Chapter 19: Back Home

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Ford had stayed up for a while after Bill had passed out. He had spent some time checking over his body for any hidden injuries or anything else like that, and once he was sure Bill was okay, he had held him close and fell asleep himself. Once he woke up, he sat there for a moment with a still mostly asleep mind, before his thoughts and memories of the previous night came back to him.

After a few moments, Bill woke up, although he didn't open his eye. He mainly tighten his grip on Ford's sweater slightly.
Once he noticed Bill stirring and tightening his grip on his sweater, Ford gave Bill's hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze, almost as if to say "I'm here". Once he was sure Bill was awake, he spoke up in a quiet tone.
"..Hey, you awake...?"
"Mhm..." Bill answered, bring a hand up to rub his bottom eyelid before opening his eye.

Once he heard Bill respond, he knew Bill was at least somewhat awake and conscious. His hold still firm and secure on Bill, he spoke up again, "..Feeling alright today? I know you were pretty exhausted last night, so I wouldn't be surprised if you're still tired right now."
"Better than yesterday..." Bill moved a hand up to feel Ford's hair. "Mmh... Soft.."
Ford couldn't help but chuckle as Bill spoke, feeling his hand move up to his head and run through his hair. The fact that Bill was already finding some comfort in small affection like that brought a slight smile to his face. He leaned into the touch as Bill's hand moved through his hair. "Hah, my hair is pretty soft, isn't it..?"
"Yeah.." Bill eventually lowered his hand to rest on the bed.

Once Bill lowered his hand back onto the bed, Ford moved one of his own hands to gently squeeze Bill's hand, being careful not to hold it too tight or anything like that. ".. So.. I know you were pretty tired and out of it last night, but I do want to talk about something with you, alright..?"
"Alright.. Give me a sec.." Bill said before using a free hand to rub his eye and slowly sit up against the pillows and headboard.

"..Okay, so. I have a few questions about the Theraprism, alright?.. Just a few things I need to know.." Ford started.
Silence. "... Alright."

Ford paused for a moment after Bill responded, taking a small breath before proceeding on with his questions. He still held Bill's hand in a secure yet gentle hold, as to remind him he was there and to give him support.
"..First of all, you said something about the Theraprism last night.. You said that they took something from you, right? What were you talking about?"
Bill looked to the side, obviously not wanting to talk about it, but...
He looked back up at Ford before answering. "Let's just say I'm not exactly... pregnant, anymore.."

Ford paused as Bill answered his question, the answer taking a moment to register in his mind. Once he fully processed the words, Ford's hold on Bill's hand tightened slightly, rage bubbling inside him. He kept his tone and body language calm and gentle, but he was feeling less calm and gentle on the inside. He gently squeezed Bill's hand before speaking up in a quiet, yet firm tone. "... What did they do?"
Bill suddenly buried himself in Ford's chest, holding him close."I tried to stop them, believe me..! I told them no, and they wouldn't listen.." He started to break down again.
Ford held Bill close to him once he buried himself in his chest. Wrapping his arms around him in a secure yet gentle hold, he pulled him close to himself as much as he could. He listened to Bill's broken and upset state, his heart twisting as he heard the desperation in his voice and words. He just pulled Bill closer against himself, holding him protectively and trying to provide comfort the best he could. "..Hey, hey.. it's okay, I'm here... I've got you.. You're okay.."

"They're not..!" Bill cried, pulling at his sweater a bit.

Ford pulled Bill even closer to himself once he felt him pull his sweater, his heart twisting even more at the sound of Bill's broken and devastated voice. With his hold firm and secure on Bill, he spoke up quietly and carefully, trying to provide as much comfort as he could. "Shhh... it's okay, it's okay... Just take deep breaths.. You're okay.. I'm here.."
Bill did just that: breathed, although it was pretty shaky.

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