Uppat a pulo ket maysa

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As Lisa and Jennie entered the office, a lighter atmosphere hung between them. They walked side by side, no longer weighed down by the heaviness of unspoken words and tense silences. It was a good feeling—refreshing, even. Lisa glanced at Jennie, and for a split second, Jennie's eyes met hers with a softness that hadn't been there in weeks.

They made their way to Lisa's office first, where Jennie had decided to temporarily work until she felt strong enough to be on her own again.

"I'm going to grab some coffee. Want anything?" Lisa asked, setting her bag down on her desk.

Jennie thought for a moment, then smiled slightly. "A latte, please. And no sugar."

Lisa raised an eyebrow. "No sugar? Wow, that's a change."

Jennie shrugged, her lips curving upward. "You're rubbing off on me."

Lisa chuckled softly and headed out to get their drinks, feeling a sense of normalcy between them that she hadn't felt in so long. It was nice—comfortable, even. When she returned with their coffees, Jennie was already seated at her desk, flipping through some documents.

They spent the next few hours working side by side. Every now and then, Jennie would ask Lisa a question about a contract or a report, and Lisa would respond with ease, their exchanges feeling more natural as the day went on. The office was quiet except for the occasional clicking of keyboards and the rustling of papers.

By lunchtime, the atmosphere had shifted to something almost playful.

"I think I'm done with these for now," Jennie said, leaning back in her chair and stretching her arms above her head. "Do you want to go grab lunch? Or order in?"

Lisa smirked, leaning against her desk. "I thought you'd never ask. Let's go out. You could use some fresh air, and I need a break from this office."

Jennie hesitated for a second, as if debating whether she should agree. Lisa caught it and gave her a gentle nudge. "Come on. Just a quick lunch. Nothing too crazy."

Jennie smiled, a little shy but clearly warming up to the idea. "Okay, fine. But you're paying."

Lisa laughed. "Fair enough."

They walked out of the building, chatting about mundane things—office gossip, the latest movies, even a funny story Jisoo had shared in their group chat the night before. The easy banter was refreshing, and Lisa could feel the tension between them easing more and more.

At the café down the street, they sat across from each other, their coffees in hand and plates of food between them. Jennie seemed lighter—her shoulders weren't hunched like they usually were, and there was a small but genuine smile on her face. Lisa found herself smiling too, just happy to see Jennie like this.

"It's been a while since we did this," Jennie said softly, taking a sip of her latte.

Lisa nodded. "Yeah, it has. Feels good, though."

Jennie looked at her, her expression thoughtful. "Thanks for... you know, sticking around. For everything. I know it's not easy."

Lisa met her gaze and smiled softly. "It's not easy, but it's worth it. You're worth it, Jennie."

Jennie's eyes softened, and for a moment, they sat there in silence, just taking in the weight of those words. It felt like they were rebuilding something—something fragile but strong enough to give them hope.

After lunch, they walked back to the office together, the sun shining warmly above them. Lisa glanced at Jennie, noticing how relaxed she seemed, her usual tense demeanor gone for the moment. It was good to see her like this, even if it was just a small step.

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