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dear ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️,

kindly disregard everything in the previous letter. because the last two weeks could not have been more confusing.

i hate this man and also really love him at the same time. i don't know what it is, but he had me really confused. but i realized it last night.

i really like him.

like, really really like him.

i don't even know how it happened. we talked about it a bit a week ago, and we both mentioned that we were confused on how we felt. we decided to give it some time. i was mostly leaning towards saying no.

and then one week passed and we talked almost every single day.

yesterday my parents took me, my friend, and him to a festival that we've all been looking forward to for weeks. i asked him to come two weeks ago. i didn't even have to convince him, like i would for other guys.

my cousin, after many attempts from me, dropped it and decided not to come. my uncles didn't really want to, but my aunts brought them along purposefully. hell, even my dad was about to drop out before my mom promised to make him his favorite food.

anyway, he agreed right away. he said he wanted to see me, and that he thought it would be fun. man, am i glad i invited him, because last night was so fun.

he sent me a spotlight of a matching wallpaper idea with a heart. i thought it was a cute idea. we took the picture at the festival and matched our wallpapers. my friends were pointing at us like we were giraffes at the zoo. it was absolutely adorable.

we danced, and ate, and sang, and collapsed in exhaustion, and all of it was so fun with him. i was so glad he was there.

and then i got home and it just hit me. i was just in my room getting ready for bed, and i thought, "wow, i really like him."

it was the true definition of "he fell first, she fell harder"

i don't really know. i'm so confused. but i'm so glad i have him. he's a rare one.

i had a performance friday night, and then this festival instantly on the next night, so i was really tired all of today. but never tired enough to talk to him.

in fact, my screen time has gone up 40% since last week; or so reports my iphone. i spent nine hours. NINE HOURS on my phone today, and 5 of those hours were spent on imessage.

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