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Aida lay in the bed sleeping as I paced up and down my room. Last night had been magical and I confessed to her three words id never told any woman before. In the moment it had felt right, and I wondered if it was possible to feel so strongly for someone in the space of 4 months.

I appreciated Aida's vulnerability with me. She was a woman of few words, and the dynamic of our relationship consisted of mostly me talking and her listening. It was nice to hear her be proactive about sharing her feelings. She was comfortable with me, and I appreciated that. I had made a conscious effort to pay more attention to her facial expressions and mannerisms after my mama reminded her what someone didn't say with their voice they said with their heart.

Yet before id had time to celebrate this step in our relationship the buzz of my phone with several calls and messages from my assistant woke me from my slumber. An oversight on my part. She'd distracted me with her shenanigans in bed.

Currently, pictures of her face, clear as day were planted on every tabloid you could think of. The daily mail. The sun. plastered with headlines talking about how my girlfriend had been revealed. The lady who made me leave my bachelor life behind. I mean they were correct, except for the girlfriend part but I aimed to rectify that soon.

Fuck, the one thing I'd promised, her only wish in our partnership had fallen through. Her job and future job offer were gone as far as she was concerned and although she may not have told me, I knew she was concerned about her job for a reason. Someone or something depended on her and I believed it had something to do with the fact she mostly refused to spend time with me during the day. She claimed it was because we were more likely to be seen. I also still hadn't been to her new place yet.

My phone buzzed and I took a glance at the message from my secretary.

'Don't let them see you look outside the window, there is a swarm of paparazzi waiting for both of you to leave the building.'

"Fuck" I groaned quietly as I shifted to the window glancing quickly noticing the crowd of photographers camped outside.

I locked myself in my bathroom calling my secretary.

"Marie, you have to sort this." I stated the second her greeting rang out across the phone.

"There isn't much I can do about it Tom." She sighed, the sound of her nails clacking against the keyboard in the background.

"My relationships on the line Marie."

"I'd hardly call it a relationship." She replied. I pinched the bridge of my nose. For the past few months, she'd had an attitude with me, and it was starting the get on my nerves.

"Make sure you're on time in the office today, your father doesn't appreciate you rocking up to the office at 12 every day." She remarked before hanging up the phone. Now her job was definitely on the line.

I sighed collecting myself as I re-entered the room, settling down on the bed next to Aida. My heart pounded as I nudged her gently whispering her name. she stirred, her eyes fluttering open with a soft smile that broke my heart. I was going to ruin tonight for her.

"You need to wake up amore." I said my voice tight, her brows furrowing as she sensed the tension that radiated from me.

"what's wrong?" she asked, sitting up pulling the sheets around her.

I handed her my phone, watching as she scrolled through all the articles and headlines that had been shared overnight, an image of her exiting the car, her beautiful face on show.

"Oh my god" she breathed, her hands trembling as she continued reading. "Fuck, this can't be happening."

I reached for her, a pang of hurt shot through my chest as she pulled away from me her calm resolve fading away for the first time. I'd never seen her panicked, it made me want to panic. "I can't... if my boss sees this, I'll lose everything."

"Listen to me amore mio." I said, trying to keep my voice calm even though I felt just as helpless. "we'll figure it out, okay? Just...stay here tonight and we can sort it out in the morning, I promise."

"You don't understand Tomasso."

"Just please Aida."

She hesitated, her eyes searching mine, torn between the need to run and the desire to stay. Finally, she nodded, collapsing back against the pillow. I held her close, but her body was tense, her mind racing with all the consequences that would follow. 

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