6. Seven Deadly Sins

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Author POV

Lucifer stood at the head of a long, ornate table, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. The room was dimly lit, the flickering flames of candles casting shadows that danced along the walls. Around the table sat the embodiments of sin themselves: Lucifer’s most trusted and dangerous allies, each a force of chaos in their own right.

Asmodeus, the Naphil of Lust, lounged casually in his chair, his gaze half-lidded and his lips curled into a lazy smirk. "Why are we here, Lucifer? You know I had fourteen pretty men and women I was about to copulate with. This better be good," he drawled, his voice dripping with sensual amusement.

Belphegor, the Demon of Sloth, sat slumped in his chair beside him, his eyes half-closed as if he were on the verge of falling asleep. His very presence exuded lethargy, and the dim light seemed to cling to him like a veil.

Across the table, Beelzebub, the Fallen Angel of Gluttony, was hunched over a massive table full of food, devouring everything in sight. He ate with such intensity that it seemed he hadn’t tasted a meal in days. His mouth stuffed with food, he glanced up at Lucifer, uninterested in anything other than the feast before him.

Satan, the Devil of Wrath, sat there with a deep scowl, his eyes burning with fury as if Lucifer personally owed him something. His fists clenched, muscles taut, he exuded an aura of violence barely restrained.

Mammon, the Demon of Greed, was obsessively counting a huge stack of money, his lips moving in a whisper as he muttered, “Still not enough... I need more. Always more.” His eyes flicked toward Leviathan, the Dragon of Envy, who sat beside him, glaring enviously at the wealth in Mammon’s hands.

Leviathan’s serpentine eyes glowed faintly in the shadows, his envy simmering just beneath the surface as he watched Mammon's obsession. His scaled hand twitched toward the pile of gold, wanting it for himself, yet too cunning to make a move.

Lucifer let out a soft sigh, his usual charm giving way to irritation. “Please, focus, everyone. I called you here for a reason, and I don’t have the time or patience to deal with your petty squabbles. Otherwise, I won’t hesitate to destroy you,” he said, his voice firm and dangerous.

At that moment, the grand doors at the far end of the room swung open with a soft creak, and all eyes turned toward the entrance. Lilith entered the room with grace, her every movement a statement of power and elegance. She wore a sleek black Versace gown, with Chanel jewelry glittering around her neck and wrists. Her presence radiated authority, a force not to be reckoned with.

Beelzebub choked on a mouthful of food, spitting it out in shock, while Sloth opened his eyes—surprised for the first time in centuries—only to lazily close them again as if too exhausted to care. Greed momentarily looked away from his money, his gaze shifting to Lilith, his interest piqued. Even Wrath's scowl deepened, a flicker of confusion passing through his eyes.

Asmodeus tilted his head, his lips curling into a sly smile. "How come you’re out, Lilith? I thought that prison would hold you for another thousand years," Greed said, glancing back at his pile of money, though his attention was clearly fixed on her.

Lilith smiled coldly. “Oh well, it was just pure luck,” she replied smoothly, as she gracefully took a seat at the head of the table, opposite Lucifer.

"Luck, or perhaps a long overdue retribution," she added, her voice dripping with venom as she let her gaze linger on each of the Sins. “But enough about me. Let’s talk about why we’re here.”

Lucifer leaned back, crossing his arms, letting Lilith take control of the conversation. He watched her with an amused glint in his eye, as though enjoying the spectacle she was about to unleash.

“I have a plan,” Lilith began, her eyes glowing with an almost predatory gleam. “A plan that requires each and every one of you. Humanity thinks they’ve evolved, that they’ve outgrown their vices, their weaknesses. But we all know that’s a lie. They’re still as fragile and flawed as they’ve ever been. I want you to help me remind them of who they really are.”

The Sins leaned in slightly, their interest piqued. Asmodeus grinned wickedly, his eyes lighting up with intrigue. Wrath's fists unclenched, though his gaze remained fiery.

“How?” Leviathan hissed, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. “What exactly are you asking of us?”

Lilith smirked. “It’s simple. I want you to target them. Make them sin more than they’ve ever sinned before. Push them to their limits. Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth—*each* of you has a part to play. Even the smallest seed of sin in a human heart can grow into something monstrous. And once you plant those seeds, I want you to nurture them, corrupt them. Make them so unworthy of Heaven that not even the holiest of angels could save them.”

Mammon, still clutching his gold, grinned. “So you want us to ruin God’s precious creatures, hmm? Sounds like a fun game.”

Lilith’s eyes glittered with malevolent delight. “Exactly. You’ll be doing what you do best. I want the humans consumed by their sins. Let their greed consume them, let their lust drive them to madness, let their envy tear them apart. Every vice they have, I want it amplified.”

Asmodeus leaned forward, his grin widening. “This sounds delightful. Humans are already weak. It won’t take much to push them over the edge.”

“And that’s exactly why I need you,” Lilith said, her voice sharp and commanding. “We’ll turn God’s greatest creation into His greatest failure. They think they’re worthy of Heaven? We’ll show them just how wrong they are.”

The Sins exchanged glances, their wicked smiles growing. Beelzebub took another bite of food, satisfied with the plan. Sloth, though still half-asleep, nodded lazily in agreement.

Lucifer’s smile grew as he watched the enthusiasm spreading through the room. “So, are you all in?” he asked, though he already knew the answer.

Wrath slammed his fist onto the table, cracking it. “I’ve waited for this. Humans deserve to suffer for their arrogance. I’m in.”

“As am I,” Lust purred. “I can already see the chaos we’ll cause.”

Greed clutched his pile of money, a gleam of excitement in his eyes. “Oh, I’ll make sure they never have enough.”

The others nodded in agreement, their dark energies swirling in the room, as Lilith stood tall, satisfied with the outcome.

“Good,” Lilith said, her voice filled with dark triumph. “Then let’s make humanity unworthy of Heaven. One sin at a time.”

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