Sangapulo Ket Tallo

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WARNING: Deleting self scene!

Time Skip: Four Years Later

Jennie stood by the window of her dimly lit apartment, staring out at the city below. The once vibrant and hopeful woman had been replaced by someone who seemed to have lost her way. For the past three years, her life had spiraled into a series of dark, miserable moments, marked by endless searching and relentless yearning.

The first year after Lisa's departure had been the hardest. Jennie, unable to cope with the crushing reality of her absence, had fallen into a deep abyss of alcoholism. The alcohol had become both a crutch and a poison, numbing her pain but also engulfing her in a haze of despair. Her days blurred into nights, and nights into a disorienting cycle of regret and self-loathing. Her addiction reached a point where she had to go through rehab—a place she entered not just to recover, but to find a sliver of hope in a life that felt devoid of it.

During her time in rehab, Jennie had clung desperately to the idea that Lisa might return. She obsessively tracked every possible lead, searched for any clue that might lead her back to Lisa. But despite her efforts, Lisa remained elusive. Jennie was unaware that her parents, in a rare act of kindness and respect for Lisa's need for peace, had helped her disappear from Jennie's radar. They had done this to shield Lisa from Jennie's relentless pursuit, hoping that this would allow Lisa to heal and move on.

Jennie's relationship with Kai had ended abruptly. She had made it clear to him that their connection was over, despite his attempts to manipulate and blackmail her. She had no more room in her life for the chaos Kai brought. The blackmail, which had once struck fear into her heart, no longer held any power over her. With Lisa gone, she felt she had nothing left to lose.

As Jennie's isolation grew, so did her despair. She had shut out everyone who had tried to help her, including her close friends Irene and Nayeon. Their constant calls and visits, filled with concern and compassion, were met with Jennie's indifference and silence. She had distanced herself from her own parents as well, unable to face them with the shame and self-reproach she felt.

In a particularly dark moment, the pain of her unfulfilled longing had become too much to bear. One night, Jennie had broken down completely. In a fit of despair, she had taken a razor blade and sliced into her own wrist, the blood flowing freely. Her mind was a whirlwind of anguish and regret, the physical pain adding to the emotional torment she was already enduring.

Fortunately, her parents had been visiting that night, their concern growing with every unanswered call and missed visit. They had arrived at her apartment just in time to find her almost lifeless on the floor. Panic-stricken, they had rushed her to the hospital, where she had been in a life-and-death situation for several hours. It had been a harrowing experience for them, a stark reminder of the depths of Jennie's despair.

While Jennie was recovering in the hospital, her parents made a decision that would change her life. They had moved her to a penthouse that they had originally planned to gift her and Lisa for their wedding. The penthouse was equipped with hidden cameras, installed without Jennie's knowledge. This was their way of keeping a watchful eye on her, to ensure she would not harm herself again.

The past few years had been a stark contrast to the vibrant life Jennie had once led. She had refused to date anyone else, clinging to the hope that Lisa might return. Her days were spent in a monotonous routine of work and solitude, haunted by the memory of a love she could no longer touch. She had become a shadow of her former self, devoted entirely to the memory of a love that seemed to be slipping further and further away.

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