1. Unleashed

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Author POV

*News Bulletin*

The bright, digital screen flickered to life with the logo of Channel 7 News, followed by the serious face of news anchor John Davis. His dark suit matched the somber tone of his voice.

“Good evening, I’m John Davis, and tonight we bring you breaking news from the Middle East. The Euphrates River, a historical and biblical landmark, has almost completely dried up. Reports have emerged from local authorities and residents that strange sounds—many describe them as screams—have been heard coming from the riverbed. Experts are still investigating, but there’s a lot of speculation circulating online. Joining me now is our field correspondent, Melanie Rivers, reporting live from the scene. Melanie, what’s going on?”

The screen cuts to Melanie Rivers, her blonde hair pulled back tightly, standing in front of a dry riverbank, the cracked earth visible behind her. The eerie, distant sound of what could almost be mistaken for wails or moans echoes faintly in the background.

“John, it’s a surreal sight here. The Euphrates River, which has flowed for millennia, is nearly bone dry. Local residents claim to have heard these unsettling sounds for days, and as you can hear, they continue even now. Religious leaders from the region are calling this a divine sign, pointing to Christian scriptures that speak of the drying up of the Euphrates as a sign of the end times. It’s sparked a lot of fear and confusion.”

Back in the studio, John shifts in his seat, a skeptical smile forming. “Melanie, it sounds like these religious interpretations are grabbing the headlines, but isn’t there a more scientific explanation? Couldn’t this just be another impact of climate change and global warming?”

Melanie furrows her brow slightly, looking serious. “Well, John, while global warming could certainly be a factor, the screams… that’s what’s causing the most concern here. Some people are convinced this is a supernatural event.”

John chuckles lightly. “Screams from a dried river? Melanie, I’m pretty sure we can chalk that up to wind patterns or maybe geological shifts. People get spooked easily when the unknown is involved.”

Melanie raises an eyebrow. “Maybe. But a lot of people believe there’s more going on here. According to Christian belief, the drying up of the Euphrates is a precursor to—”

John interrupts, rolling his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, the end times. We’ve all heard that one before. But let’s keep things grounded in reality. What do the experts say?”

Melanie gives a half-smile. “Well, John, the experts are stumped. So maybe a little faith wouldn’t hurt.”

John’s expression shifts to mild irritation as he waves his hand dismissively. “Alright, Melanie. I think we’ll stick to science for now. Stay safe out there.”

(A/n:Play Lilith by Halsey feat Suga )

A single, jagged fissure ran through the stone beneath the dried-up Euphrates River, allowing a sliver of light to penetrate the darkness.


Then another.

And then, with a final tremor that sent a shockwave through the ground, the prison that had held Lilith for millennia split wide open.

She breathed in—slowly, deeply—her first breath of fresh air in what felt like eons. The chains that had bound her fell away, disintegrating into dust.

The screams echoing from the depths of the earth silenced as she stepped out from her prison, the warm sunlight bathing her in its glow. She blinked, adjusting to the world that had changed so drastically since she had last walked upon it.

Her lips curled into a smirk. "Well, it’s about damn time."

She stretched, flexing her fingers, feeling the raw power surge through her veins. It was exhilarating to be free again. The mortals had no idea what had just been unleashed.

But first, she needed a body. A human form would be useful for blending in. Turning to her side, she saw Rakshasa—her faithful skin walker—slithering towards her in the form of a tall, muscular figure with glowing eyes.

“Rakshasa,” she purred, her voice filled with sweet venom. “Fetch me a vessel, won’t you?”

Rakshasa’s dark form bowed slightly. “At once, my Lord.”

With a flick of his wrist, he transformed into a young man—perhaps in his mid-twenties—who had been unlucky enough to wander too close to the site. Then he spotted a woman, beautiful enough to qualify for being Lilith.

The woman didn’t even have time to scream before Rakshasa’s hand touched her chest, and in a matter of seconds, her skin seemed to peel away like a suit. Rakshasa handed it to Lilith, who inspected it with a grin.

“Ah, humans. Always so fragile,” she mused, slipping into her new guise like one would a luxurious garment. The body was petite, feminine—just what she needed. As she looked at her reflection in the nearby water, she nodded approvingly. “Not bad. Now, let’s see what this world has to offer.”


Lilith spent months walking among mortals, fascinated and amused by how much they had advanced. They had revolutions, science, technology—things that were alien to her during her reign of chaos.

Television was her first addiction. She devoured hours of mind-numbing shows, flipping through soap operas, reality TV, and comedies with a playful smirk on her face.

"How delightfully stupid," she said, lounging on a plush couch in a stolen apartment. “These creatures have somehow managed to build empires out of drama.”

Then there was *TikTok* and *YouTube*. For hours, she’d scroll, laughing at the absurdity of challenges, trends, and viral videos.

“Oh, darling,” she said to the screen, watching a group of influencers butcher a dance. “You really think this is worth watching? How awful.”

But every so often, something would gnaw at her. Lilith was a forgotten force, a mere footnote in human history. She visited libraries, flipping through ancient scrolls and books, expecting to see her name etched in legend. But time and again, there was nothing.

No mention of her reign of terror. No mention of her power.

Instead, they spoke of Lucifer, the Devil, the Fallen One. As if *he* was the one who had caused the chaos. Lilith was reduced to a nameless entity, a shadow.

It infuriated her.

Standing in the dim light of an ancient library, her fingers gripping the edges of a dusty, old Bible, she growled in frustration.

“Lucifer gets all the credit? *Lucifer?* That smug, arrogant coward?!” she slammed the book shut, sending a cloud of dust into the air. “I was the one who could destroy worlds with a flick of my hand. I was the one who caused the massacres. And yet… nothing. No mention of me.”

Her eyes burned with anger as she stalked through the aisles. "They'll remember me. I’ll make sure they do."

She cracked her knuckles, a devilish smile spreading across her face. “Let’s see how well humans handle a real lesson in history.”

With that, Lilith walked out, her mind buzzing with plans for revenge, ready to leave her mark on the world once more.

___End of Chapter

I hope yall like it, I've watch a lot of skin walker videos on YouTube lately. Researching on ancient mythical monsters is interesting on YouTube, I even want to include the scream monster a mythical tall creature with a head of speakers from Australia.

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