Chapter 8 • Taehyung's Secret

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Jungkook had not bothered to wait for his friend Namjoon, after 7th period, because he rushed out, wanting to see Mr.Park already.

He hadn't seen the male teacher all day, and that irked Jungkook, seeing he would usually see small glances of Mr.Park during passing periods, as he walked around with copies or to the next class he would be teaching.

Jungkook walked into the classroom, looking for Mr.Park, finding him by the back windows, pulling up the shades.

Jungkook's breath hitched though because he was the male teacher had dyed his hair a light pink, and the fact that he was on his tip tops in order to reach the shades, made him look completely adorable.

Jimin turned around smiling satisfied, he had fixed the shade, before making eye contact at Jungkook basically staring at him, looking away awkwardly, before making his way back to the front of the room.

Jungkook blushed,  realizing he has been staring, and mentally scolded himself.

"Should have taken a picture dude.", Taehyung teased, as he laughed at his friend, while he scrolled through his phone.

Jungkook huffed, making his way to his seat. He couldn't help it. Mr.Park was too cute, that it made it hard for him to function properly at times.

The whole lesson Jungkook couldn't focus on a single word Nr Park said, as he kept checking him out over and over again.

The male teacher was wearing a striped long sleeve shirt with a blue fuzzy sweater on top, giving him sweater paws, and plus the pink hair it made him look so fucking adorable, according to Jungkook's mind.

Don't get him wrong, Jungkook loved the red hair, but the sudden change just did something to Jungkook and his hormones, as he had to adjust his pants a couple times during the lesson, this catching the attention of his friend Taehyung.

"Dude tuck that shit already.", the older boy teased, as he chuckled silently, keeping his eyes on the board, as Jimin wrote on the board. Meanwhile Jungkook rather than looking at the board, he was enjoying the good view of the male teacher's fluffy looking bum, making him mentally groan.

Jimin felt Jungkook's eyes on him the entire lesson but tried avoiding his gaze, knowing he would turn a bright red if he even locked eyes with him for a second. He felt his legs shake slightly, as he overheard the boy's friend Taehyung say something to Jungkook, and he couldn't help but feel embarrassed by it.

Jimin almost sighed in relief, as the bell finally rang, and he smiled, as he wished the students a good rest of the day, as he neatly packed his own stuff away.

The male teacher didn't realize how distracted he had been putting his stuff away until he heard his classroom door lock, and looked up to only see Jungkook standing there leaning against it, arms crossed, with a smirk on his face, before slowly approaching Jimin.

"Fuck.", thought Jimin, seeing they were completely alone, and Jungkook had a look on his face that screamed something dark and wild.

Before Jimin could react, he was pressed against the wall, with his wrists held on both sides of his head. The shorter boy gulped, seeing Jungkook smirk at him, expecting him to slam their lips together or something, but instead gently placed his lips on top of Jimin's soft ones for a couple seconds, before pulling away, letting go of Jimin and running out.

Jungkook couldn't believe he had just done that, but he couldn't help it. Mr.Park just looked too cute.

No matter how confident and cocky Jungkook got, he would always have his shy side.

Jimin blushed, as he covered face, knowing Jungkook had taken his first kiss, but not knowing he was also Jungkook's first kiss as well.

* * *

"Tae do you actually think I have chance with Mr.Min?", asked Hoseok, as he looked down at his folded hands.

"Yeah, why wouldn't you?", Taehyung responded, taking a drink from his water bottle afterward.

The two boys were currently sitting outside on a bench, waiting for their two friends to come out, so they could head to Hoseok's house and hang out.

"I don't know. I just-", Hoseok stopped mid-sentence, and let out a long sigh. "I mean he is my teacher.", Hoseok said.

Taehyung brought his arm around Hoseok, pulling him closer, before ruffling his hair with his other hand.

"You're wonderful Hoseok in every way, so he would be crazy to reject you. Plus you graduate this year, so after that, it won't matter", Taehyung said smiling, making his friend smile as well.

Taehyung didn't know how much his words really helped Hoseok,  seeing how in love the boy was with his music teacher.

On the other hand, Hoseok didn't know how much it pained Taehyung to say those things because the younger boy would never admit he was deeply in love with Hoseok.

Taehyung had regretted keeping his feelings a secret for so long, but now it was too late.

* * *

Namjoon paced outside of Mr.Kim's classroom for a minute, before taking a deep breath, and finally having the courage to open the door to the classroom, hearing his heart beat fast against his chest, as he entered the room, and saw his favorite teacher cleaning his whiteboard.

"Y-yes Mr.Kim?", Namjoon said, scolding himself for stuttering, as he awkwardly cleared his throat afterward.

"Oh, Namjoon I'm glad you could make it.", the male teacher said, as he smiled, approaching the younger boy.

"But please call me Jin instead from now on.", Seokjin said as he pulled the boy from the waist closer to him, making Namjoon's breath hitch in his throat.

"I'm glad you feel the same way I feel about you Joonie.", Seokjin basically purred out, as he placed his lips on the younger boy's jaw going down to his neck.

Namjoon's surprised expression suddenly changed, as he smirked, and he pinned the male teacher against the wall, surprising Seokjin, as he felt his own breath hitch now.

"Alright, Jin.", Namjoon said as he smiled smugly, making Seokjin shiver a bit from the tone of Namjoon's voice.

"Let's get one thing clear. I'm in control here.", Namjoon growled as he connected his lips to Seokjin's harshly.

* * *

So anyway, Taeseok or Yoonseok? 😱

So anyway, Taeseok or Yoonseok? 😱

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