9. The Last PLAN

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Author POV

The night sky above the Euphrates River was thick with dark clouds, swirling and restless as if nature itself knew the horror that was about to unfold. Lilith, Lucifer, and the Deadly Sins stood at the riverbank, their figures shadowed against the ominous landscape. The once-flowing river had dried to a barren wasteland, a place of ancient power, untouched by time and forgotten by most.

Lucifer stepped forward, his hand lifting slowly. With a swift motion, he dragged a sharp obsidian blade across his palm, letting his dark, inky blood drip onto the cracked and parched soil. The ground seemed to thirst for it, absorbing each drop with a hiss, the air around them thickening with an otherworldly energy. Lucifer’s lips moved in a low, guttural whisper, chanting the ancient spell that could unseal the prison of the Fallen.

Lilith stood beside him, her eyes distant but filled with purpose. The power of the spell echoed in her bones, making her feel every scream, every tortured soul trapped beneath the earth. She shed a tear, but not from sorrow—this was a tear of remembrance, for the pain of her fellow demons who had been sealed away for eons.

The air crackled with raw energy as Lucifer’s voice grew louder, the spell reaching its crescendo. The Sins stood back, watching with keen interest, each of them eager for what was to come. A sudden silence fell over the world. The birds that had once cawed ominously were gone. The wind stopped. The earth became eerily still, holding its breath.

And then, the ground shook.

A low rumble began beneath their feet, growing stronger with every passing second. The tremors reached far and wide, rippling out for thousands of miles. Cities far beyond the Euphrates felt the earthquakes; people scrambled in panic as the world they knew was ripped apart.

Tsunamis surged forth from oceans, swallowing coastal cities whole. On every news outlet, chaos unfolded—live reports of earthquakes, collapsing buildings, and the deadly waves that followed.

But at the Euphrates, something far worse was stirring.

The earth cracked open with a deafening roar, jagged fissures splitting the ground. From those fissures emerged three colossal figures, their forms towering above the Deadly Sins and demons alike.

Their wings were blackened and torn, remnants of their former angelic glory. But the power radiating from them was unmistakable—a power forged from centuries of imprisonment, fury, and the thirst for vengeance.

Lucifer stepped forward, his eyes glinting with pride as he gazed upon the former angels who had once stood beside him.

"A third of those puny creatures they shall wipe," he said, his voice deep and resonant, as if the very earth obeyed his command. The bloodlust rolling off the newly freed Fallen was palpable, a suffocating presence that made even the demons around them tremble.

Lilith’s lips curled into a victorious smile. She had waited for this moment—this was the beginning of the end. The moment the heavens would finally fall.

She stepped forward, her power surging through her veins, her aura so dark that it seemed to swallow the light around her. The ground beneath her feet vibrated with the force of her energy as she approached the towering beings.

"Now," Lilith whispered, her voice soft but filled with the weight of destiny. "It SHALL BE DONE."

The three Fallen nodded, their eyes burning with hatred for all that still clung to the light. Their wings spread wide, casting enormous shadows over the landscape as they prepared to do exactly what they were born for—destruction.

Above them, the sky split open with an eerie glow as the balance of power in the universe shifted. Heaven would never be the same again.

______End of Novel.

Thank you to everyone that has made it this far in my book.

I love yall😘😘😘

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