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I SHOVED the car into gear and surged out of the parking space, tearing past the goddamn bridal shop, and headed for home. She was going to meet with that fucking kid? Was she... Christ, my pulse sounded like a goddamn hurricane, thrashing in my head. Focus...focus. But my gaze drifted to her pale, goddamn beautiful face and her dark, innocent eyes. Didn't she know what punks like that... Gio wanted from her? God, if we hadn't found the message...if she'd gone there... In my head, I could see it. Her drunk, in that goddamn black dress that looked far too sexy to be legal, sitting on the end of some random asshole's bed, a plastic cup filled with spiked punch in her hand and his fucking tongue down her goddamn throat.

His tongue down her throat and his thoughts up in her... "Nick!" Tobias yelled behind me. I jerked the wheel, swerving us across the street, the oncoming headlights blinding, and still all I could see was her. All I could see was her. Fuck, I'd never had it this bad...not even with...Christ, what was her name? Natalie. That's right. Jesus, I'd been with her for over a fucking year and I'd just forgotten her name. In the blinding glare of Ryth, I'd forgotten everything. I swallowed as my cock hardened. "Tell me," my voice was husky and raw. "Tell me what he means to you, Ryth." "Nothing!" she screamed. "He means nothing!" I could tell she was close to tears, her eyes wide, that mark on her cheek red and practically glowing. "Do you like him more than a friend?" I had to know, I had to fucking know. "No." She turned her head away.

Why the fuck did she turn away? "Look at me," I demanded, dividing my focus between her and the road as I raced through the city streets. "Ryth...I said" She jerked her gaze back, and cold anger seethed in her eyes. I remembered the girl that had stumbled from the prison just yesterday.

The one who'd basically fallen into my goddamn arms. The one who'd made me open myself up to her and tell her things I'd never told anyone—I glanced at Tobias sitting with her in his lap—not even my own blood.

But she was different. She was...mine. The word echoed in my mind as I glanced at the street, then back at her again, and repeated the question, only this time my voice was cold...and dangerous. "Do you like that fucking punk more than a friend?" "No." She said no. She said fucking no. But could I believe her? I glared at the road as my phone starting to ring and the stereo flashed with Caleb's number.

I stabbed the screen. "Yeah?" "You might want to get here," he slurred into the phone. I flinched for a second... "Where the fuck are you, and why the hell are you drunk? You barely fucking drink." "Never mind about that," he snarled as something crashed in the background. "Just get here...Razers." Razers? My voice was careful. "You know you're not allowed there." He gave a small bark of laughter. "Not allowed to want to fuck my goddamn stepsister either, but apparently I'm breaking all the fucking rules tonight." Ryth jerked her gaze to me. In the background, a man spoke, probably a bouncer.

"Get the fuck out of here, Caleb. You know what Lazarus said last time. Don't make me hurt you." "He didn't mean it," a woman's cry came through. One of the dancers, I assumed. "Caleb!" she screamed as a grunt was wrenched from my brother. I strangled the fucking wheel, scanned the traffic behind me, and spun the wheel. "Tell that motherfucker he lays a hand on you and I'll feed him his own fucking teeth. I'm on my way." The tires squealed as I punched the Mustang, and Tobias said the one fucking name he shouldn't, "Lazarus." I fought the wheel, slipping through the traffic.

"You don't know that." His savage glare blazed. "Don't I?" I jerked the wheel, spearing the car toward the exclusive bar downtown owned by the Rossis. The one place Caleb had sworn he'd stay away from...I glanced at Ryth again. Looked like we were all kinds of fucked up tonight. Her goddamn messages were stuck in my head. I braked hard, then pulled into the alley. Darkness concealed the beast, the headlights splashing against the pitch-black building hidden in the back as I turned around. I scanned the parking lot as I crawled past, searching for familiar cars.

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