Chapter 5

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“It looks like Mocking Jay hour is over,” Niall says looking at the trees which have returned to their normal colors at dusk. 

“I guess so,” Belle says glancing at the trees.

“So you’re a fan of the Hunger Games?”  

“Yeah, I wish I was Katniss, without all the guy drama.” 

“Sometimes I wish I was Peta,” he confesses.  They grin at each other.  Niall feels his phone vibrate in his pocket, pulling it out he sees a message from Paul asking for an update.  He replies saying that they are just hanging out.  Belle had gotten a message from her brother at the same time saying he had just gotten into town.  Confused Belle calls her brother back.

“What do you mean you’re in town?” Belle asks the second he picks up.  Niall hears a muffled reply and Belle rolls her eyes.

“Hi, what are you doing in town?” she waits for his reply then smacks herself in the forehead, “I totally forgot that was tomorrow.  You’re bringing Anna right?... Yes of course I like your girlfriend better than you!  I might think she’s crazy for to like you, but she’s the big sis I never had… Yeah don’t screw things up with her.  I’ll see you soon.”  She hangs up and looks towards Niall.

“I forgot my brother was coming into town tonight,” she grins sheepishly.

“What’s your brother’s name?” Niall asks standing and helping her up, they start walking slowly back to her truck.

“Ben, he’s three years older than me.  We’re having a barbeque tomorrow to celebrate his new job.”

“Tell him I say congratulations!”

“You can tell him yourself if you’d like.  The BBQ is on open invitation event.  It’s just going to be Jess, Deven, my Dad, Ben, his girlfriend Anna and me.  We’ll have plenty of food if you and some friends would like to come.”  She bit her bottom lip shocked at her own boldness; Niall seemed to bring out the bold Belle. 

“We’d love to,” Niall says already knowing the lad’s response and knowing they don’t have anything to do the next day. 

“Just so you know I’m not asking as fan for you to come hang out with me,” she says shyly not wanting him to get the wrong impression.

“I know,” he says smiling at her. 

“Where to now?” she asks as they get in the truck.

“Want to get some food?”  She laughs and starts the truck.  Belle takes him to a hole in the wall Chinese restaurant where the staff knows her by name.  They sit down and eat enjoying each other’s company talking about nothing and everything.  Niall is impressed at the amount of food Belle can eat, it’s almost as much as him.  When they finished Niall called Paul to pick him up so that Belle wouldn’t have to take him to his hotel.

“I don’t mind taking you,” she says as they wait.

“I don’t want the press or the fans to bother you, and they will if they see you drive me to the hotel.”

“Oh,” she says shyly.  Their bill comes and both reach for it.

“I got it,” they both say, each trying to pull the check away from the other’s grasp.

“Allow me,” says Niall, “as a thank you for giving me a ride after being stranded and letting me come along.” 

“I don’t need a thanks, I should be thanking you for today.  Besides you are a guest in this city.  My treat,” she says pulling.

“Nope, I’m too much of a gentleman to allow you to pay.”

“Well, I’m too independent to let you pay.” They stare each other down, both have a slight smile on their face. 

“Oh for heaven sakes girl!” exclaims the hostess who had been watching and listening to their argument, “let him pay!  It’s not every day you get a good looking Irish boy wanting to buy you dinner!  Especially with the way you eat!”  Belle lets go of the check embarrassed.

“Thanks,” Niall says smiling at the hostess before winking at Belle.  He pulls out his wallet and pays for their dinner just as Paul texts Niall to tell him that he’s waiting for him outside. 

“Time to say good bye?” Belle asks disappointed.

“No,” he says grinning at the confused look she gives him, “Time to say good night.”

“Okay,” she says slowly still not understanding. 

“I still don’t want to say good bye,” he says.  She thinks for a moment then grins remembering his words from earlier.

“Me either,” she says smiling.  He takes her hand and they walk out together.  Niall didn’t notice Belle placing money for her dinner into his pocket.

“Goodnight,” he says and kisses her cheek.

“Goodnight,” she says stunned.  Niall grins and runs to Paul’s waiting car.  Niall waves as they drive away.  It takes Belle a minute to figure out why her cheeks are hurting, then she realizes that she has a huge grin on her face. 

When Niall and Paul got back to the hotel the lads were waiting to pounce.

“Where have you been?  What have you been doing?  Did you two have some afternoon delight?” they all ask, the last one from Louis.

“Really Louis?” Niall asks; Louis just sits waiting for an answer.

“We just hung out and no we didn’t have sex,” was all he would say.

“Oh come on!” says Harry begging for more.

“You guys can meet Belle along with her friends and family tomorrow.  We’re going over to her house for a BBQ and to go swimming.”

“We are?” they ask eagerly.

“Yup she invited us.”

“Go Niall!” says Liam excited.  He just grins at Liam.  They all hang out the rest of night but Niall is back in the wooded area and a little hole in the wall Chinese restaurant.  He falls asleep with a smile on his face and dreams about Belle. 

Belle’s family had noticed a change in her when got home that night.  The biggest difference was that she came in humming and if they didn’t know any better they would have said she was dancing again.    

Ello everybody!  I almost didn't get a chance to update this weekend!  I was out of town for my cousins wedding and just got home a couple of hours ago.  This is kind of a filler chapter and really short, so I'm sorry!  I hope you like it though!  It gets better in the next chapter.  I realize that the chapters are kind of awkwardly begun and ended and that is because I didn't write this story in chapter form.  I just kind of wrote it as one thing with little to no breaks and went back in later and broke it up into, yeah.  Any who, I hope you all have a nice week!  

Don't forget to vote, comment, and fan!  Love you bunches! 

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