Chapter 11: Summer Snow

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Bill woke up to the smell of coffee.

He rolled over onto his side. "C'n ya get my clothes?" He felt his outfit be tossed over him.
"Here... Don't lounge in bed all day again," Ford set.
Bill took his time grabbing his clothes, mostly since he wasn't exactly a morning person (surprise), but he did eventually slump his arm over and grab it.

"You're lucky I'm letting you stay here, don't you forget that."
"Oh please, you trapped me in a house and mortal form, I have every right to be rude."
"Oh, right, I'm soo sorry for not trusting you, Bill. It's not like you've done anything to break my trust completely." Ford's voice was dripping with sarcasm.

Bill rolled his eye. "So we're both old men who don't trust each other trapped in a house? Cool beans, I'll be sure to cross that off the ol' bucket list."
"Don't be sarcastic with me, Cipher." Ford shot a death glare his way, before he took a deep breath. "..Look, if we're gonna be staying in this stupid house together for who knows how long, we need to set some boundaries first, okay?"

"Oh? Took you long enough, It's been two or three months," Bill chuckled, sitting up and leaning against the pillows and headboard.
"Don't give me that attitude, Cipher. I have things to do every day, unlike you who just lounges around like a freeloader and doesn't do anything." Ford's glare only darkened as he spoke. He was getting tired of Bill's smart comments, but he tried to keep his cool and stay mature about this.

"Maybe because I have nothing to do? Did ya ever think of that?"
"Of course I thought of that. That's why I'm trying to set boundaries, for this situation to, somehow, be at least a little bit bare-able." Ford huffed. He was trying to stay rational here, rather than let his temper get the better of him... Which is what he was tempted to do whenever he was around Bill.

Bill sighed. "Go ahead, tell me your boundaries. I'll respect some of them, but it really depends."
"Good. I was hoping you'd at least respect some of them." Ford took a breath, and began speaking once more. "...First of all, knock first before coming into my room. I don’t want you barging in here like your own the place."
"Hm... Fine."
"And secondly... Don’t mess with my equipment. I don’t want you breaking any of my stuff, like you did with the couch-"
"Hey, that was the pigs fault, not mine! That old couch was on the brink, anyway."
"And third, stay out of my stuff. Like my drawers. I don’t need you going through my stuff while I’m not in my room."
"L O L." Bill said each letter with a straight face. "Alright, my turn."

"Number uno: No touching my form without permission, whatsoever. I don't care if I'm dying, keep your filthy hands away from me and my beautiful figure. Number dos: I am not yours. Not at all. I get it, you're mad about me being a 'jerk' what with the betrayal and Weirdmageddon and all, but that doesn't give you a free pass to govern me around!" He hissed.

"Not mine-? Trust me, Bill, the last thing I want to do is control over your every move, let alone have some sort of... ownership over you..."
"Sure, sure. Whatever you say." Bill didn't believe full that Ford didn't want at least a little control over him. He used him, it was only fair to do the same... right?
"Anyway, Number tres: NO. MORE. PAST." He snapped. "No more bringing up my family, my home dimension, my mutation-" He counted it on his fingers before waving his hands. "- none of it! You hear me?"

Ford was a bit taken back by the sudden snap. He was about to protest, having the urge to bring it up, to say it... But, he had promised Bill. So, he slowly nodded, staying silent. "Fine. I won't bring it up." That was a complete lie, and Ford knew it. But, he also knew that if he mentioned it even once, he'd break that promise... So, he had to keep his mouth shut.

"Good. And no more giving me bean juice, even if it's all you have. Just go buy more tea." Right. Bill hated coffee.

Ford's eyebrow raised slightly in confusion. "Seriously? Coffee can’t be that bad..."
"You don't put sugar or creamer into it!"
"Of course I don't! Not everything needs sugar or cream in it. Plus, the pure taste is stronger when you don’t."
"Ugh, whatever. I'm not gonna fight over coffee with you."

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