4. The Devils Church

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Author POV

Lilith stood outside the grand cathedral dedicated to her ex-husband, her eyes narrowing as she took in the grotesque sight. Spires carved with twisted demons and fiery angels loomed above, the symbol of Lucifer emblazoned on every wall. She sneered, her sharp eyes catching the worshippers inside, kneeling in reverence before an altar adorned with the image of the fallen angel.

"Seriously," Lilith muttered under her breath, her voice thick with disdain. "Humans are stupid. A whole church for *him*? For a coward who couldn’t even handle a little rebellion."

Her fingers flexed, magic crackling through her skin as she stared at the building with barely contained fury. "What if he suddenly apologized to his Father? Got accepted back into Heaven?" She scoffed.

"They’d be left praying to a glorified turncoat."

With a flick of her wrist, the heavy cathedral doors flew open, the wind howling in as Lilith strode inside, her heels clicking sharply against the stone floor. Gasps erupted from the congregation as her dark energy filled the space, making the air heavy with dread.

"Time to clean house."

Lilith’s eyes burned as she raised her hand, the air around her crackling with raw power. One by one, the church's leaders fell, their bodies disintegrating into ash as she incinerated them without so much as a second glance. The room darkened, the candles flickering out as black mist began to rise, swirling ominously around the altar.

It was time.

Lilith stood at the center of the room, arms raised as she began the summoning ritual. The dark mist grew thicker, swirling faster and faster until it consumed the entire church in shadow. And then, as suddenly as it had appeared, the mist stopped. In the silence, a figure emerged.

Contrary to the horned, demonic visage that humans had always painted him with, Lucifer was stunning. His golden-yellow hair shimmered in the dim light, his golden eyes gleaming like molten gold. His body, sculpted and perfect, exuded an otherworldly grace, a reminder that he had once been an angel of the highest order.

"Hello, Lucifer," Lilith said casually, as if greeting an old friend, though her voice held an edge of sarcasm.

Lucifer smiled, ever playful, his golden eyes dancing with amusement. "Lilith," he replied, his voice as smooth as silk, sending shivers down the spines of anyone nearby. "It's been too long."


They left the desecrated church, walking through the darkened streets until they reached Lilith's current dwelling. A modern loft, all glass walls and sleek furniture, overlooking the city below. Inside, Lilith poured herself a glass of whiskey, her temper barely held in check.

"So," she began, leaning against the counter as she glared at him. "You’re taking credit for all the shit I did, huh?"

Lucifer, looking every bit the fallen angel in a sleek black Prada suit, gave her an innocent shrug. "I never took credit. They just interpret it that way."

Lilith’s eyes narrowed, her anger simmering beneath the surface. She threw back her drink in one swift motion, her hand tightening around the glass. "Always so innocent, Luci. Meanwhile, I’m not even mentioned in their damn Bible. That honestly pisses me off."

Lucifer smiled, his golden eyes gleaming with amusement. "But you are in the Christian Bible, Lilith. Isaiah 34, verse 14." He cracked up, laughter echoing in the room.

Lilith’s eyes darkened, her grip on the glass tightening as she seethed. "Very funny, Luci. They mention me as an angel, a ‘dweller in waste places.’ That has Michael’s name written all over it. He probably did it to spite me."

Lucifer’s grin widened, enjoying how worked up she was getting. "Well, you didn’t expect him to sing your praises, did you? If it makes you feel any better, the Jewish people think you're my concubine. Though mostly, they think you’re just a folklore character." His tone was teasing, but there was a glint in his eyes that showed he was intentionally provoking her.

Lilith’s temper snapped. With a growl of fury, she launched herself at Lucifer, her body moving with inhuman speed as she slammed him into the wall. The impact sent cracks rippling through the stone, but Lucifer merely grinned, his golden eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Oh, come on now, Lilith," he taunted, his voice a low purr. "You didn’t think I’d be so easy to break, did you?"

With a sharp twist, he flipped her over, slamming her into the ground. Lilith snarled, kicking out with a vicious roundhouse that caught him in the chest, sending him flying across the room. But Lucifer was fast—too fast. He recovered mid-air, landing gracefully on his feet.

“Still the same old temper,” Lucifer remarked with a smirk, his eyes glinting with amusement. "But I expected more, darling."

Lilith's lips curled into a feral grin as she wiped a trickle of blood from her lip. “You want more?” She lunged at him again, their bodies crashing together with the force of titans. Punches and kicks were exchanged in a flurry of motion, their supernatural strength shaking the very foundations of the building.

Lucifer caught her fist mid-punch, spinning her around and slamming her into a nearby pillar. The stone cracked under the force, but Lilith barely flinched. She retaliated with a burst of dark energy, sending Lucifer flying back into a glass wall. Shards exploded around him as he landed, grinning like the devil he was.

“You always did fight dirty,” Lucifer remarked, his voice teasing.

“I learned from the best,” Lilith snarled, launching herself at him again, her fists glowing with raw, fiery energy. She slammed her fists into his chest, sending him skidding across the floor, but Lucifer laughed through the impact, enjoying the chaos.

“You’re still just as relentless as I remember,” he mused, his tone almost admiring.

Lilith wiped blood from her cheek, her eyes burning with rage. "And you’re still as insufferable as ever. But this time, Luci, I’m not playing nice."

With a flick of her wrist, dark tendrils of energy shot out from her fingers, wrapping around Lucifer’s limbs, pinning him to the ground. Lucifer, still grinning, looked up at her, his golden eyes gleaming with amusement.

"You know, Lilith, I missed this," he said, his voice smooth despite his predicament. "The fighting, the chaos. You always did know how to make things… interesting."

Lilith’s eyes blazed as she leaned down, her face inches from his. “This isn’t about you, Luci. This is about me. I’m taking back what’s mine, starting with my reputation.”

Lucifer’s smile faltered slightly, though amusement still danced in his eyes. "Ah, yes. The old Lilith I remember."

Lilith’s lips curled into a wicked grin as she tightened her grip on the dark energy, the tendrils pulling tighter around Lucifer’s body. “Don’t worry, Luci,” she purred. “I’m just getting started.”

____End of chapter

The fact that I had to Google mentions of Lilith in different religions, so that I can write this 🛐✝️☪️☸️✡️🕉️🕎🔯

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