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HER LITTLE BODY tightened as Caleb thrust into her mouth, and Nick pulled free from her pussy, aiming his phone down to follow the movement. He fucking loved to watch, I'd bet he'd replay this night over and over. Christ, the image of her lying there, her cunt dripping, her mouth wide, taking as much of my brother as she could. This was my deepest fantasy come to life. I just never imaged it'd be with someone who was going to be our goddamn sister.

Maybe that was why this felt so damn good. "Ours," I demanded, my voice husky. "You get that, Ryth?" She moaned as Caleb gently gripped her head, guiding himself deeper. His ass clenched and his big cock stretched her mouth wider until she gagged and spluttered. "Ours," Caleb murmured, his balls tightening as he thrust harder, then stilled, forcing her head backward as he came down her throat. "All ours." She bucked, then sucked in hard breaths as he pulled out and stroked her hair. "You did so well, princess. So...very well." Her chest rose with the consuming breaths and her breasts trembled after what we'd just done to her.

Two of us...on her first night. "I'll take care of her." Caleb glanced my way, surprised. "You sure?" I didn't answer, just rounded the bed and knelt beside her. "It's okay." I slid down next to her, pulling her close. She resisted at first, shoving her hand against my chest to push me away. Maybe it was because I was such a fucking asshole. I didn't want to be.

But she triggered me, driving me over that brink to be that fucking beast. "Easy," I murmured, my movements slow, fingers sliding over her hips, drawing her against me. Memories flickered in my head as Ryth stopped fighting and lifted her gaze to mine. I wasn't always like this, wasn't so fuck hard...or unkind. "I'm not going to hurt you," I said carefully as I pulled her close. Her breasts pressed against my chest.

That warmth felt so fucking good. Almost as good as the hate. I closed my eyes and lowered my head, nestled my face against her neck, and breathed in that perfect scent of vanilla. "I've got you, little mouse," I whispered in her ear. And in the echoes of my mind, I told my mom I'd take care of her, too. All those months I washed her face and brushed her hair. All those nights I'd sat by her side, holding her hand as the realization hit home that this was real, this was happening, she was dying and there wasn't a fucking thing we could do to stop it.

Ryth relaxed, sliding her arm around my waist. "Tobias..." "Shhh..." I turned my head and kissed her mouth. "It's going to be good now, you just wait and see..." She closed her eyes, letting me kiss along her neck and take her mouth, and after a while she relaxed. I looked over at Nick, who'd just lowered his damn phone, and glared at him, letting the warning spill through my eyes.

Show anyone else and I'll fucking end you, blood or not. She was ours to keep secret and there wasn't a goddamn thing I wouldn't do to protect that. He nodded, slipping his phone back onto his damn pocket as slow, soft snores came from the woman in my arms. Nick jerked his gaze to the sound. I flattened my hand against her back, pulling her closer against me. The act was possessive, even amongst my brothers.

But I didn't care. I didn't care, because it was her—I looked down, finding that birthmark on her cheek, and felt something inside me shift. I leaned over, brushing my lips along that mark she hated so damn much. But I didn't hate fact, I felt all kinds of things about it. I scowled as I dragged my finger along it, then glanced at my hand and the shape of her mark. I tilted my palm and pressed my fingers against the outline again.

Jesus... "T," Nick murmured. But I couldn't look away. I was transfixed at how the mark wasn't just a blob of redness...but it was the exact fucking outline of my fingers. The same height, same crook on my middle finger where I'd broken it on some asshole's cheek. I shifted my focus to her closed eyes. She'd been made for me. Even if she didn't know it...she would. I'd never felt this way about someone, had never wanted to feel it. Not in the wake of mom's death...and not in the wake of the fight with Lazarus Rossi.

The other bastard who'd seemed to take a fucking interest in her. I needed to keep her away from him...him and that asshole Gio. "Nick, can you find out where that fucking Gio lives?" I asked, staring at her in my arms. "I can ask around." I nodded, rocking her gently. "Good. I feel a proper introduction is in his goddamn future." Caleb bent, grabbed the blanket which had been shoved to the bottom of the bed, and dragged it up over us. Ryth let out a sweet goddamn murmur and shifted harder against me. My brothers watched her for a second, then glanced at me, with a dangerous knowing burning in their eyes.

We couldn't let her go. Not even if we wanted to. Not anymore.

"Clothes." I jerked my gaze to the dresser. The last thing I wanted was for her to wake up naked in her own damn bed. That would freak her out. Nick yanked open the drawer, then froze and threw a glance over his shoulder at her still asleep in my arms, then proceeded, quieter that damn time. Our little mouse needed sleep and to process. I prayed to God she didn't freak out.

I looked down at her, and as gently as I could, slid my hand under her neck and eased her head to the pillow. "Do you want me to..." Nick started, holding out one of my t-shirts and a pair of my boxers. "He's got it" Caleb answered for me. I lifted my gaze, finding his. And all of a sudden, I was thrown from this moment and we were back there, to that room downstairs near the basement. The room we never went to now.

The room that was once used as a hospital room. Nick looked from Caleb to me, and stilled. "Go on, brother." Caleb motioned and leaned down, gently pulling the blanket from her body. Nick seemed to understand, holding out the boxers to me. All three of us worked in silence. It was the kind of comfort they couldn't give our mom, the kind they'd turned their backs on, but they were here. I eased one of her perfect goddamn feet through the leg of my underwear, dragging the elastic waistband up her legs then over her thighs.

Her pussy glistened, some with my cum, some with her own desire. I slid the boxers higher, gently sliding them under her hips, and settled them around her waist. They were too big, way too big, bunching around her hips, but still the sight made me feel weightless, like the burden I'd been carrying for the last few months had somehow lightened a little. She lightened it a little.

Nick held out my favorite shirt, his gaze meeting mine before he looked away. I took it, slid my hands through the neck, and reached for her head. She mumbled as I slid it over and her eyelids fluttered, then her lips parted with a tiny snore that was too fucking cute.

I moved on impulse, leaned down and kissed her mouth like it was the most natural thing in the world before I froze. That wasn't me. I didn't dress my women, and I sure as hell didn't kiss them while they slept, half worried I'd wake them. I was moving into new territory here. Way out of my depth. I gently eased her arm into the sleeve of my shirt, grateful when Caleb tugged the other side down. "You want me to carry her?" he asked. I shook my head. "No, I got it." Both my brothers held back as I bent, slid one arm under her knees and the other around her shoulder blades, and lifted.

Nick moved to open the door, making sure the house was still empty as I carried her gently to her own room. I hated leaving her, part of me wanted her to stay in the warmth and the familiarity of my bed. But that might be too much, especially when she woke up, and the last thing I wanted to do right now was make her regret what had happened. Little mouse... My words repeated in my mind as I carried her into her room and placed her down on the bed.

Nick pulled her bedding up and for some strange reason, I glanced at the space at the foot of her bed, a space that'd been crowded with the machines that had kept mom alive until the end. Machines I'd hated and yet I couldn't get rid of them. Machines that'd taken over this room, a constant reminder of what I'd lost. What we'd all lost. But this room didn't feel like that anymore.

Now it was filled with the smell of vanilla and crowded with a messy desk and some godawful Hello Kitty plush toy that sat in the corner. She mumbled as I straightened. Nick leaned down and kissed her lips.

The sight sent a tremor through my chest. Familiar. God, that's what this felt like.


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