Chapter 8

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Niall thought of Belle with every word he sang and his heart broke with every word.  He tried to stay up beat but every time he glanced at the wings Paul was there shaking his head no.  The show was half was over, he had his answer.  He stopped looking for her and concentrated on getting through the show.  They were singing “Moments” when Zayn nudged him and pointedly looked to the wings.  Niall felt hope flare up inside of him at Zayn’s smile.  He looked to his right and saw Paul leading a panting Belle through the chaos back stage.  Her hair, that she had spent an hour getting just right, was messed up from her sprint from the very last parking spot in the parking lot to the arena.  Bell looked up and saw Niall looking up.  A smile spread across her face and she mouthed, “I’m sorry that I’m late!”  Niall didn’t care that she was late, all he cared about was the fact that she came.  The world stopped for those two in that moment.  Unfortunately, Louis broke that moment by smacking Niall on the back of the head.  Louis was smart enough to run away as soon as he hit Niall.  Niall seriously considered going after and killing Louis but he was in too good a mood now to kill anyone.  All the fans in the arena noticed a change in Niall during the last half of the show but no one could figure out what caused it.  The show ended and the boys sprinted off stage, the others torturing Niall by cutting him off and blocking his way to Belle.  Harry was last before Niall to get to her.  The others had given her hugs and high fives. 

“Do you have Deven’s number?” Harry asks worried after giving her a hug.  Belle had forgotten to text it to Niall last night like she had promised making Harry think Deven didn’t want him to have it.  Belle rolls her eyes then holds out a slip of paper held between two fingers.  Harry reaches for it eagerly for it but Belle pulls it away before he could grab it. 

“You break her heart, I break your face!” she says seriously, “Understood?”  Harry gulped and nodded his head yes. 

“She’s waiting to hear from you,” Belle says handing him the slip of paper.  Harry grinned and took it, “Tell her I may have left my phone at Jess’ house but that does not mean she can mess with it!”  Harry nods and grins.

“Telling Deven that you left your phone and she can mess with it,” he grins cheekily and takes off running while Belle glares at him.  Niall quickly closed the last few feet between Belle and him.  He swept her into his arms and spun her around; she giggled and let out a slight ekk of surprise.  Niall laughed with her, he’d never been so happy in his life.

“I was beginning to think you weren’t coming,” he says after setting her down.

“That makes two of us, traffic was horrible.”

“But you came.”

“Well, Deven and Jess made me list the pros and cons of coming and the pros won out.”

“What were the pros and cons?” She handed him a folded piece of paper.  He unfolds it and reads cons: (big scribbled out block) under that I’m scared; Pros: I love him.  Niall had never grinned so big in his life.  He felt as if he was flying. 

“I feel the exact same way!” he says picking her up again and spinning her around.

“Sorry little love birds,” interrupts Louis, “but we’ve got adoring fans to please.”

“I’ll be right back,” says Niall kissing Belle’s cheek before walking away.        

“OMG!  You’re Belle Stocks!” shrieked one of the girls back stage.  Belle turned and saw the girl fanning herself almost hypervenelating.  Belle looked at her trying to place her face. 

“We’ve never met but I’m like your biggest fan!” says the girl coming up to Belle.  Dread filled Belle.  For the past three years she had managed to not be recognized but this girl had broken that streak.

I'll See You Soon: Part One (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now