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I WOKE, cracking open my eyes. But this time, there were no vague memories of my soon-to-be stepbrothers, no murky darkness to hide the truth. No, this time, it came through neon bright. My heart sped even before they moved in. One by one... Tobias... Nick... Caleb. I closed my eyes again and rolled over in the bed, tugging up the comforter.

Mom's wedding was less than a week away. Then they'd be family...for-real family. Not blood, but still. Shame filled me, pulling me down a deep, dark hole. The kitchen pushed into my thoughts, the way they'd stood at my side while Mom glared at me. It wasn't right, what I was feeling, wasn't what good girls did. Maybe you should take your pissy attitude back to bed? Tobias' growl rose inside me and that racing in my chest only grew bolder. I was starting to feel things for them, starting to find myself falling...and that was wrong.

I shoved the bedding aside and sat up, lowering my head into my hands. What the fuck was I going to do now? I lifted my gaze to where my laptop sat. I'd spent the next few hours after dinner alone in my room, submitting the assignment late last night. Nick had come in to check on me and Caleb had sent me a message along with the most perfect referencing I'd ever seen. In the space of a day, they'd given me more than my parents ever had in my entire life. I rose from the bed, catching the bright glare of the morning sun. I needed to hurry, shower, and get ready.

Nick would want to drive me to school, maybe we could stop at the park on the way? The idea of that excited me. I grabbed out my uniform and my stupid cotton underwear. Christ, I love it when you wear this. Nick's words filled me, stopping my embarrassment cold. I lifted the white Hello Kitty panties. Anyone else would hate them, think of them as childish.

But not looked like my stepbrother had a thing for the schoolgirl look. I scanned the drawer and pulled out my white knee-high socks. God, I'd never have been caught dead wearing these before. I could only imagine the ridicule. But Nick...he'd love them. That was good enough for me. I tossed them onto the bed, grabbed my clothes, and hurried to the bathroom.

I showered, washing my hair and rubbing my hands down my body, taking my time to cup my breasts. My body was different now, a slow burning ache hidden under the surface. I closed my eyes and tilted my head under the spray, touching my nipples.

That's the way, princess, Caleb's voice sounded in my head. I rolled the tender flesh and my body responded. I wanted to stand here, exploring the way they made me feel. Maybe another morning. I turned, switched off the spray, and stepped out, grabbing the towel as the sight of Tobias' clothes drew my gaze. They were messy, leaving everything where it landed around them. Brothers... The word made me smile as I towel dried my hair and moved to the vanity, tugging on my panties.

The door opened with no warning. I flinched, throwing my hands across my breasts. "Seen them, licked them...and will lick them again, little mouse." Tobias grumbled and yawned, striding past me to use the toilet. "Tobias," I hissed, jerking my gaze to the open bathroom door. "You can't just barge in when I'm in here." "Why not?" He yanked down his boxers and a steady stream hit the bowl. "You seem to forget...I hate you, remember?" "Fuck you, Tobias," I snarled, grabbing my clothes and hurrying from the bathroom. But underneath the burn of anger hummed a sensation that went straight to my core.

I stepped into my room, muttering under my breath, and dressed for school, tugging the socks all the way to my knees. I grabbed my laptop and strode out of my room, finding Tobias' bedroom door now closed. I wanted to beat my fists against it. I wanted to rattle his cage like he seemed to rattle mine...every damn day. My gaze went to my mom's door as I made my way downstairs. But instead of caring about how mom was...I was transfixed by the floor in front of the doorway. Nick, no...what if she hears? My own words echoed in my head as I made my way down the stairs, expecting Nick to be waiting for me...but he wasn't.

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