Chapter 7

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Belle woke up to the heat of midday sore, tired and emotionally drained.  She was still terrified of Niall being like Rick but her resolve was wavering.  She slowly climbed down from the tree house and walked to Jess’ house where she knew she would find both of her best friends.  Jess and Deven saw her walking up to the door and met her there.  They knew something had happened last night after they had left since Dave had called asking for her. 

“S.O.S” she says quietly before enfolding herself into their embrace.  After a shower and a manipedi Belle was finally able to show Deven and Jess Niall’s note.

“You’re going!” they say together.

“I can’t,” she says. Pulling her knees to her chest and placing her forehead on them. 

“Give me your reasons not to go,” says Jess grabbing a pad of paper and a pen.  The girls had done this often listing the pros and cons of going somewhere, doing something and of course boys.  They each had stacks of these lists they had made together.  Belle took a deep breath and looked up.

“He could be like Rick,” she said after a pause, “or worse.”  Jess wrote these two down.

“I could get hurt, long distance relationships never work, he could meet someone else, the press would get in the way, and the fans would be haters.”

“Anything else?” asks Deven as Jess writes those thoughts down. 

“Not right now,” Belle says after thinking.

“Okay, pros,” says Jess drawing a line down the middle of the page separating the two columns.

“He’s nice, he’s cute, he eats like a fat man,” she giggles then sighs as she thinks of his intense blue eyes, “He has beautiful eyes that I could get lost in forever and not care, he makes me laugh and smile so easily, and when we touch I get this warm pleasant jolt of electricity that freezes me in place and makes me forget how to breathe.”  Belle zones out lost in her own little world with a slight smile on her face.  Jess nudges Deven and shows her the paper.  On the con side there are all the things that Belle had said but they were scribbled out and underneath it said I’m scared.  On the pro side all it said was I love him.  Deven grins and gives Jess the thumbs up.  Belle shook herself out of her day dream.

“That’s it I think,” she says slightly unsure.

“Okay, here’s the list,” says Jess ripping the page out of her notebook and handing it to Belle.  Belle looks at it while Jess and Deven prepare to run. 

“Am I?” Belle asks after a moment of silence.

“Yes,” breathes Deven glad she doesn’t have to run. 

“So you guys think I should jump?”

“Yes!” they practically yell.

“But…” she trails off unsure.

“Belle, I’ve never seen you so happy before and you may not have noticed but you’ve started to dance again,” says Jess.

“I think I would know if I started to dance again.” 

“Jess is right.  We all watched you do the High School Musical dance last night.”  Belle blushed and looked down at the pros and cons and then at Niall’s note chewing on her lip.  Finally she looks up at her two best friends who are waiting expectantly. 

“I have to look stunning or I’m not going!”  Jess and Deven let out a squeals of excitement and hug tackle her.


Niall’s excitement had been building all day.  He and the guys had made sure there were no seeds of doubt to ruin the day and now they are five minutes from going on stage and Belle still hadn’t arrived.  All his worries and doubts that he hadn’t been able to think about during the day started to make their appearance.  He was getting really nervous as the seconds ticked by.  He frantically searched every face that was back stage looking for her. 

“Maybe she got stuck in traffic,” says Liam putting pressure on Niall’s shoulders in an attempt to stop him from bouncing on the balls of his feet.  Niall paused his bouncing for as long as Liam’s hand was there.  He’d been bouncing up and down for five minutes.

“You never know Niall,” says Louis, “She could have been on her way here when she realized she forgot her ticket and after going back home she got a flat tire.  So, she had to wait for a tow truck and when it got there, there was a good lookin’ bloke getting out of the truck and she changed her mind about you.”  Everyone sends him a not helping glare as Niall started to bounce even more and nervously munches on a bag of chips.  The last five minutes tick by and she still hadn’t shown up.  The boys knew they had to start the show.

“She’s going to come,” says Zayn quietly to Niall right before they go on stage.  Niall didn’t say anything, just glanced one more time behind him looking for her before heading out on stage to give the best performance of his life so no one would see his heart being ripped out of his chest.


Belle was in a complete panic.  She was sitting parked on the freeway in bumper to bumper traffic staring at the exit just out of her reach that would take her to the arena where the boys were performing.  She’d been sitting in that exact same spot for the pasts ten minutes.  She couldn’t even text Niall because she had left her phone at Jess’ house.  Belle looks at the clock on her dash and curses.  She is five minutes late.  Belle hates being late for anything even if she doesn’t want to be there, but when she late when going to tell a guy she loves him, well to put it simply, she feels horrible. 

Just as Belle thought the universe didn’t want her and Niall to be together the car in front of her started inching forward.  Inch by inch Belle finally got off the freeway half an hour later.    

I've finished my finals!!! whoop!  Weather or not I passed all of them is a different story.  But summer is here and I have plenty of time to write and update!  Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!  Let me know what you think! 

Vote, comment, fan!  Love you bunches!!!!!!

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