Chapter 10: Horomone Help

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TW/CW: SMUT CHAPTER! Feel free to skip :)

Day three of sharing a bed was... hard. Until then, both of them were pretty tame... Until now, when they both were awake and staring at the ceiling in silence.

Ford had a frustrated look on his face, still staring at the ceiling. He had been trying to go to sleep for about 20 minutes, but couldn’t seem to fall asleep. He was irritated and tired, and the silence between him and the other was making it even harder for him to sleep. He looked over at Bill, glancing at him before speaking. "You’re not sleeping either, are you..?"
"... No." Bill didn't look over at Ford in return.
Ford could sense the tenseness, taking notice of the lack of eye contact. He raised an eyebrow, concern starting to grow in his expression.
"Is something wrong..? You’re uncharacteristically quiet and tense right now."

Bill didn't answer immediately. "... A stupid burning pressure in my stomach is keeping me awake is all..." His eyebrow lowered to his eye as he gently tugged at his uniform. "... I dunno what it is..." He tried avoiding eye-contact, gently shifting here and there. ".. A bit itchy, as well.. It might be this stupid body-trap.. I dunno, though."

Ford frowned at the other's words, now able to notice the slight shifting and tugging. He scooted closer to get a better look, trying to understand the issue and see what was wrong. "Could you explain what you mean by an 'itchy' feeling? Like, where exactly is it and what does it feel like? Maybe I could help you."
Bill completely faced away, a pink-red hue growing under his eye. "... That's personal."
"I’m just trying to understand the issue here. I’m not going to make fun of you or anything if that’s what you’re worried about."

Bill was very hesitant to answer, but he did eventually. "It... It's just... m... my hypotenuse.." He finally admitted.
Ford raised an eyebrow, confusion now growing in his expression. He took a few moments to process what the other meant, before realizing what the issue was.

"Oh. You’re just—" Ford chuckled lightly. "It’s just your hormones. You’re just experiencing some sexual frustration, that’s all. That’s what all of this is. It’s completely normal to feel that way-"
Bill then looked over to Ford, "What?! No it's not- not for me!" He hissed.

Ford chuckled once more, now getting a bit of enjoyment out from irritating Bill. "Yes it is, actually. Why do you think so many people and animals procreate? Sexual desires and hormones are completely normal."
Bill growled before going over Stanford, pinning him down quickly. "I blame you for this!"
Ford let out a slight gasp as he was suddenly pinned down by the other, looking up at Bill in slight surprise.
"Wh- Me?! Why would I be at fault for this?!"
"You stole my powers! Now I can't stop these stupid bodily urges! And your stupid hands and stupid brain aren't helping!"

Ford's face went red as he was called out in such a manner, letting out a light huff in annoyance before responding. "It's not my fault you can’t be patient. You’ll just have to deal with it until the feeling goes away. Besides, maybe these ‘bodily urges’ will show you a thing or two about how humans feel."
"Wait?!" Bill yelled. "How long will this last?!"

Ford had to hold back a laugh that tried to escaped his mouth, now finding the situation quite amusing. "It could last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. There’s no telling the exact amount."
Bill's eye widened. "No- No, I am not waiting that long! Fix it!"

Ford gave a slight ‘pfft’ in response to the demanding words. "And how exactly do you expect me to fix your hormones?"
"You humans have some sort of human-making ritual or whatever that's supposed to help. Do that!"

Ford continued to smirk, amused by the other's cluelessness. "And you don’t even know what it is you're asking for, huh? I mean, there’s plenty of ways to help" He said, moving slightly so that their lower halves were aligned with each other, Bill's eye darted down to where their bodies connected before back up at Ford.

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