2. Chaos

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Author POV

Lilith reclined lazily on a plush leather sofa, her feet kicked up on a glass coffee table. Her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders as she watched the flickering images on the TV screen—a chaotic blend of viral videos, reality TV, and news snippets. A TikTok challenge popped up next, something ridiculous about dancing while balancing a bottle of water on your head. She snickered.

"Humans are so… creatively idiotic," she murmured to herself, amused by how far they’d come in terms of technology but still so small-minded. The thought of them dancing around like fools while she, Lilith, once the most powerful being next to Lucifer, was stuck in the shadows… it was almost too much to bear.

Rakshasa, in his human form, stormed into the room, his eyes glowing a faint red with irritation. Without a word, he marched over to the TV and switched it off, the screen going black.

Lilith blinked, turning slowly to face him. "Excuse me?"
(a/n: don't disturb my TV time lol)

"My Lord," Rakshasa said, his voice edged with frustration, "you've been free for months, and all you've done is watch humans prance around like buffoons. Have you forgotten our plan? The world is waiting for chaos, for the doom you were destined to bring! Or… have you become soft?"

A dangerous silence settled over the room. Lilith’s eyes darkened, the room seeming to grow colder as her temper flared. She rose from her seat with deliberate grace, each step slow and calculated as she moved towards Rakshasa, her presence commanding.

"Soft?" Her voice was low, dripping with venom. "I was imprisoned for thousands of years, Rak. Thousands. I was the one who was shackled beneath the Euphrates, forgotten, while Lucifer played his little games with humanity. I was the one erased from history, not even a footnote in the Bible they worship. So don’t you dare think for a second that I don’t want my revenge."

Rakshasa lowered his head, but Lilith wasn’t done.

She circled him like a predator stalking its prey. "Do you think I’ve spent these months lounging around for nothing? No. I’ve been watching. Learning. These mortals… they’re not the same as they were. They’ve built machines, weapons, entire empires of technology. If we are to truly bring about chaos, we must understand them. Use their weaknesses against them."

Her eyes gleamed with dark amusement as she leaned in close, her voice now a playful whisper. "Besides, we need money, Rak. I want to pay a visit to our dear friend Pope Francis in Italy, and unfortunately, even I can’t storm the Vatican without a proper invitation."

She straightened, flicking her hair over her shoulder with a smirk. "The Vatican Library is the only place I can find what’s rightfully mine. My biography. The records of what I did. I was scrubbed from history, but I’ll remind them. I’ll remind all of them."

Rakshasa’s face twisted into a wicked grin. "I see. And how do you plan to fund our little pilgrimage?"

Lilith’s smile widened. "That’s where you come in, darling. You’re going to do a little business on the side. Gather the resources we need. In the meantime… I’ll stir up some trouble. Just a taste of what’s to come."

Rakshasa bowed deeply, his irritation replaced by eager obedience. "As you command, my Lord."

He left swiftly, his form shifting as he stepped out of the door, ready to do whatever was necessary to amass wealth for their plans.

Lilith, now alone, let out a soft, pleased hum. She extended her arms, closing her eyes as she reached out with her power. It had been too long since she’d felt the pulse of the world beneath her fingertips. She sensed them—the imprisoned followers, her loyal demons who had been sealed away just as she had.

With a flick of her fingers, she whispered an ancient incantation, her voice vibrating through the ether.


The ground trembled. Far across the world, in the ancient lands of Israel and Egypt, the earth split open. From the depths of the soil, skeletal hands clawed their way to the surface, breaking free from the prisons that had held them for centuries. The once-buried demons rose, their eyes glowing with malice as they felt the familiar pull of their mistress.

Across the news channels, panic erupted. Footage began to circulate of strange creatures—beings with red eyes, monstrous forms, and an eerie, supernatural power. Some resembled beasts, others humanoid, but all were undeniably terrifying. The humans didn’t know what to make of it.

In Israel, military forces clashed with the supernatural entities, explosions lighting up the sky as entire cities were thrown into chaos. In Egypt, ancient tombs crumbled as dark forces tore through them, causing mass destruction. The world watched in horror as these once-mythical creatures rose from the shadows, bringing with them death and devastation.

*Are they superheroes?* 
*Are they demons?* 
*Are we at war with the gods?*

Debates exploded across news stations, social media, and governments alike. Conspiracy theories spiraled out of control.

Back at Channel 7 News, John and Melanie were once again at the forefront of the chaos.

“Good evening, viewers. It seems the phenomenon we reported weeks ago has only gotten worse,” John said, his voice more shaken than usual. Behind him, a live feed of monsters tearing through the streets of Cairo played, the distant sound of gunfire filling the studio.

“Reports of supernatural beings have increased, and nations across the world are scrambling to respond. Is this the apocalypse? Is this an invasion?”

Melanie, sitting beside him, had a grim expression. “It’s undeniable now, John. There’s something beyond our understanding at play. Christians and believers from all religions are pointing to prophecies, the Book of Revelations—”

John, now sweating slightly, interrupted, “Let’s cut the religious angle for a second, Melanie. I think it’s more likely that the government has been hiding these things from us all along. They probably left the doors of Area 51 wide open, and now these monsters are loose!”

Melanie shot him a look, half incredulous, half amused. "Really, John? You think this is all some sort of government experiment gone wrong?"

John gestured wildly at the screen. "You got a better explanation? Monsters roaming the earth? Screams from the Euphrates? The government’s involved, I’m telling you."

As they bickered, Lilith watched from her stolen apartment, a wicked grin stretching across her face. She leaned back, thoroughly enjoying the panic she’d caused.

"Ah, humans," she said with a mocking sigh. "So quick to jump to conclusions. If only they knew."

Her eyes gleamed as she glanced at the chaos on the screen. "This is only the beginning."

But soon, the Vatican awaited. And once she was done there, they wouldn’t just remember Lucifer.

They’d remember her.

____End of Chapter

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