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My eyes struggled to stay open as the movie played out on the screen. Work had drained me of all my energy, and I lay cuddled up with Tomasso in his bed as the TV screen attached to the wall blared.

"Are you tired?" his voice startled me from my sleepy haze. I nodded stretching out my limbs.

"I'd drive you home, but I think I may have drunk over the limit, I could set up the guest room for you if that's more comfortable." He sat up quickly.

"It's ok I don't mind staying here with you." My response shocked me, but I couldn't help the way my body yearned for his touch.

"I'll grab you something to wear."

I stood in his bathroom holding his t shirt in my hand. I looked at myself in the mirror disappointed by my disgruntled appearance. I slipped on his shirt before making my way back to his bed. Tomasso sat up against the headboard, eyes shut, in nothing but his boxers.

I quietly closed the bathroom door trying my best not to disturb him. "Come amore mio." He said quietly as he held out his hand to his side of the bed. Fuck he looked so tempting.

I tentatively took steps towards him, my body buzzing as I placed my hand in his. He dragged me ignoring my yelp as I settled on top of him straddling him.

"Thank you for coming tonight?" he whispered as his face made its way to the crook of my neck. His lips placing light feathery kiss on my neck.

"Thank you for cooking for me." I responded breathlessly, my hips subconsciously grinding against his earning a hiss from him as I felt something rock hard press against my core.

I gasped as his lips crashed into mine, his movements just as desperate and lustful as mine. His hands gripped my thighs pushing me down and closer to him, the friction causing a pool to form down below.

His hands teased my underwear, the feeling of his finger gliding across my slit as he shifted my underwear to the side, causing me to gasp allowing his tongue to enter my mouth as he deepened our kiss.

"Fuck Masso." I whispered as I broke away from our kiss burying my face in his shoulder as he slipped two fingers into me. He continued to pump his finger in and out of me as I rode them. He peppered my neck and chest with light kisses.

I reached down between us feeling for his dick, a hiss erupting from his mouth as I griped it through his boxers. I pulled at the waistband as he bucked his hips up for me to slide them down freeing it. He was massive, in both girth and length. I didn't see that fitting in me.

My hand moved up and down as I pumped him, his fingers continuing to assault me. I couldn't help the moan that escaped as my walls clenched around his fingers as I reached my orgasm.

"You're fucking beautiful." Tomasso groaned as I came down from my high. "I need to be inside of you Aida." His hand reached to hold mine as he took hold of his cock as he guided it to my entrance. I gasped at the feeling of his tip threating to break through.

"Condom." I said breathlessly, thankful my mind still functioned at a time like this.

"Fuck." he threw me off of him as he made his way to his bedside table rummaging through the drawers to find one. I watched as he tore it open, sliding it on before standing at the end of the bed.

" Vieni qui amore mio." He growled as he grabbed my legs pulling me to the end of the bed. There was fire and determination in his eyes as he positioned himself at my entrance.

I cried out as he drove himself deep inside me, my back arching off the bed. He stopped abruptly

"Tell me when you're ready, I know it hurts right now." He reassured me as he kissed me before peppering distracting kisses all over my face and neck as he slowly moved in and out. My pain soon turned to pleasure and the room filled with the sound of skin hitting skin as well as our pants and moans.

His hand lightly squeezed against my neck as he held me in place as he pounded me. My hands reaching for the cross necklace that dangled over me as I dragged him down to kiss me.

It was bliss and as my walls clenched around him for the second time tonight, he moaned my name and a loud cazzo before I felt his cock jerk inside me. He stood up retreating into the bathroom leaving me as a panting mess on his bed. Mt mind couldn't compute a single thought. He'd fucked me silly.

My eyes shut as I processed what I'd just done, the implications of it, what it meant, what it meant to me and what it didn't mean to him. He did this all the time. How many girls had he bought to this same room and done the same to. At least I was sane enough to remind him to use a condom. I couldn't help the tear that slid down my face as my mind gained its clarity.

"Aida?" a hand brushed the tear from my cheek as my eyes snapped open to his. "Did I hurt you?" I shook my head no scared my voice would betray me as I avoided his eyes. He gave me a bewildered look as he pushed my legs apart. I jumped at the sensation of a warm towel cleaning me up.

He gave me his shirt before pulling me close to him in bed spooning me from behind. His hand played with my hair.

"Did I upset you, Aida?" he asked quietly from behind me as he twirled a curl around his finger.

"it's stupid." I murmured pulling the duvet closer to me. "I still want to know."

"How many women have you brought here and done the same to." My voice came out small, almost like a whisper.

"Cazzo, Aida." He exclaimed before he grabbed me turning me to face him.

"I swear to the God above." He proclaimed as he kissed the cross chain that dangled from his neck "You're the first woman I've even let inside my bedroom that isn't my mother." He looked away ashamed. "I only ever took women to one of the spare rooms." He confessed.

I nodded slightly relieved at his confession as I turned back to try to sleep.

"You know since I've met you, I haven't been with anyone else." He stated as he stared up at the ceiling.

I turned to him shocked by his confession.

"Since the event?" I questioned.

"No, since you recommended me that shitty bottle of wine."

"Why?" I asked sitting up, my heart beating wildly at his words.

"Something about your presence, something about you, I can't quite put my finger on it." He smirked as he recited the words, he said to me in the wildlife garden that night.

I planted a chaste kiss on his lips before turning over a wrapping myself up in the duvet.

"Night my love."

"Goodnight Masso."

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