Chapter 6: Memory Part 2: Bite

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Ford held his gaze. He knew Bill hated talking about his family, and he had no problem using that against him right now. "You heard me. You said family holds you back, so why not apply that to your own family, too?" No answer for a while.
"Don't bring them up. Ever."
Ford noticed how upset Bill was, but he was too angry to stop. "Why not? You like to talk about my family so much, so why can't I talk about yours?"


"No, tell me why-" Sixer was interrupted when Bill darted forward and bit him clean on the shoulder.
Ford let out a pained yell as the sharp teeth broke through the clothing and skin, blood starting to soak through. Ford could tell by the way Bill's jaws were shaking that he was trying to hold back. Bill held on for a moment before forcing himself off and rushing out of the room, which he usually did when he was overwhelmed.

Stanford held his shoulder, wincing at the pain. After a moment, he realized that Bill was gone, and he cursed to himself, annoyed that he had let his anger get the better of him. Ford quickly turned around and headed up to look for Bill.

People were being ushered out by Stan when Ford came through. "Stan, did you see where he ran off to?"
"Right out the front door," Stan's tone was very telling that he was going to chew Ford out once he got the triangle contained. Ford nodded and headed outside, immediately looking around for any sign of where Bill would have headed off to.

Bad- no, terrible- timing, the bus rolled around out front on the dirt road. Ugh, of course it had to be now..!

Ford's eyes widened as he saw the bus. This was the last thing he needed right now. "Damn it..."
The twins stepped off the bus, quickly noticing Ford and running up for a hug. It lasted only a few seconds before Dipper noticed the bite mark, "Uh... Great uncle Ford, what happened?"
"It's nothing to worry about. Just go inside, and Stan will explain everything. I'll meet you both there."

They were both confused and concerned, but they listened, going inside the shack.

Ford let out a sigh of relief once they headed inside, thankful they didn't question any further. Stanford then continued looking around for where Bill was.
The triangle was eventually found by the side of the house, sobbing pathetically into his small, pitch-black hands.
Ford slowly made his way over. As much as he wanted to yell at Bill for biting him and running off... Without saying anything, Ford sat down next to Bill and hesitantly reached out, putting a hand on the back of Bill's form.

Bill shuddered at the feeling, but he didn't care enough to back away as he continued, thick tears slipping out from between his fingers.
Ford cringed at the sound of Bill's sobbing but said nothing about it. "Hey... It's going to be okay.." Ford said, a bit awkwardly as he tried to comfort Bill.
Of course, Bill talked back. "No- no, it's not going to be okay..!" He choked on his words towards the end. "It never will be! Not after I.."

The memory was slipping back, and Bill hated it. He hated everything. The memory of it -the metal on his taste buds, the hollow strings snapping under his teeth- it was enough to make him gag.


Mabel was assigned a task; watch over Bill while the others talk. Simple, right? Well... not so much.
Eventually, she found him in the bathroom with a pair of pliers, eye formed into a mouth as he tried to pull out his teeth.

"Hey- What are you doing, dingus?!" She rushed over, although not quick enough in time as Bill managed to at least rip one tooth out, dropping into the sink before she took the tool away from him. Mabel cringed at the sight, setting the pliers aside. "What are you doing?! You don't just pull out your own teeth!"

Bill held his hands over his mouth, going rigid as he felt a replica of the lost tooth quickly and painfully grow back into place. Mabel grabbed a rag and soaked it a bit before holding it over Bill's mouth, cleaning up the blood. "Bill, what was even going through your head?" This was a lot to grasp onto, considering the fact that she had just got there and things were already getting weird.

It got even weirder when Bill started to sob into the towel. "Bill, what's wrong?"
The demon could barely properly make out a word, but he eventually managed something. "I... I remember it. I don't want to remember it- not- not anymore.."

Although Bill was a monster, this moment sort of humanized him. Well, it certainly wasn't on her summer bingo card, but she couldn't just let someone cry and not do anything about it. "... What did you remember?"

Bill didn't want to say it, but he couldn't go any longer holding it in. "I ruined it. I-I didn't even mean to..! I was just trying to help them see what I could, but I lost it, and-" he cut himself off. He didn't want to say anything past that.

Mabel carefully pulled him into a hug, hoping to help him calm. "... You can tell me, it's alright. I won't judge."
Bill was obviously very hesitant, but he eventually spilled. "... I ruined it.. I- I burned the whole thing down, and... I don't even want to think about what else I did to the ones that didn't... die immediately..."
Mabel, justifiably, didn't know what to say to that. Bill was a monster, a very evil one at that, but as of now, he was just a mess of guilt.

"I can almost still taste them."

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