Chapter 6 • Confessions

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It has been three weeks since Jungkook said he would leave Jimin alone, and Jimin didn't know if he was glad or disappointed.

At first, he didn't think Jungkook meant it, but as the days passed and Jungkook barely looked at him Jimin missed it.

This pissed him off.

What's wrong with me?!, Jimin mentally scolded himself, as he saw Jungkook flirt with another female student.

The girl's cheeks were tinted a bright pink, as she giggled at something Jungkook said. She tucked her black silky hair behind her ear, keeping her gaze on the attractive boy.

Jimin looked away and sighed. I'm just being silly, he thought, as he kept grading papers. He had assigned the class a worksheet for the day, and many who finished early resorted to talking. It didn't bother Jimin, it was Friday after all.

Soon the bell rang, and Jungkook walked out with the girl, his friend Taehyung walking out behind them.

Jimin took a seat on the classroom floor sighing once again, it seemed like all he did was sigh lately.

He went over his thoughts once again, and could only come up with one conclusion, as to why he was upset Jungkook didn't pay him any more attention.

He liked the attention.

Jimin had been single his whole life, as he had always been too awkward to go out and meet someone. As well, no one had ever given him attention how Jungkook had. Jungkook's barely vulgar words and actions had left Jimin craving for more. Although it wasn't a lot Jungkook had done, he wanted more. He wanted to feel wanted again.

Jimin groaned once he accepted the truth to himself. "I'm so lame.", he whispered to himself, getting off the ground, packing his stuff to go home.

* * *

"How much longer are you going to keep this up?", Taehyung asked Jungkook, as they walked together to the ice cream shop near Jungkook's house.

"Probably a week or less.", Jungkook said while thinking of Mr.Park.

The last three weeks had been complete torture for him. He had to force himself to swallow his vulgar comments during class and used his phone as a distraction to avoid touching Mr.Park.

Today was incredibly hard for Jungkook, especially since Mr.Park was wearing tight black jeans with a well fitted red T-shirt, that showed off Jimin's body nicely.

He was wearing my favorite color, and I couldn't even touch him., Jungkook groaned to himself.

"What was even your plan again anyway?", Taehyung asked, seeing Jungkook barely told him any details.

"Well, my plan was to ignore him and see if it bothered him in any way.", Jungkook said, as he opened the door to the ice cream shop for Taehyung, who entered with Jungkook behind.

"So you're basically going to see if he misses you bothering him or something?", Taehyung asked before he ordered his ice-cream along with Jungkook's knowing what he wanted already.

"It was a long shot but yes.", Jungkook replied as he pulled out his credit card, paying for both their delicious treats.

Taehyung and Jungkook took a seat in the seats outside, not wanting to be inside on such a nice day.

"It seems to be working though.", Jungkook said smirking, as he recalled Mr.Park looking at him in class seeming disappointed and maybe even jealous when Jungkook flirted with other female students.

"Whatever you say, dude.", Taehyung said as he took a spoonful of his ice cream. He still didn't understand Jungkook's plan completely, but he didn't question it further. He figured his friend knew what he was doing.

"Where are the other two goofs anyway?", Jungkook asked, referring to Namjoon and Hoseok. His head had been on Mr.Park only that he had forgotten his two friends for a bit.

"Hoseok is with Jaebum finishing a song up for Mr.Min's class and Namjoon said he had something important to do.", Taehyung replied while staring ahead at the empty street.

"Did he tell you what it was?", Jungkook asked, earning a head shake in response from Taehyung. Jungkook shrugged confused and continued eating his ice cream, talking to Taehyung about random stuff.

* * *

Namjoon breathed heavily, as he felt his palms sweat nervously. He was outside Mr.Kim's classroom.

He had rushed here after the eighth period to catch Mr.Kim before he went home.

He had told Taehyung he was doing something important, so here he was.

Namjoon went inside the classroom once the last student left. He now stood in the room alone with Mr.Kim, who hadn't noticed him yet, seeing the fact that he was packing his stuff.

"Mr.Kim.", Namjoon said in a soft voice, but still audible enough for the male teacher to hear.

Seokjin looked up a little startled to see Namjoon there, tightly gripping his book bag strap.

"Hello, Namjoon can I help you with anything?", Seokjin asked as he smiled, glad to see Namjoon, before he went home for the weekend.

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you about something Mr.Kim.",Namjoon said as he hesitantly stepped closer to him.

"Are you okay Joon you look lime you're about to throw up?", Seokjin asked nervously, not wanting the boy to be sick.

"Yes, I'm fine.", Namjoon replied, awkwardly laughing afterward.

"Alright then.", Seokjin said smiling again. "What did you want to tell me?", he asked his full attention on Namjoon.

"Um, I wanted to tell you that...", Namjoon started awkwardly, as he scratched the back of his head, seeming to swallow his words.

"Yes?", Seokjin said encouraging Namjoon to continue.

"How many pages does the essay have to be again?", Namjoon asked, mentally slapping himself on the silly question.

Seokjin frowned, not convinced that had been what he wanted to say, but went along with it. "Three through five preferably.", Seokjin said, replacing his frown with a smile once again.

"Okay thank you.", Namjoon said as he walked towards the door, only to stop in the doorway.

"Namjoon?", Seokjin asked, confused by the boy's odd behavior.

"Mr.Kim I like you!", Namjoon confessed as he ran out the door leaving a speechless Seokjin behind.

What did I just do?!, Namjoon screamed in his head, feeling like he had just done the stupidest thing ever.

He didn't know how he would face Mr.Kim on Monday.

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