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dear ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️,

"maybe i should stop writing these emails.
maybe i have nothing else to say about you. maybe i should just let you go.

i'll do that.

i'll just let you do your thing. date whoever you want, whenever you want, however you want. it doesn't even matter how serious it is. or you can go around fucking random people. i don't care anymore."

remember all that bullshit i was spouting out two months ago? yeah well, it was all a joke. you know, i thought i could do it. i really thought i could live my life without thinking about you.

these past two months have been quite a rollercoaster for me. you spoke to me one day, and then the next day you were gone.

okay, fine, maybe you were busy or something. i'll let it go. then, a couple days after that, you hit me up again. we talk again. late into the night.

"the nights were mainly made to say the things that you can't say tomorrow day..."

you flirt with me. we'll be part of an intriguing conversation.

but no. you leave again. what am i supposed to make of this?

please give me a sign,

with all my heart,


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