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THE SOUND of a car's engine cut through the dark, coming from the entrance as another, louder one, roared to life. The supercharged engine howled and tires squealed as Natalie's car took off. It had to be her...Nick's girlfriend. I let out a groan and stumbled down the patio stairs, my heels quickly sinking into the grass and the soft earth. "Ryth...for fuck's sake!" Nick roared behind me. I didn't care.

Didn't want to see them...any of them. This pain was too much, too cruel...too...consuming. I kicked off my heels as I ran, not even bothering to stop for them. I just ran, gripping my dress and driving my feet into the ground. The thud of heavy steps came behind me. "Fuck's sake, woman!" Nick was on me in an instant, grabbing my arm and pulling me against him. "We're not back together!" "I don't care!" I screamed, tearing my arm away as Tobias and Caleb came running.

My tears blurred their faces. "I don't care. I just...I can't be here...not with you. Not with any of you." Tobias' lips curled in a silent snarl. Caleb's dark eyes flashed with concern. Then there was Nick. Nick, with his pleading fucking eyes and his outstretched hand. He shook his head, denying my words. I stumbled backwards, losing sight of the event room and all the guests as they partied inside.

"We're not back together," Nick insisted, his voice breaking. "I fucking used her, thinking I could shield what we have." " fucking hurt me." I shook my head, tears continuing to stream down my cheeks. "I know." "No! YOU DON'T KNOW!" I screamed. "You don't fucking know!" He didn't get it...none of them got it. I was in too deep here, too dark.

All three of them stepped closer, crowding in. I couldn't get the feel of them out from under my skin. Living with them...sleeping with them. I was open and raw. I was becoming more broken with every kiss and every touch. I was falling for them...hard. I knew that. I wrapped my arms around my body, feeling the cool air against my skin. "You fucking hurt all hurt me." My breaths sawed through my chest.

Agony carved deep...until that coldness broke through. "I know we hurt you," Nick whispered, inching closer. The warmth of his hand felt like a brand. I flinched, looking down at the way his thumb instantly caressed me, like he knew exactly what I craved. But he didn't...none of them did. They didn't know that I ached. I ached so fucking bad. I wanted to tell him. I wanted to scream my pain into his face. I wanted to hurt him like he'd hurt me. I froze. No. I wanted to use him. I wanted to use all of them. My breaths deepened as that torture inside me turned dangerous.

His honey eyes looked almost black as Nick whispered, "Please, Ryth." "Get on your fucking knees, Nick." The words were cold, stony, not my own. They couldn't be. They belonged to someone dangerous, someone in control. His brows furrowed with a look of surprise. I was the one who stepped closer this time, lifting my gaze up, and up, to meet his. "Just shut the fuck up and get on your knees." The agony inside me mingled with something sinful, something stained and tormented.

Something that howled with conquest as the towering male in front of me did that, dropping to his knees. "Fuck me," Tobias murmured, his gaze riveted on his brother. But Caleb...Caleb knew. I met Nick's focus as he tilted his head up, his hands moving to my thighs.

I slapped them away. "No. This isn't for you." His frown deepened like he didn't understand. Because he didn't. "You treat me like her." I slid my hands down my thighs to the hem of my dress, that newfound power like a fucking drug, going straight to my head. "You give me what you want...and yet you take all, every inch of me, every sigh, every tremor. You take and you take...and you take." He licked his lips as I pulled my dress higher.

My fingers found the thin strap of my G-string before I bent and slid it down. I didn't feel the stab of the cold grass on my feet or my racing heart as my panties hit the ground. I felt powerful. He didn't lift his hand, didn't pull away. This powerful male who'd filled me with terror just days ago, now let me slide my fingers through his thick hair and clench my fist.

He jerked at the movement and his head snapped backward, that dangerous spark igniting in his eyes as I guided his head lower, pressing his face against my sex. "No more," I snarled, meeting Tobias' stare, then Caleb's. "No fucking more." Tobias just watched as I stepped forward. Nick's hands flew back, catching his fall as I held his face against my pussy and drove him down to the ground. My knees hit the cold grass, until his hand slid underneath one, a barrier of warmth.

Déjà vu slammed into me, taking me back to that night when my mom and Creed had announced their engagement. It was Nick who'd pinned my hand in place, Nick who'd yanked my dress aside to watch Tobias' fingers slide into me. It was Nick's warmth I took now as I ground myself against his mouth.

A shudder ripped free as I yanked my own dress aside, lifting one knee to ride his mouth. Tobias reached for his cock, his hand gliding over the bulge in his pants as Nick's tongue slipped along my crease and then plunged inside me. I dropped my head backward and moaned, grinding and fucking his mouth. "You so much as look her fucking way, and this is done." I looked down at him. "You get me?" He curled his tongue, gliding deeper, his other hand sliding out from under my knee to grip my thigh and grind me against him harder.

I met Tobias' gaze, then Caleb's. "You so much as text, touch...kiss another woman and this is done. I'll leave. I'll fucking leave and you won't ever see me again." Tobias was a fiend, watching how I thrust against Nick's face until I blocked his air. "Yeah," he answered. "We understand," Caleb moaned, yanking down his own zipper. "But you're suffocating him, princess." Caleb stepped closer and lowered himself to the ground next to his brother, his cock hard and ready.

"Maybe I can be of use?" I lifted my knee and climbed from Nick, who sucked in hard gasps, watching as I straddled Caleb, guiding that big cock inside. I shuddered, my orgasm so close as the head pushed in. "Jesus fucking Christ," Caleb moaned. "Use me...use me however you need, little sister." "Use all of us," Tobias urged as he stepped closer. "However you want, whenever you want, day or fucking night." "There's no one else," Nick repeated, his lips glistening. "Not anymore." I reached for Tobias as I rocked my hips, working Caleb deeper and deeper inside. A snarl tore free from me as Tobias reached for his zipper. I pulled away, stopping his hand, until he dropped them to his sides, catching on real quick. Heat coursed through me as I bucked, slamming my hips down.

I fucked them, tugging Tobias' cock free. "Your hand around my throat," I demanded. He moved, clenching those cruel fingers around my neck as I rode his brother. It was always Tobias. Tobias with his needy fingers and his caustic love. Tobias who'd bullied me, who'd attacked me. I moaned, that thought drawing my end even closer. I guided his cock to my mouth. "Tighter." His lips curled and his eyes flashed to Caleb's thick cock sliding in and out.

I could still hear the celebrations, hear some cars leaving, hear the music blaring. Hear it all as I bent, taking him into my mouth. Tobias' fingers clenched, choking me as I slid him deeper, working my tongue along his shaft.

His cock flinched inside me as he closed his eyes, letting out a moan. "Keep doing that, little mouse, and I'll give you whatever you want." I pulled free. "I told you what I want. I gave my demands." "She wants us," Caleb groaned underneath me as I drove down, riding him hard. "That's what she wants." "Look at us, princess," Nick urged. "We're here, cocks out, desperate for a fucking touch, a fucking taste. We're desperate for you." Tobias' hand slid from around my throat, his fingers pressed together as he held them against the birthmark on my cheek. "You might wear our brand on the outside, but we wear it in our chests. Believe me. Name your goddamn demands. Whatever they are, they're yours, little sister." He looked down at me.

"They're yours." 

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