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Author POV

Before Earth had even taken form,
Lilith had been one of Heaven's
greatest creations. She was
powerful, beautiful, and filled with
an ambition that rivaled none. Her
power Surpassed most-able to
destroy worlds, unravel stars, and
wipe out galaxies with the mere
flick of her finger. The Seraphim,
those most trusted by God, held
their place above her, but Lilith
desired more.

She craved to be ranked as the First
Seraphim, to stand closest to the
Throne, to wield power over the very
fabric of existence. But her
ambition was a dangerous flame,
one that burned too brightly, too

It was Lucifer, with his pride and
rebellion, who ultimately led her to
fall. He was brilliant once, beautiful
even, his light unmatched. But his
pride made him petty, too focused
on gaining God's attention by trivial
means, like tempting Adam and Eve
with the forbidden fruit. Lilith saw
his games for what they were-
distractions from their true

While Lucifer toyed with mankind,
Lilith envisioned something greater:
control over Earth, bending the
mortals to her will, turning them
into an army to challenge Heaven.
Yet Lucifer, with his petty schemes,
was too blind to see her vision. It
infuriated her.

As Lucifer set his sights on Eden,
Lilith watched from afar, disgusted
by his obsession with humans, so
fragile and foolish. She wanted no
part in his little game. No, her
aspirations were far greater.

"Lucifer," she had hissed, her eyes
glowing with contempt, "if you
spent half as much time plotting to
Overthrow Heaven as you do
playing with those apes, we
could've conquered everything by

But he ignored her, his focus on the
fruit and the fall of mankind.

That was the last straw.

Lilith, fed up with Lucifer's
distractions, descended to Earth
alone, causing chaos wherever she

Entire cities fell to ruin at her
whim, armies were turned to ash
with a glance, and plague followed
her steps. Genocide, famine, war-
she reveled in it all, showing the
mortals what true power looked

It was enough to draw Heaven's

God had seen enough. Archangel
Michael, Heaven's warrior, was sent
to put an end to her destruction.

He descended from the heavens in a
blaze of holy light, his wings
shimmering with divine radiance,
his sword, blazing with celestial
fire, clutched tightly in his hand.

Lilith stood at the heart of a
battlefield, bodies strewn at her
feet, her smile one of dark delight.
She heard the sound of Michael's
wings before she saw him. The air
vibrated with his presence.

"You've caused enough chaos,
Lilith," Michael's voice echoed
through the battlefield, calm but full
of authority.

"You defied Heaven. You turned your back on the Creator. This ends now."

Lilith chuckled, her eyes glowing
red. "Spare me the righteous
lecture, Michael. If you were smart,
you'd see that I'm just getting

Michael's sword ignited with holy
fire, and without another word, he
lunged at her. The ground shook
beneath their feet as their powers
clashed. Lilith raised her hand,
summoning dark energy, meeting
Michael's blade with raw,
destructive force.

The battlefield became a storm of
light and shadow. Michael's sword
cleaved through the air, cutting
through Lilith's darkness with
precision, but she was quick-too
quick for him to land a fatal blow.
Her power was relentless, each flick
of her wrist sending waves of dark
energy crashing against his

"You should've stayed in Heaven,"
she taunted, her voice mocking, as
her tendrils of darkness slashed
toward him.

Michael grunted, blocking her
attacks with his wings, their golden
feathers singed by her darkness.

"You could've been great," he
growled, slashing back, "but now,
you're nothing more than a plague".

Lilith smirked "Plagues have a way of spreading."

The battle raged for what felt like
hours, neither gaining the upper
hand. But Michael, ever the
tactician, waited for his moment.
And in a heartbeat, he saw it-a
flicker of hesitation in her
movements, the smallest gap in her

With a mighty swing, his sword
cleaved through her shield of
darkness, striking her across the
chest. Lilith screamed, her body
shuddering from the impact, but
still, she did not fall.

"You think that's enough to stop
me?" she hissed, blood dripping
from her mouth.

Michael did not reply. He raised his
sword, and the ground beneath
them cracked open, revealing the
dark, swirling waters of the
Euphrates River.

Chains of light shot from the earth, wrapping around Lilith's limbs, pulling her toward the gaping maw.

"No!" she screamed, thrashing
wildly as the chains tightened,
dragging her into the abyss.

"You can't do this to me!"

But Michael was resolute, his
expression impassive as he
watched her struggle.

"Your ambition was always your downfall, Lilith ," he said quietly. "But you will not be alone. Your companions will join you in the abyss."

From the depths of the earth, three
other figures appeared, bound in
chains-her most loyal underlings.
Together, they were dragged into
the Euphrates, their screams
swallowed by the roaring waters.


Millennia in Darkness

How long had she been trapped?
Days? Centuries? Time meant
nothing in the depths of the river.
Her body was bound, her power
shackled, and the only sound was
the faint echo of rushing water.
Yet Lilith never lost hope.

She waited , patiently, knowing that one day, her time would come. She
could feel the Earth change around
her, the rise and fall of empires, the
ebb and flow of humanity's history.

They still didn't know her name.

They still didn't fear her.

But they would.


One day, the cracks in her prison
formed. The chains loosened. She
could hear the faint call of birds,
smell the fresh air.


A slow, dangerous smile spread
across her face, her eyes gleaming
in the darkness.


....... End of Chapter

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read my book. I hope you find it fun. Some of the references that I used here actually exist.

This is going to be a short story, ten chapters at most. My brain cells aren't that creative lol. Please vote and comment 💋💗

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