Chapter 5

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The Next Day~~~~~

The next day after school, we held our crew meeting in our usual practice room so we can call YGE.

Julien - " So, who's it gonna be? "

Ruben - " I think Milia should do it. She just might understand what they're saying. HAHAHA! ! "

This bitch. I swear if we weren't in this critical position I would eat him alive right now.

Gus - " He's right....."


Gus - " Milia should do this..."

What? Why me?

Me - " Ehh? Wat? Why me? "

Gus - " Because your voice is clear and more mature then ours. You'll be on speaker, okay don't worry we're right here. "

Dammit Gus. You better be right. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Fine I'll do it.

Me - " Fine I'll do it. "

Julien - " Ok. I'm gonna call. "

Alright. Here it goes. Our careers are on the line. I can't mess this up, or else. I felt a lump in my throat all of a sudden when Julien starts to dial the number.

My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to throw up. My mind is running until I hear it ring. I got even more scared when Julien handed me the phone. I couldn't once I heard....

Voice - " Ye? "

Oh my god.

Me - " Hello? "

The voice sounded like a Korean man but then he switches to English that had a big accent.

Voice - " Hello? "

Me - " Ehh, yes, may I speak to the President of YG? "

YG - " This is him. "

Kill me now! Oh my god! Kill me now!!

Me - " Ummm. Yes. This is Milia Day of SKOOL CrEW. I'm calling in regards of the e-mail that was sent Wednesday night. "

YG - " Oh yes. Thank you for the quick response. I wasn't expecting you until next week at the earliest. Thank you for your call. "

I'm literally about to shit bricks. I'm talking to the president of one the biggest entertainment companies in South Korea. SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!

Me - " The pleasure is all mine. So? Shall we get to it? "

YG - " Yes. So as I said before, everyone in the company has seen your R.O.D video and any before and after videos. Your dance team has become a storm here. And in the next two months the Mnet Asian Music Awards will be held in Hong Kong. I would like to fly you out here to Seoul and give you the chance to perform with BIGBANG...."

Me - " What? "

YG - " Excuse me? "

Shit. I said it out loud. I got wide eyed then looked around, everyone is looking at me like I'm the craziest bitch alive.

Me - " Sorry, but did you say we're going to perform with BIGBANG?"

YG - " Yes that is correct. You'll put on a stage with them. "

Oh my god. I saw everyone had a huge grin on their faces. This gonna be good.

Me - " Okay. That sounds good. Will we be back up dancers and then get to perform our own number or...? "

YG - " I was thinking because each member of BIGBANG will have a solo stage, we will divide you up and put some of you as dancers for each member and then we'll finish it off with the R.O.D number. How does that sound? "

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