I'll See You Soon: Part One (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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Okay everyone; this story was one of my very first fan fictions I ever wrote. It is my baby! Out of all my fan fics it is the most special to me because I started writing it shortly after I was introduced to 'What Makes you Beautiful' and One Direction in general. That was my friends biggest mistake but I love her for it. The characters of Belle, Deven and Jess are based on me and my two best friends. There are three parts to this story, the first two are finished so updates will be regular (once a week) for a while. I'm still working on the third part.

You're probably wondering why I didn't post it on here sooner, but that is because most of my very first fan fics were written with the intent that they would be posted on the blog my friend was going to make dedicated to the boys but those plans fell through. Then I had to work up the courage to actually post this on here. Like I said before this story is my baby! I've only let my two best friends who are character in it read this story, so... I'm nervous to let everyone read it. Please be kind! I hope you love this as much as my friends and I do!

Love you bunches!!!!

There were thousands of girls shrieking and giggling in anticipation of meeting the boys of One Direction at their meet and greet in Minneapolis Minnesota. Belle bit her bottom lip nervously. She couldn’t believe she was going to say hi to those guys! Her friend squeezed her arm as they moved up in the line.

“What if I freeze when we get up there?” Belle asks Deven.

“I’ll be right there to unfreeze you, although if Harry smiles at me you’re on your own.”

“Great,” she mumbles sarcastically as they move closer.


Niall signed CD’s and posters and more for his fans as they filled past. He made conversation with them for those brief moments but it would be impossible to remember all their names and face for very long after that. He felt bad that he couldn’t, but he had to be realistic. At least that’s what he thought until he looked up from the table and saw her biting her bottom lip and shyly coming up to him, a pink blush coloring her cheeks. She looks fragile as she walks up; like if you touched her she would shatter like glass hitting concrete. He suddenly found it hard to breathe and his heart was doing double time. Zayn reached under the table and punched him in the leg as she stepped up. Niall saw Zayn look at him questioningly as he shook himself.

“Hi,” he manages to say to her.

“Hi,” she says quietly sliding two CDs towards him not meeting his eyes. Her cheeks became a darker shade of attractive pink and she continued biting her bottom lip. Niall wanted so badly to reach out and lift her chin so that he could see her eyes.

“Who should I make these out to?” he asks instead.

“This one to Jazz,” she says pointing to one, “and this one to Belle.”

“No problem,” he says beginning to sign them, “Which one is yours?” He asks this in hopes of figuring out what her name is and which one he should write his number on.

“Does it really matter?” she says meeting his eyes. He’s held captive by their green depth with golden flakes.

“Why wouldn’t it matter?” he asks confused.

“Because I’m just one girl out of the thousand here not compared to the millions you have already met and will meet, so why should I tell you my name if you’re just going to forget it?”

“I doubt I’d forget you’re your name,” he replies stunned that she could voice what he had just been thinking a few moments ago. Her blush deepens and she stops biting her bottom lip to give the table a small smile. Zayn nudges Niall again and gives him a look that is telling him to make his move. Niall quickly takes a piece of paper and writes his name and number on it and is about to hand it to her with her CDs when it falls on the table. He quickly reaches for it to hand it to her but she walks away as he is left holding it out to her back.

“Wait!” he calls frantically standing up. She doesn’t turn; just grabs another girls arm and is saying something to her. The other girl is excited and speaking quickly to her. The girl speaking quickly looks towards him and he tries to get her attention so she can bring her friend back. She doesn’t see him and they both walk away. He sits back down dejectedly ignoring the cameras that are pointed at him along with the questioning looks Louis, Harry and Liam are giving him. However he can’t ignore the pitied look from Zayn. Niall can already see the headlines about his outburst, but right now he doesn’t care he just wants to chase after her and do whatever it takes to get her name. Thousands of people prevented him from doing this however so he watches her red and chocolate brown, waist length locks bounce as she walks away and disappears from his life just as quickly as she had entered it.

Let me know what you think! Vote, Comment, Fan! Next chapter will be up next week!!!!!! It gets better I promise!

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