Chapter 23: Pt.2

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He took a step in and then looked up, straight at me. I gave him a small smile and you can see he looked a little nervous.

Me - "Hey B."

I guess he shook it off because he gave me a big smile and hugged me.

Hanbin - "What are you doing here? I thought you had probably left back to America all ready."

Me - "No. YG gave us a two days to spend here. We already wasted one, we have tomorrow and that's it."

Hanbin - "Oh. Are you guys doing anything tomorrow?"

Me - "Probably just saying goodbye to everyone."

He nodded his head. There was an awkward slince for the rest of the ride. 5:05pm. Once the elevator stopped we got off and walked out the building together but then stopped.

Hanbin - "Where are you going?"

Me - "For a walk. You?"

Hanbin - "I'm going to go lock myself in a room and write songs."

I smiled. Sounds a lot like me.

Hanbin - "What? Do I sound crazy?"

I shook my head.

Me - "You sound a lot like me. I like to lock myself away and I won't come out for hours just to write like three songs."

He smiled.

Hanbin - "Do you want to come with me?"

I haven't wrote one damn song in so long my fingers are itching to put something down on paper. I nodded. He put his arm around me and we walked. 5:29pm. We arrived at the training center and when we got there Hanbin showed me a room that he uses for himself. It was pretty small but it was nice. He sat down the chair in front of the desk and logged on the computer.

Hanbin - "This is my other secret hideout."

Me - "Nice. How many hideouts do you have?"

He sat there to pretend to think.

Hanbin - "Twelve? Just kidding, this and the roof are the only ones and you are the only one who knows about the both of them so, shush."

I laughed. Hard. I couldn't calm down and he looked at me crazy. He turned the chair around.

Hanbin - "Is this place lacking oxygen that much?"

I laughed harder. I guess he couldn't help it either and smiled.

Hanbin - "What's with you?"

I finally calmed down and caught my breath.

Me - "You said all that in Korean and I understood every last syllable."

Hanbin - "And you found that funny why? This just might help you, and you're laughing."

I shrugged my shoulders. I really don't know why.

Hanbin - "Aigoo! You're too crazy for me. Have a seat."

I sat down on the the swivel chair that was there. I started looking at the computer but since it was in Korean I didn't know what it said.

Me - "What is all this?"

Hanbin - "How I'm going to teach you Korean. Since you understand it, I'm going to teach you how to read and write it."

I sat back in my chair and whined. He looked at me with a smile and shook his head.

Hanbin- "Stop being a baby. You just might learn this just as fast as you did to listen to it."

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