Chapter 13

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The atmosphere was a little tense but we had no choice but to ignore it. We decided to start teaching everyone the R.O.D number, which we thought it was going to be easy but it turned into a disaster.

No one was able to keep up with us. The group members and the other dancers kept rolloing their eyes and groaning. This is actually an easy dance so I honestly don't know how they can't get it. I looked the crew members and saw they were just as frustrated as I was. Gus and I are the types to start being assholes if you don't keep up and we were trying to keep our cool but it our patients are waring thin.

Me - "Why don't we take a break?"
T.O.P - "Sounds like a good idea."

I went over to my bag, grabbed my water and took a huge gulp. I looked in the mirror. I'm a mess. And it's hot. God damn. I took my shirt off, luckily I had a sports bra under, wiped my sweat off the fixed my hair into a bun and adjusted my head band. This is harder than I thought, you think as professionals they'd be able to pick it up right away but no, they had to be difficult.

Dylan - "Hey whore you alright?"

Me - "I ain't no hoe."

Dylan - "Says the one who's shirtless."

I looked down at myself. Oh.

Me - "Oh."

Dylan - "Yeah."

Me - "Look I really don't care okay? I'm irritated because ignorant people can catch on properly."

Gus - " You're telling me."

Gus said as him and the rest of the crew came to us. They had annoyed faces too and I knew they didn't want to be here. Ruben started speaking in Spanish just in case anyone could hear us.

Ruben - "Are they stupid or something? Aren't they the top group or whatever? How hard is the damn routine honestly?"

Julien - " I don't know but they suck and they're too damn rude."

Me - " This is not what I expected, at all what the hell are we going to do?"

Gus - " Hey hey, English please. Remember you got white kids here too."

Justin - "Speak for yourself."

We all laughed and again we heard someone clear their throat. All we could do was roll our eyes and slowly turn around. We saw T.O.P, GD, and Taeyang standing in front of us. Yay....not. All they did was stare at us.

Dylan - "Can we help you?"

GD - "Are you going to continue to stand around or are we getting back to work?"

I heard a little bit of heavy breathing. I turned to my right to see Julien with he killer face. Oh shit. Quick thing did I ever mention Julien has a short temper? Yeah unfortunately he does and it can be a mess.

Anyways back to the dance room. Julien kept breathing hard and death glaring at the three idols. I slightly stepped back, and kind of got behind him and grabbed his hand. I guess he snapped out of cause he looked down at me and gave my hand a small squeeze.

Gus - "Sorry we're just....having a hard time. We needed some time to figure things out."

GD - "Really? You're not the only ones having a hard time."

Dylan huffed and mumbled something thankfully you couldn't hear his words but he was loud enough to be heard.

GD - "What was that?"

Dylan rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

Dylan - "Nothing. Forget about it."

GD - "Look, your routine isn't easy. In fact, you're going to fast. We are just as frustrated as you are but your attitudes aren't helping. Get your act together and these next few weeks will be the easiest."

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