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Exactly ten minutes later Tomasso grabbed my hand and said goodbye to his colleagues. I offered them small waves as I stumbled in my heels to keep up with his fast pace.

"Slow down Masso." I urged as my slightly drunk legs struggled to keep up with his speed. He didn't respond but slowed down considerably as he led me through various halls.

"Where are we going?" I inquired as I didn't recognise my surroundings.

"I want to show you somethings." He said quietly as he dragged me along.

"How much longer? My feet hurt." I whined. The alcohol did nothing to numb the pain of these pointy heels. I squealed when he stopped, and I crashed into his back.

Tomasso moved quickly as he scooped me into his arms, my hands quickly flying around his neck scared he would drop me. I nuzzled into him as he pushed open some doors with his back a cold evening breeze hitting us as we exited the building. He came to a stop at a statue placing me carefully back on my feet.

In my tipsy haze I found it funny and giggled to myself as he steadied me. I looked up his eyes gleaming with amusement.

"Did you have fun tonight." He asked as I deadpanned giving him a look that asked if he was serious.

"I know it's always boring but having you by my side tonight made it so much more bearable." He added as he walked towards me. I took small steps back gasping as the cold stone base of the statue behind me hit my bare back.

"How so?" I whispered as I looked up at him as he stood close to me his body pressed against mine.

"Something about your presence, something about you, I can't quite put my finger on it." His hand raised to grip my chin tilting my face up to his. His thigh came to press between my legs as well as another large and slightly pointy object. He was excited and so was i. I gave him a dazed smile as he stared intensely at me his eyes looking between my lips and eyes.

My hands raised to wrap around his as his lips crashed down onto mine. I'd never had this feeling before, but as he kissed me it was as if my surroundings melted away. I had forgotten he had me pressed up against a statue in the wildlife garden of the museum.

Our lips moved in sync as he deepened our kiss, his tongue tangling with mine as we fought for dominance. I pulled away sucking on his bottom lip as we parted. The only sound that could be heard was our heavy breathing as we fought to regain our breath.

We stared at each other, unspoken words flying between us, before he stepped back, rearranging his now disgruntled suit as well as the tent that was now pitched in his trousers. I stood unmoving, watching him as he collected himself, my chest still rising and falling heavily.

"Andiamo amo." He smiled as he broke the silence holding his hand out for me. I nodded quickly rearranging my dress and stepping towards him. I hissed as my heels dug into my painful feet.

"You can take them off if you want no one will see you from here to the car." I sighed in relief as I bent down to unbuckle the straps of the painful heels. "Allow me." He said as he quickly got down on one knee grabbing my foot and placing it on his knee.

"Your trousers will get dirty Masso." I admonished as I tried to remove my foot, but he held it in place. "I hope it's not the only thing that gets dirty tonight." He winked and I couldn't help but slap his shoulder in response as I looked away in embarrassment.

He held both of my heels as he led me hand in hand to the car.

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