Chapter 2

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Ello my lovely readers!  Here is the next chapter.  I hope you like it!  I don't have much to say so I'll let you get to the reading part.  I'd make this bold, but it's not working :( 

Enjoy!  Vote, comment, fan!!!!!!

Belle didn’t tell Deven about her conversation with Niall.  Despite the fact that they always told each other everything this was just one thing that Belle felt had to be kept to one’s self until it had been mulled over for a little bit. So she listened to Deven gush about how Harry is so much hotter in person and describes every detail of their conversation.  Finally Deven asked about Belle’s conversation with Niall.

“Oh, it was just pleasantries, basically just hello, can you sign this and nice to meet you,” she says trying not to show she’s lying. 

“Well, that’s good,” says Deven excitedly, “You didn’t freeze and were able to talk to him so maybe you’re getting over your shyness.” 

“Yeah I guess it’s a good thing, although it will take more experimenting to see if it was just a fluke or me getting over my shyness.”

“I’ll be the optimistic one and say this wasn’t a fluke.  Niall should be honored that you weren’t too shy to speak to him.” 

“Yeah,” says Belle as she bitterly thinks, “Except I called him shallow and a jerk when he just wanted to know my name and then walked away without thanking him for signing those CDs.”   The subject drops for the moment and Belle decides to never tell her shameful secret that only Niall knows about and possibly Zayn. 


It isn’t until they get back on the bus after the meet and greet that the others get to ask about Niall’s outburst. 

“Spill Niall,” says Louis the moment the door of the bus is closed and they’re moving.  Niall is too ashamed to say anything. 

“Niall found his princess, but she walked away before he could get her name or hand her his number,” spills Zayn.  Niall glares at him. 

“Tuff brake,” says Liam.  Just then Liam’s phone goes off with the ringtone that lets him know it’s his girlfriend.  As he walks away answering it Niall feels a pang of jealousy. 

“May be you could try finding her on Facebook, it’s a long shot but you’ve got two names to choose from and you know what she looks like,” says Zayn quietly. 

“What if neither of those names is hers?”

“Then maybe those names will lead you to her.”

“It’s worth a shot,” says Niall hopelessly.  He pulls out his laptop and begins the search.

One Month later

The boys had been watching TV earlier that day in their hotel in Sacramento California and had seen the advertisement for the ice cream parlor.  It had looked good and Niall could have sworn he saw the girl who had been haunting his thoughts for the past month in the commercial.  He didn’t tell the others that he had thought he’d seen her in case he was wrong.  They had given up on finding her after the first week, but Niall had been searching Facebook every moment he could.  He’d found two people who he thought could be her but one of girls profile was protected so he couldn’t get a closer look and the other one said she was a public figure which he knew couldn’t be her because she was to shy.  He told himself that if he didn’t find her today at the ice cream parlor then he would give up; all the while knowing he would never give up on finding her.  The few quiet words she had said to him followed him everywhere and he tried to prove them wrong about why it should matter if fans told him their names, but it didn’t matter since the one fan he wanted most to know her name had disappeared. 

They walked into the ice cream parlor and as they were being seated Niall watched as a slender petite, fragile looking girl came out of the freezer carrying four vats of ice cream stacked up on top of each other.  She moved swiftly despite her burden.  As he watched, the fragile figure reminded him of another fragile figure and his heart began to beat faster in anticipation.  He couldn’t see her face but he could see the mass of hair that was piled on top of her head in a bun, it was the same shade as Belle/ Jazz.  He watched intently as she made her way towards the front storage of ice cream where the other workers could easily access it.  Niall waited for someone to step up and help her, but apparently no one else saw how fragile she is, all they did was get out of her way.  She heaved her heavy burden up onto the counter and quickly and efficiently pulled the empty vats of ice cream from their slots.  She dropped the new ones in their places and scraped the remaining ice cream from the old ones into the new ones without turning her back from Niall.  Once she had finished with that job she finally turned when a waiter must have said something to her.  It was then that Niall’s heart stopped and he grabbed Zayn’s arm tightly. 

“Ouch!  What was that for Niall?” says Zayn.

“Look!” says Niall pointing to the girl who was still facing them but hadn’t seen them.  Zayn had a vague recollection of the girl who had captured Niall’s heart but when he saw her he recognized her. 

“Don’t let her get away this time,” he tells Niall before pointing her out to the others. The others get a chance to see her and they all see why Niall can’t forget her. 

“She’s beautiful,” they say together as a sigh.

“She’s mine!” says Niall protectively.

“Don’t worry, we know, just stating a fact,” says Louis calming Niall. 

“We’ll make sure she doesn’t get away this time,” says Liam.

“Thanks.”  Just then Niall loses sight of her and begins to panic but she ends up popping up from around the corner caring clean dishes and as she walks past one of her coworkers she pulls on the strings of their apron untying it.  She grins but doesn’t look back as the girl looks around for the culprit. 

“I know it was you Belle!” Niall hears the girl say.

“Prove it Jazz!” laughs Belle turning back. 

“Belle!” whispers Niall a grin spreading across his face both from what she had just done and finally being able to know her name.  As Belle turns around to continue on her way to depositing her stack of dishes she sees Niall smiling at her.  Her smile fades as her eyes go wide and her cheeks turn an attractive shade of red.  She quickly drops her eyes and turns around setting the dishes down.  Before she turned though Niall caught a glimpse of her biting her bottom lip and he knew for certain he had finally found his princess.  His heart soared.  

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