8. Celebrate

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Author POV

The ballroom of Hell had never seen such a night. Demons of all ranks twirled and spun beneath chandeliers made of bones and molten gold, their laughter rising with the cacophony of heavy music. Blood-red velvet curtains lined the walls, while the floor glistened underfoot, slick with the residue of sin. Lust, Gluttony, Wrath—every indulgence was on full display. But the real party was upstairs, in the VIP room where Lilith, Lucifer, and the Deadly Sins gathered.

Lilith, radiant and victorious, was the center of it all. She danced, her movements graceful yet powerful, as though every step carried the weight of her triumph. Lucifer leaned against the bar, watching her with his eternal smirk, his suit as black as the void. The Deadly Sins lounged around, each indulging in their personal vices, but their eyes were drawn to Lilith as she spun toward Lucifer with a gleam in her eyes.

"I just killed a man, she's my alibi," Lilith sang softly, her voice laced with playful malice. She twirled once more and landed in front of Lucifer, her dress billowing around her like shadows caught in a storm.

"You know, Luci," she began, her lips curving into a seductive smile, "I'm so happy I could marry you again right now." Her eyes, dark and full of desire, locked onto Lucifer’s as she leaned in just close enough to tempt him.

Lucifer’s amusement deepened, his chuckle reverberating through the room like a slow drumbeat. "Hmm, second time’s the charm, huh?" he said, his tone a mix of teasing and challenge. "Do you think we could go even a day without being at each other's throats once we're married again?"

He sat down, his presence filling the space with a dominance that none could match, not even the Deadly Sins. They may have embodied primal forces, but Lucifer was the original. He was the devil.

Lilith arched a brow, pacing slowly in front of him, her gaze never leaving his. "You see, Luci, when you want to be, you can be the devil you were always meant to be. Even Wrath has nothing on you."

Wrath, sitting off to the side with his arms crossed, rolled his eyes at the mention of his name. "Don’t drag me into your relationship issues," he muttered, his breath almost steaming with rage.

Lilith laughed, her voice like silk as she waved him off. "Alright, alright. We’ll talk about marriage after we take care of Heaven’s fall." Her expression shifted to something more serious, yet still dripping with glee. She turned to face the room, her posture commanding. "So, demons and sins, it’s time we unleash the other three from the Euphrates River."

A murmur went through the room, the other Sins sharing glances, but Lust couldn’t help himself. He smirked, his eyes fixating on Rakshasa, who leaned coolly against the wall, unimpressed. "With the way you’re commanding us, you’d swear we’d appointed you as our leader."

Lilith, never one to back down, grinned and clasped her hands together, mocking innocence. "Pretty please?" she asked, her voice high-pitched and playful, like a child asking for candy.

The room erupted into laughter, and even Lucifer couldn’t contain his amusement. He straightened from his seat, walking over to Lilith with that languid grace he always had. Without a word, he pulled her into a hug, his lips brushing her forehead in a rare display of affection. "You know we’ll help you," he whispered, his voice low, full of promise.

"It’s official, Lucifer is in love. AGAIN!" Sloth muttered, his voice unexpectedly full of energy, a rare burst for the Sin of Sloth.

The Sins chuckled at the spectacle. But even in their amusement, they understood the gravity of what came next. Lilith, with her ambition, her power, her fury, had bested Michael. Heaven's armies had lost their greatest general, and now, it was time to free the remaining dark forces imprisoned for millennia.

Lilith, pulling away from Lucifer, turned back to the gathered demons and Sins. Her eyes glittered with the fire of conquest. "Prepare yourselves," she said, her voice sharp with intent. "We’re going to crack open Hell itself, and we won’t stop until every last angel is on their knees."

______End of Chapter

Alibi is my favorite song at the moment, don't blame me lol

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