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Aida slept next to me, her head resting on my shoulder which I'd slouched in my seat to allow. I stared at her as I took in her stunning features once again. That was something that was new to me. I could never get bored staring at her. I'd never looked at a woman the same way I looked at her.

She was so different to my usual woman. She was quiet, reserved and observant a huge juxtaposition to the loud and bobbly women I usually took to my room each night. She was headstrong, independent and respectable. She commanded that respect.

I sighed as I recalled my encounter with my parents earlier in the day. It actually went slightly better than I expected. My father had a lot to say of course, he barraged me with questions, and he was upset to hear that no she wasn't a socialite, she was a bartender, no she had no social standing, she was normal and then of course the stupid question.

"She's not Italian, she's not white."

"Your point is?"

"You expect me to believe your type has suddenly shifted from those blonde bimbos you bring home every night to her. How much are you paying her to warm your bed Tomasso. Is this some form of rebellion?"

I remember seething with rage as I held my tongue from the venomous words I wanted to spit at him. My mother's interruption being the only reason I hadn't landed a right hook to the side of his jaw.

Mothers' reaction was somewhat good. If she didn't like Aida, she would've said something. She didn't. I would take that as a win.

I couldn't care less what people thought of her. Their shallow thoughts and opinions didn't bother me one bit. All I cared about at the moment was the lady who lay sleeping next to me and for her I was willing to change a lot.

"Sir, we've arrived."

I moved slowly gathering her in my arms trying not to wake her up before I made my way to her apartment, I fished the keys out of her bag before pushing her door open trying my best not to drop her from the tricky manoeuvre. I placed her gently on her bed, cringing as she stirred awake.

I bent down planting a kiss on her lips "goodnight, Aida." She smiled sleepily before wrapping her arms around my neck. "you're leaving?" she asked her voice small as he hugged me. My balance wavered as I tried my best to keep myself from falling on top of her. Eventually my legs gave way as I fell onto the bed.

"Sorry." She offered as she released me quickly as I pushed on my arms taking my weight off her.

"Thank you so much for today." I whispered as I stared down at her, my dick growing hard at our proximity. I wanted to be a gentleman for once but fuck it was hard.

"Thank you for taking me along, I'll return all the items to you tomorrow." She replied sleepily as I shifted to lay down next to her.


"They're for you to keep amore." She shook her head the pillow rustling beside me as I stared up at the ceiling.

"No thank you, they're too expensive. A waste of money for one night don't you think."

"I'd consider it an investment."

"Payment for my services I guess." She replied as she turned over to face away from me.

Did she think I was only being nice to her because she was doing me a favour.

"More like an investment for the future." I turned lightly kissing her shoulder before standing up to make my exit.

"Goodnight Aida."

"Goodnight Tomasso."

Fuck she never called me Tomasso. 

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