5. Goals

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Author POV

The aftermath of their battle left Lilith's loft in shambles. Broken glass littered the floor, the walls were cracked, and overturned furniture lay scattered everywhere. The two of them, tired from their fight, now sat amid the wreckage, passing a bottle of Louis XIII back and forth like old war veterans reminiscing about the good days. Lucifer leaned against a half-crumpled wall, his golden hair a mess, and his sleek black Prada suit torn at the sleeve. Lilith sat beside him, her breath still ragged from the brawl, her dark gown slightly singed.

“Well,” Lilith said, taking a deep swig from the bottle before handing it back to Lucifer. “At least your cowardly behind still knows how to fight.”

Lucifer chuckled, inspecting a tear in his sleeve with mild annoyance. “I was the big man’s greatest fighter before the fall, Lilith. Pride and all that.”

Lilith snorted, leaning her head back against the wall as she stared at the broken ceiling. "Yeah, we were all great. But that was the problem, wasn’t it? He didn’t want us to realize our potential. Just wanted us to obey and be his underlings, bowing and scraping like we were nothing more than servants.”

She passed the bottle back to Lucifer, her eyes gleaming with old rage. “That part sucked. But hey, because of your pride, Gabriel finally got to be number one. Must’ve made his wings puff out a little more, don’t you think?”

Lucifer grimaced as he took another sip, savoring the fine cognac. "Gabriel was always the fun one,” he said dryly. “Good old stuck-up, self-righteous daddy’s pet.”

Lilith rolled her eyes as she leaned onto Lucifer’s shoulder, the familiarity of it almost startling them both. In another life, they had once been equals—partners in more ways than one. And despite everything, there was a strange comfort in their reunion, though neither would admit it aloud.

For a few moments, they sat in silence, the chaos around them an unspoken reminder of the destruction they could still wreak. Lucifer remained quiet, his golden eyes distant, lost in thought. That’s when Lilith decided to break the silence.

“I’ve got a plan,” she said, her voice low, as if the words themselves held power. “Revenge, Luci. You know I’m not letting this go. Humanity thinks I’m just a footnote in their myths, and Heaven doesn’t even acknowledge me. I’m going to make them remember who I am. And when I’m done, they’ll beg for mercy.”

Lucifer raised an eyebrow, his usual smirk playing on his lips. “I’m sure you’ll do great,” he replied with a lazy grin. “I’ll even have a ‘You’re the Best Ex-Wife’ award waiting for you at the finish line.”

Lilith scowled and shoved him, though it was more playful than aggressive. “Cut the crap, Luci. This isn’t about your empty flattery. I need your help.”

Lucifer sighed and took another swig from the bottle, his golden eyes gleaming mischievously as he handed it back to her. “I knew this was coming. You never do anything without a reason, Lilith. So what exactly do you want from me? Another fight? Or is there something bigger at play here?”

Lilith’s eyes narrowed, a wicked smile curving her lips. "Bigger. Much bigger. I want to hit them where it hurts the most. The heart of the divine plan."

"Ah, so we’re going for a grand finale then?" Lucifer’s tone was amused, but there was a glint of seriousness in his gaze now. "Care to share the specifics? Or is this where you tell me it’s on a ‘need-to-know’ basis?"

"I’m going after their foundation. The Vatican is just the beginning. The war I started in Israel and Egypt, that’s just to stir the pot. My real target is Heaven itself. The very seat of their power." Lilith’s voice grew colder, more dangerous, as she continued. "I’m going to bring down the system. The angels, the faith, the belief that holds it all together. And when it’s crumbling, I’ll be the one standing over the ruins, not you. Not any of your pathetic little angels. Me."

Lucifer’s smile widened, his interest now fully piqued. "And here I thought you were just back for some petty revenge. This is... deliciously ambitious. Risky, but then again, when have you ever played it safe?" He tilted his head, his golden eyes studying her. "But why Heaven? You don’t exactly have the best track record with them. I don’t imagine they’ll be thrilled to see you."

Lilith’s eyes flashed with dark determination. "They won’t have a choice. I’ve already started gathering the pieces, pulling back old alliances, digging up old grudges. This world has become complacent, Luci. It’s time to remind them what real fear is. And who better than me to do it?"

Lucifer leaned back, a slow smile spreading across his face. "Well, you’ve certainly thought this through. I have to admit, it’s tempting. Watching you tear everything apart... it’s like old times."

Lilith grinned, her eyes glowing with unholy fire. "Old times? Luci, this time it’s going to be better. Bigger. The world has no idea what’s coming. And when it’s all said and done, I’ll be the one they fear. I’ll be the one they remember. Not you."

Lucifer laughed softly, his golden eyes gleaming with amusement and pride. "Then I’ll be watching, Lilith. I wouldn’t miss it for the world." He raised the bottle of Louis XIII, tipping it in her direction. "To your glorious revenge."

Lilith clinked her glass against his, her grin widening. "To the end of everything they hold dear."

____End of Chapter

I was going to go for Hennessey but then I watched 2 Chains Most Expensivest show, and then boom it was a bottle of Louis. I want to give them an expensive taste lol. Also there's a donut that costs a hundred bucks+ damn that's crazy.

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