Back to the castle

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This kiss...

It was definitely not like the other one that we shared just a few moments ago.

It was different, but in a good way. It was sweet and filled with so much love. I don't know if I love Ross. Love is confusing, but that's what I felt when he kissed me. It was strange,but I remember always liking Ross,yet I don't know if I love him after all this years.

Truth being told,I guess I'm just scared. Scared to fall in love. What if I'm just a childhood crush? What if he loves someone else and now he's just trying to mess with me?

Years have passed and Ross is definitely not the boy I used to play with in the backyard anymore. He's the man that saved my life. But that's what he promised to do. He told me that he would always be there for me,to catch me when I fall. He used to send me letters when we were about 13, but one day he just stopped. Yet, I always believed and knew that somehow I will meet my Ross again.

But something bothers me. When I met him,I knew that he was my Ross,but he didn't know I was his Laura,yet he still kissed me back. What if it was another girl instead of me?

What if?...

We slowly pulled apart,breathing heavily. I still had my eyes closed ,but somehow I knew his were closed too.

Then he just hugged me and I suddenly forgot about everything that I was thinking about. I just squeezed him tight and let a few tears fall because you have no idea how much missed this guy. It's almost unbelievable. I have waited my whole life for this moment. Him hugging me is all I ever wanted for the past 13 years since I was forbidden to see him.

He hold me tight,crying on my shoulder as I did the same. Or at least,I tried to,but since he was so tall,I just lied my head on his chest. And we just sat there crying and I have to say that I've never been so happy in my entire life.

"I can't believe it's you."he whispered in a shaky voice.

"After all these years..." I trailed off.

"I finally found you."he squeezed me tight one more time before pulling away and cupping my face in his hands.

"I missed you." I smiled looking up at him.

"Laurie,why are you crying? My princess shouldn't cry. Good thing that your knight in shining armor is here to offer you a tissue."he got on one knee,holding one of my hands and gave me a tissue from his pocket.

"I remember that. Thanks." I giggled at the memory he brought back.

When we were younger,my parents got in a fight and I ran outside crying, only to meet up with Ross,who was coming to visit me. When he saw me crying he said exactly the same words,but he didn't get on one knee then. He just hugged me and comforted me after I dried my tears away.

I dried my tears and hugged him once more .

"I've been searching for you like crazy,I sent you letters everyday,but you never answered ,so I gave up." he looked at me sadly,with his arms still wrapped around my waist.

"My parents always looked through what I was sending and they never let me write to you. I used to get the correspondence before they could see it,to make sure that they don't find out that you're sending me letters. I just wanted to be as close to you as possible and your letters were the sweetest things. They gave me faith in well us... " I blushed and looked down.

He chuckled and lifted my chin up." Well that's why I sent them"he whispered in my ear.

"You changed so much!" I exclaimed ,taking a better look at his beautiful face. Of course I knew how he looked,but now I knew how he looked then and how he looks now and I'm pretty sure I'd have a crush on him even if I was 13.

"It's weird how life brought me to you and I fell in love with you all over again. I didn't want to admit it at first because I wanted my Laura,but now I know it was you all time long."he smiled warmly at me.

"Wait. Did you just say that-?"

"Yes,I love you. And you don't have to say it back. I just wanted to let you know,but don't worry about it. I'll wait for you and if you'll never love me back,I'd still be there for you,no matter what." he confessed,looking directly in my eyes.

"Thank you for not rushing me." I mean yeah... I think I love Ross,but I'm not really sure. I mean... We've been apart for a few years and I don't know for sure anymore. All I know is that I really really really like him.

"Only say it when you feel that it's real."he said, finally letting go of me.

"It's getting late..."

"Come on. Want me to walk you home?"he suggested, looking at me lovingly.

"I'd like that." I nodded and we clung or arms together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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