Chapter 15: Isolation Cell Section

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Bill shifted a bit on the mattress, mumbling and waking up. He didn't open his eye, but he could tell something was off. "Ford..?" He turned over, feeling around. Nothing.

"Good morning, Bill."

Bill's eye snapped open before he sat up, looking around the white room before at himself. Of course, as soon as he got one uniform off, he was forced into another, which was thankfully different; A white T-Shirt over a white long-sleeve. And pants, which were thankfully meant for him, but he still hated it.

Bill looked up at the intercom, obviously pissed. "What the hell happened?"
They continued their monotone voice. "You're back at the Theraprism, Bill." They said nonchalantly.
"No shit!" He hissed.
"I suggest you calm yourself down." The staff member warned, their voice still remaining monotonous.

"CALM DOWN?!" He floated up, going over to the one-sided mirror. "NO! I WILL NOT 'CALM DOWN'! YOU KIDNAPPED ME!"
"We did not kidnap you, Bill. We took you out of Stanford Pines's house for your own good."
"WHAT?!" Bill then slammed a fist into the mirror. "I'll have you know I was doing MUCH BETTER with him!"
"You were put at risk while staying with Stanford Pines. You did not even have access to any of your powers. You weren't doing any better. You were in a worse state, honestly."
"I'd rather be with the people who killed me than be here! Where you stick me in a room and force me to wear pants and talk about my feelings!" Bill put both hands on the glass.
"Don't. Bother. We don't care if you say you'd rather be six feet under back when you were in Gravity Falls. You're not. You’re here now. Deal with it and sit down."

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" He yelled.
"Your power is gone, Bill. You're in a padded, secured room. If you do not sit down, you will be given consequences."

"Fuck your consequences!" Bill turned his eye to a mouth and spit at the mirror before backing away, back to the mattress.
"I told you that you would get consequences. You have just earned yourself a privilege loss, Bill."
"You say that as if I care."
"I'm just letting you know." They said, before calling to another member of the staff out in the hallway. "Hey, get him his food. We need to start his meds soon." They said, before looking back through the mirror at Bill.

He perked up after that. "Meds?"
"Yes. You'll be taking some different medications during your stay here at Theraprism."
"What?! No, I can't, I-"

"You don't have a choice, Bill." They said, just as the staff member with his cart of food arrived at the door. "There's no getting out of it. You will be taking your medication here. You will not have a say in it."
"Make me."
"Very well, then." The woman at the intercom looked to the guard who was standing outside of his door. "Open the door. We're gonna have to do it the hard way."

The guard nodded his head and began unlocking the door. Before opening it, another guard handed him a taser. As soon as the door was unlocked and open, the guard armed with the taser darted into the room and pointed it at Bill, his thumb readying onto the trigger. Bill immediately slapped it out of their hand before going behind them and kicking their back, forcing them down before he ripped their head gear off, grabbing a fistful of their hair and forcing their face into the ground multiple times.

Bill eventually stopped, forcing them up onto their feet and to look in the mirror. "Ya see that?" The guard groaned in response, his vision slightly fuzzy from the previous sudden attack.
Bill then slapped the guard before forcing their face against the smooth surface of the mirror. "ANSWER MY QUESTION!"
"Yes... I s-see..."
"Good. Now listen up: I'm not. taking. anything." Bill hissed. "How does it feel? That so far, no one has come to help? Meanwhile, you're nose is gushing..."
"Y-Yeah? And no one's gonna t-try and help either..."

He then shoved them to the ground. "Now go be useful and get me some fucking grapes!"
They hissed in pain upon being shoved to the ground, landing with a THUD. The guard quickly, or as well as he could with his dizziness and hazy vision, got up, wiped the blood from his nose, and made a quick exit from the room. The moment he stepped through, the door was slammed shut and locked behind him. Bill then faced back to the mirror, "And if you don't get them, I'm going to do much worse."

"We will get your grapes, Bill. But it doesn't matter what you do or threaten to do, you are taking your medicine and cooperating."

After a couple of minutes, the two guards from the hallway returned with a bowl of green grapes. "Ah, good! I was getting a bit bored of the usual red ones. Thanks!" Bill said, mainly to himself, as he took the bowl and started eating. They all then left.
"What?" He asked with a mouthful.
"Swallow your grapes, and listen. We are going to put two guards in the room with you, as well as a couple of other staff. We will be giving you your medicine today whether you like it or not."
"It's not that I don't like it, It's that I'm-"
"Don't try and give us an excuse, we've heard enough. You're taking your medicine. We're starting with your first dosage right now."
"You. Are. Taking. Your. Medicine."

He rushed back up, slamming both fists into the one-sided mirror. "NO!"
"We are giving you your first med dose, Bill. I will tell the staff and guards to subdue you and force the medication into you if you keep putting up a fight."
"You can't! You can't do this!"

The staff members in the hall looked at each other, some looking slightly nervous while others maintained a stern expression. The one at the intercom took a deep breath before nodding at the two guards. With the go-ahead, they both stepped into the room, one going to each of his sides and grabbing his arms. Bill quickly ripped himself from their grip and started to the door, of course being pulled back which forced him down. More staff members stepped into the room, along with a couple of more guards. They soon swarmed him, grabbing his arms, legs, and his body as they began restraining him.

Bill yelled and cursed them, trying the get out of this, although it seemed impossible.
They were already prepared for this. One of the staff was holding his eye open as another had the medication, and several hands held him down and in place. He wasn't going anywhere. He thoughtlessly formed his eye into a mouth to bite them, but two hands carefully held his jaw open. Eventually, his mouth was opened enough and the staff member quickly began putting the medication through. They weren't allowing any kind of escape from this.
They had to push past his tongue, which was blocking his throat, which lead to him gagging and choking. Still, he fought back... as much as possible.
The staff member attempted to push the medication further, while the other staff and guards held his body down and his mouth open. They were determined as all of them were watching through the one-sided mirror and through the small opening of the door, all waiting for the medication to be swallowed and taken into his system.

Of course, exhaustion and a sudden sick feeling in his gut forced him to swallow just to get it over with.

The staff member smiled as soon as it was swallowed. "There we go. That wasn't that bad, was it?" They asked, as the hands holding his jaw open let go and released their grip on his body, backing off from him.
He immediately slumped over to his mattress and curling up, facing the wall and holding onto the pillow for support while shaking.

"How are you feeling right now, Bill?"

They all watched as he rolled over to hide his face. The one speaking through the intercom exhaled and nodded her head, signalling silently that everyone would soon be leaving him to himself. "Alright then. We will be back around dinner to give you your next dosage." She said, before turning the intercom off. Shortly following, the guards and staff all began filing out of the room and shutting the door behind them.
Bill shuddered at the mention of another, holding onto the pillow even tighter before pulling the blanket over to cover his entire form.

Bill tried to hold the tears back from falling, but they were already soaking the bed.

He held on tightly to the pillow, trying to ignore the aching in his head, for lack of a better term, before pushing it away enough to look down at himself.
Bill slowly put a trembling hand over his stomach, feeling then thin gaps.

"𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺..." He whispered. How stupid, risking a life just because he couldn't handle...

"𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺."

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