called out, Jungkook looked up with a smile seeing it was Felix.  Felix was the owner's fifteen-year-old son. He had met Jungkook at a summer camp they had gone together years back and had kept in touch, Jungkook occasionally visiting the cafe.

"Hey Felix, it's been a while."

"I thought you were cheating on me with another cafe."

"Me? I would never."

Both males laughed at this, Jimin watching. His social anxiety slowly seeping in. He wasn't good at meeting new people unless he was with Seokjin or Yoongi.

"Felix, this is my- Jimin," Jungkook lamely introduced himself, not knowing where he was going with the "my" part, but still managed to mess up his sentence.

"Your Jimin?" Felix questioned

Jimin couldn't say anything but blush. He felt silly, he has blushed so much it was embarrassing enough to blush again.

"I mean-" Jungkook began to say before being interrupted.

"About time man, I thought you were either gonna die alone or end up marrying Taehyung."

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Oh please, Taehyung would marry that Gucci jacket of his over me in a heartbeat."

"Or himself."

Once more both males laughed.

"Well, Jimin it's nice to meet you man, hope Jungkook makes you happy because only God knows how much of a little shit he is."

Jimin giggled at this, as Jungkook scoffed.

"I am not!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night bro," Felix said, as he put two menus on the table.

"I'll be back in a few minutes for your order," he said, walking away to help another table.

Jimin looked at the menu, his mouth watering more as he read each option.

"Order everything you want, I'm paying," Jungkook said proudly. He had been saving up his money for special occasions and Jimin was special alright.

Jimin smiled shyly, wanting to politely decline, not being used to being paid for by anyone that wasn't family or his two best friends. However, one look at Jungkook's pleading face, the older male couldn't bring himself to do so.

"Thank you," was all Jimin could squeak out.

Felix soon came back, Jungkook ordered a burger with a side of fries and a coke, while Jimin ordered pancakes with bacon and eggs on the side with a glass of orange juice.

Felix quickly jotted down the order before walking away once more, leaving the two males alone once more.

Jungkook smiled at Jimin, who smiled back. Both males were obviously nervous. The younger male suddenly taking a deep breath before asking.

"Jimin would you go to dinner with me next Saturday night?"

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