Meeting him

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Laura's P.O.V.

I was running,running away from the village.No,I wasn't in danger,but if one of my parents would catch me,I'll surely get grounded. You see?In their minds...A princess shouldn't spend her time in the woods,she should learn and socialize with other royals.

They always said that I have to marry a prince and they will be the ones that will choose him.They tryed to arrange my marriage lots of times,but I just didn't show up.I want to marry someone I really love,the one I need,the pair for my heart,my soulmate.

I finally made my way to a very huge tree.I climbed in it and thought about my 'used to be friend'.She desapeared after my parents realized that we were friends.He was even my first kiss.I'll never forget it.We were just little kids and we had no idea how much a kiss meant.


Laura(she was 4):Ross!What are you doing here?*hugs him*

Ross:*hugs back*I came to see you and to ask you something.


Ross:*gets on one knee*Would you marry me *holds out a ring*

Laura:Were'd you get that?

Ross:We have lots of rings there,so?Will you?

Laura:*smiles wide*Yes!I'll go get ready.

Ross:Ah!Perfect!I'll wait for you at our tree.Rocky's already there.He said we'll need him.

Laura:Ok.*kisses his cheek*

I was so happy that Ross Shor Lynch wanted to marry me!Sure,then I had no idea what a marriage means.I put on a long white fancy dress and a bouquet of white roses and I sneaked out of the castle to meet Ross.

His jaw dropped on the floor,making me giggle.He was so cute in his tux!

Ross:You look beautiful my princess.

Laura:*blushes*You look charming my prince. Yes,he was a royal also.

-----page break -------

Rocky:Now you may kiss the bride.

Oh yeah.Then we totally forgot about the kiss.We both blushed and turned our heads in opposite directions.

Rocky:Well?We don't have the whole day!I promised Riker I'll help him with some stuffs.

Then the unexpected happened.Ross took my tiny hands in his.-even then they were bigger than mine-and looked at me in the eyes.

I looked in his also.They were so sparkly and beautiful and filled with love.I suddenly got closer,he did too.The tip of our noses touched,then I couldn't control myself and I kissed him.After a while he kissed back.Sure,I had no idea what was going on then.I was just 4 years old,but I was in love with my friend.Soon,we pulled out.

Rocky starred at us.


Rocky:Nothing,but mom and dad do this all the time.That means they love each other.You love each other?

Ross:Yes,I love Laura.*smiles*

Laura:I love you too,Ross.

Rocky:Oh no!

Ross:Now what's wrong?

Rocky:Mom and dad love each other and they have kids!That means you'll have kids too!

Ross:Oh no!I'll be a good dad?Wait. Where do the kids come from?


Laura:My mom told me that they come from their mommy's tummy.

He placed a hand on my stomach. Then it meant nothing,but if someone would do it now ,I would feel really uncomfortable.Oh well I mean it depends.Hehe! I wouldn't mind if my true love would do it.^·^

Ross:You have a baby in there?

Laura:I don't know!

Ross:Oh well...We'll find this out later. Now let's go Laur *grabs her hand* :)

Laura:Wanna play in the tree house husband? :)

Ross:Sure,wife ;)


End of flashback

Sure then we were just two young kids and we didn't know what marriage means.After my parents found out what happened,we were split apart.Thet will never let me to see him again.He is aparently our 'enemi' and a heartless guy.I have no idea how he looks like now actually.

I sighed and looked down.I saw a... puma running from a flame of fire?! What?!She ran away.Wait,wait the king!The other king!From the fire kingdom.We are in a war with them.That puma is his!Oh dear!No one really saw him.Some of them said that he's just a flame.His puma can turn in a human and if you look in her eyes you will die.

I ran to my castle to face my dad.

I had to warn him.In my way there,I entered the village.It was burning up!Lifeless bodies laying on the ground and peoples screaming and yelling for help.I was scared.I started to panick and then I saw my dog and that puma after him.I ran in that way,I couldn't let Velvet die.

"Please,please,let her go!" I pleaded as I ran in front of it's face.

She starred at me with her big black eyes.She started making circles around me,not dareing to break the eye contact.Then she went in a fire and turned in a human.She was a kid,a tall kid,but a kid.She was dressed in a long purple dress and she had a hoodie on her head,but the same big black eyes.

She ran,she was scared of me.I could see it in her eyes,but why?

I grabbed my dog and ran.Then I smelled the scent of rosses,a parfume.I looked around,but I couldn't see no one.I backed away,but then I bumped in something.More like someone.I turned around and gasped.It was a guy,a very tall handsome guy.He had flames in his eyes and I guess he could tell that I had just fear in them.He starred at me and his eyes turned a shade of hazel.I started to relax myself.His eyes were so beautiful!Then my heart melted.We just stood there,looking at each other and I enjoyed this moment.

Suddenly my necklace started sparkling and I knew it for sure.My father's enemy was my soulmate.

Q:Who's your favorite R5member? (I can't choose between Rocky and Ratliff.They are both so funny! XD)

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