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Author POV

The chaos spread like wildfire across the globe. In every city, town, and village, humanity fell prey to its darkest impulses. Politicians, once masters of deceit, became brazen in their greed, rigging taxes and inflating prices with no fear of repercussions.

The poor starved while the rich bathed in their wealth. Corruption had always existed, but now it thrived openly, unchallenged, feeding Mammon’s insatiable hunger for more.

Lust, too, claimed its victims. People no longer hid their desires. Public displays of depravity became the new norm. Affairs, once whispered about, now paraded in broad daylight, tearing apart families and leaving children to fend for themselves.

Asmodeus reveled in it, his influence palpable in the growing scandals that shook society.

Gluttony had its grip on the world as well. People ate beyond their capacity, stuffing themselves until their bodies gave out. Food shortages were rampant, yet the gluttonous consumed what little was left, their swollen bodies lying lifeless on the streets, victims of their own overindulgence.

And then there was Wrath. Domestic violence escalated into unspeakable acts of brutality. Genocide tore through nations. Wars erupted with such ferocity that the earth itself trembled beneath the weight of death and destruction.

Bombs fell on schools, reducing them to rubble, and serial killers roamed freely, their numbers skyrocketing as the police now instruments of violence themselves brutalized the weak with impunity.

All of this was orchestrated by the Seven Deadly Sins, their influence seeping into every corner of the world. They stood back, laughing in delight, feeding on the misery they had unleashed.

And from her hilltop mansion, Lilith watched it all with a smile. Her house overlooked a world in flames, and for the first time in centuries, she felt powerful, more powerful than ever.

She was in control. She had done what no demon or sin had ever truly accomplished—she had made the entire world her playground of chaos.

The wind howled around her as she sipped from a glass of whiskey, her eyes glowing with malevolent pleasure. She felt the surge of energy flowing through her, the power she had longed for, as humanity fell further into sin. Nothing could stop her now.

Her smile widened as the sky above her darkened. A glitch appeared in the clouds, a disturbance that rippled through the air like a tear in the fabric of reality.

A figure descended from the heavens, radiant and deadly, encased in brilliant white armor that gleamed with divine light.

His wings, immense and glowing, cast long shadows over the earth. In his hand was the Sword of Light, a blade forged by God Himself. The Archangel Michael had arrived.

“Well,” Lilith said with a smirk, “I could use some exercise.”

She waved her hand, summoning a dark, smoky figure to her side. Rakshasa, a demon of ancient legend, appeared at her command.

“Hold this vessel for me,” Lilith said, her voice dripping with amusement.

“I need to deal with Dearest Michael.”

With that, Lilith stepped out of her physical form, leaving her human-like vessel behind as her true, spiritual essence took shape. Her demonic energy was palpable, a dark force that twisted the air around her as she ascended to meet Michael in the skies above.

Michael’s golden eyes narrowed.

“Lilith,” he said, his voice calm but filled with authority. “I’ve come to end this madness.”

Lilith laughed, the sound echoing through the heavens. “Oh, Michael, you’ve always been so righteous, so predictable. You didn’t really think I’d let you stop me this time, did you?”

Without warning, Lilith lashed out, summoning her powers in an instant. A wave of telekinetic force ripped through the air, aimed directly at Michael. But the archangel was prepared. He raised his sword, the blade glowing with divine energy, and slashed through the telekinetic wave, scattering it like dust.

The two clashed in the sky, their powers colliding with such intensity that the very clouds above them churned and roiled.

Michael swung his Sword of Light, its radiant edge cutting through the darkness that surrounded Lilith. She dodged with inhuman speed, her body twisting and contorting as she unleashed a barrage of dark energy in return.

Lilith’s power had grown exponentially. She summoned shards of black energy, each one razor-sharp, and hurled them at Michael.

The archangel spun through the air, deflecting the shards with his sword, but one managed to graze his armor, leaving a dark stain on the pure white metal.

Michael countered with a powerful slash of his sword, sending a beam of holy light directly at Lilith. She raised her hand, summoning a barrier of darkness to block the attack, but the force of the impact sent her spiraling backward. She regained her footing mid-air, her eyes burning with rage.

“You’ve gotten stronger,” Michael admitted, his voice steady. “But you’ll never be strong enough to defeat me.”

“We’ll see about that,” Lilith snarled, her form shifting as she drew on the full extent of her demonic power. Her eyes glowed with a fiery red hue, her body enveloped in a black aura.

She summoned the very earth beneath her, twisting it into jagged spikes that shot toward Michael with deadly precision.

Michael dodged, but Lilith was relentless. She conjured tendrils of dark energy, wrapping them around Michael’s wings, dragging him down toward the ground.

He slashed through them with his sword, but the momentary distraction was all Lilith needed. She lunged forward, her hands glowing with black fire, and slammed into him with all her strength.

The impact sent Michael crashing into the earth, creating a massive crater. He staggered to his feet, his armor cracked, but his determination unwavering.

As Lilith descended to finish him off, the Seven Deadly Sins appeared at the edge of the battlefield, watching the fight with gleeful anticipation.

Asmodeus grinned, leaning back as though enjoying a show. Wrath cracked his knuckles, eager for blood. Even Sloth, ever lazy, watched with mild interest.

Lilith raised her hand, summoning a massive orb of dark energy.

“This ends now, Michael.”

Michael, breathing heavily, raised his sword, but Lilith was faster. She hurled the orb at him with a scream of fury, and the world seemed to stand still for a moment as it collided with Michael.

The explosion rocked the earth, sending shockwaves across the battlefield. When the dust settled, Michael lay motionless, his once radiant wings torn and scorched.

Lilith floated down to stand over his broken body, her eyes glowing with triumph.

“I told you,” she whispered, “you’ll never stop me.”

The Seven Deadly Sins erupted into cheers, their laughter filling the air as they reveled in the destruction. Lucifer, watching from afar, smiled approvingly, his golden eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

Lilith, victorious, stood tall, her smile widening as she gazed upon the fallen archangel. Nothing could stop her now.

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