Bill woke up on the old couch in Ford's room, up with a start and, strangely enough, pretty terrified. But of what? He didn't even remember the dream, if he even had one. How else would he be in a cold sweat, blood pumping quicker than usual and making him tremble?
He could almost remember, just faintly grazing over his mind, like something he wanted so bad was right in front of him, yet he had nothing to hold it with.Bill felt a light pressure above his eye, his pupil thinning for a small moment before returning to normal as he got out from being stuck in his head, seeing Ford. "There you are. You were basically staring into a void just now."
Bill's gaze wandered over the humans face before he looked away, "... You ruined my shot at trying to remember something." Bill closed his eye."Really.. And what is said something?" Sixer asked, leaning over Bill. "How am I supposed to remember something I forgot?.. I only know parts..." Bill opened his eye once more. "But why should I ever tell you?"
Stanford didn't usually like when Bill kept secrets, "You don't have to tell me.. I just wanted to know."
"No," Bill replied, a flat and simple response. But that didn't mean Ford liked it. "I would never tell you, not everything you did and said," he went onto his side, the back of his form facing Ford.Ford frowned, knowing he should have expected that. He let out a sigh, "I know.. You can-"
"Not talking about it," Bill answered, voice getting stiff as he sat up to face Stanford.
"You're refusing, and for what? Because I say some stupid things?-""All you've done is make things worse!" Bill stood up, facing the human. "First, you destroyed all that's left of my home dimension. Then you trick me into death! Then you trick me into this stupid house! And now you're completely ruining me because you can't keep your stupid talking hole shut!" Bill yelled, reminding Stanford of everything he's done.
"Bill, you can't forget what you've done, too! You hurt my family, this town-" Ford was interrupted yet again.
"Oh please, what's a little family to you? 'Oh, we share blood, we love each other sooo much!'" Bill said, clasping his hands together before snapping again, "BULLSHIT! Family sucks! All they do is hold you back and that'll never change!"Ford tried to keep calm, but the more Bill yelled, the angrier he got. "What about your family?"
Bill's eye snapped more directly to Stanford, pupil shrinking into a thin slit. "What?"

Freedom To Another Cage [BILLFORD]
FanfictionThis is my fanfic originating from AO3!! Theraprism is insufferable, leading to desperate attempts at getting out, such as a book. But that didn't work, so he tried a different attempt; breaking the place apart. And, well, that didn't work either. H...