Chapter 16 • A Date?

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Jungkook felt alone, all his friends were out, and he was only growing only more worried about Taehyung each second that passed. He wondered why Namjoon or Hoseok hadn't texted him updating him about the situation, as he checked his phone every minute or so, only to be disappointed each time.

He silently walked to his last period, it felt odd, usually, Taehyung would be by his side, cracking jokes or what not but not today.

"Jungkook!" He heard someone shout from behind him and smiled when he saw Yugyeom running up to him.

Yugyeom embraced the younger male into a quick hug, patting Jungkook on the back afterward.

"What's up, man? You're walking like you just saw your dog die or something."

"Nah man, just worried is all."

"About Taehyung?"

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at this, how had Yugyeom heard?

"Mark told me," the tall boy answered, knowing what the brunette boy was thinking already.

Jungkook was about to respond before seeing that he had less than a minute to get to class. He would have been late but this was Jimin's class after all.

"Alright man, I gotta go, see you afterward, if you're not with your boyfriend," he teased before walking off hearing the taller boy scoff.

"He's not my boyfriend," he whispered, Jungkook turning to see the boy's cheeks flushed, he laughed at the sight as he hurried down the hall, making it 8th period with only a couple seconds to spare.

Jungkook's eyes immediately found Jimin, who stood on his tip toes, as he tried erasing something from the board. Jungkook had to stop himself from cooing, as he took his usual seat. He looked at the empty seat next to him and sighed.

"Alright class, please complete the bell work on the board and we'll start today's lesson in a few minutes," the male teacher announced, as the chatter quickly died down to be replaced with the sound of pencil writing against the paper.

Jungkook did as told but looked up for a second to catch Jimin watching him. He smirked, winking at him, making the petite male blush a bit in response and look away.

The younger male chuckled silently, Jimin was just too cute.

* * *

Namjoom's eyes widened at Taehyung's confession, the younger male had said it so softly, that he was surprised he had heard what he said in the first place.


Taehyung only sniffled in response, separating himself from Namjoon, wiping his eyes dry with the sleeve of his shirt.

He immediately regretted his confession, but in an odd way he felt better; it was probably the fact he didn't have to keep it to himself any longer. Someone finally knew of his pain.

"How long?"

"It's been a while."

Namjoon could only stare at his younger friend, not knowing what to say. He always knew what to say but not this time, he was speechless.

"Is everything okay?" Hoseok asked, still behind the door, concerned at the sudden silence.

Taehyung looked at Namjoon with widened eyes, feeling his heart drop.

He wondered is Hoseok had heard him and hoped that things wouldn't change for the worst if he did.

"Yeah, everything's good," Namjoon said, getting up, Taehyung doing the same.

"Can I come in?" Hoseok asked, concern still evident in his voice.

The eldest looked at Taehyung for approval, who simply nodded in response.

"Yeah, come in Hobi," Namjoon said a little unsure still.

Hoseok entered the room and immediately went straight to his younger friend, hugging him tightly.

"Tae, are you okay? I was so worried!"

Taehyung hugged back, letting his head rest of the red-headed boy's shoulder.

He smiled weakly at his eldest friend, who looked at him with sadness, knowing Taehyung was hurting and Hoseok had no idea it was because of him.

"I'm fine now, sorry about that."

Hoseok looked at his younger friend unsure but didn't push it, not wanting to make Taehyung do anything he didn't want to do.

"Let's get going Hoseok, Tae wants to be alone," Namjoon motioning to the door, the red-headed male giving his younger friend a soft smile before exiting the room, the elder following.

Taehyung let out a deep breath he didn't realize he was holding in, thankful for Namjoon, as he laid down in his bed, hands behind his head wondering one thing.

Had Hoseok heard his confession?

* * *

Class ended and the students eagerly exited the classroom, glad the school day was finally over.

Jungkook watched his classmates leave, oblivious to him packing his stuff very slowly. Eventually, the classroom was empty, only Jimin and Jungkook remaining in the room.

Jimin looked up to the younger male and blushed, knowing he had done this on purpose. He's done this before and would usually kick him out, making up an excuse to get out of the building as fast as possible but not this time.

His heart heat hard against his chest, still not used to being alone with the younger male just yet.

Jungkook looked out the classroom door, making sure no one was around before closing it. He looked at Jimin and smiled, feeling his own heart beat rapidly.

He approached the shorter male, caressing his cheek. Jimin's skin felt warm and soft under his fingertips and the way his cheeks flushed at his touch, made Jungkook smile wider.

"Go on a date with me," he said, Jimin looking at him in surprise.

"What if get caught?"

"Don't worry, I already planned everything out."

Jimin looked at Jungkook unsure.



The younger male smiled his familiar bunny smile at Jimin, causing the shorter male to look down, trying to hide his own smile.

Jungkook pecked Jimin's forehead before caressing his cheek once more before grabbing his bookbag and leaving the classroom, not wanting anyone to get suspicious.

Jimin waited until the younger male was out of sight before covering his face and letting out a small squeak. He felt silly, but he didn't care. This was going to be his first date ever and although he was more nervous than anything he was excited.

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