Extra 9: Kashibuchi Hazu

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Request from Archive of Our Own

It's lunchtime. Kashibuchi Hazu, a shy student, sat in a corner of the cafeteria. He looked through a fashion magazine as he drank soda.

Rokuda noticed Hazu and smirked. She walked up and knocked the soda out of his hand, spilling it onto his magazine. "Oops! Haha!"

Hazu clenched his eyes shut, avoiding looking at her. 'Why... why me...'

"Aww, your magazine is ruined. Well," Rokuda snickered, "probably for the best. What is a boy looking at a girly magazine like that anyway? Haha!"


Rokuda leaned in, "What did you say?"


"Speak up!"

Hazu shot up, "Leave me alone!"

Rokuda glared, "You're going to regret yelling at me, you fucking pathetic loser!" She storms off with a hair flip.

With a pale white face, Hazu cleaned up the mess Rokuda made. 'Why did I do that?! I'm such an idiot... my life is ruined!'

A few minutes later, Rokuda returned with Tajima Teiji, her boyfriend. She pointed at Hazu, "That's him! Deal with him!"

Tajima scowled, his eyes staring daggers at Hazu. "How dare you yell at my girl?" He cracked his knuckles. "After the beating I'm going to give you, you won't even dare to think badly of her while you lay in the hospital!"

Hazu began to shake and he looked around. Everyone just stared at them, not daring to step in. 'I have no one...'

Tajima sped forward with his fist raised. "You'll learn today!" However, before the punch could land, something pulled him back, making him land on his butt. He looked back, ready to yell, but froze.

Ayoshi looked down at Tajima. "What is going on here? Violence is prohibited on campus."

Hearing Ayoshi's voice, Hazu opened his eyes and relaxed. 'A Student Council member!' He bit his lips, 'So pretty...'

Rokuda stomped over, "How dare you?!"

Ayoshi raised his brow, "I see what is happening now. Both of you report to the Student Council President for disciplinary actions."

"Fuck that! Do you know who I am?!"

"You're a bully, a pathetic bully who doesn't get any attention at home." Rokuda's eyes widened and she swung her hand at him, but Ayoshi blocked it. "Do not make me use force."

Torayoshi walked over. "What is going on here, Aishi-kun?"

"These two students are participating in bullying and violence, so they must be punished." Torayoshi nodded and grabbed both Rokuda and Tajima, dragging them away. Ayoshi turned to Hazu. "Are you ok?"

Hazu flushed, his heart beating fast. He gulped, "Ye-yeah..."

Ayoshi noticed Hazu's spilled drink, walked to the vending machine, and purchased a soda. He handed Hazu the drink. "By the looks of it, one of them messed with your stuff. Drink this, cool off, and don't worry, they won't mess with you anymore."

With shaky hands, Hazu took the drink. He looked down at his feet. "Thanks..."

Ayoshi nodded, "Have a good day."

"Yo-you too!" Hazu rushed to say as Ayoshi walked away. He pressed the cold soda against his cheek, trying to cool himself down. 'He must think I'm a freaking loser... how embarrassing!'


It's the end of the day. Hazu walked out of the school gates to go home. He sighed, 'There must be a way for me to thank h–'

"You're really pissing me the fuck off! Just give me your damn money!"

Hazu walked around the corning, spotting several delinquents surrounding Ayoshi. One boy raised his fist to swing at Ayoshi. He gasped, "Aishi-kun!" He moved forward, thinking of stepping in despite knowing he had no fighting skills.

Before the boy could hit Ayoshi, Ayoshi raised his leg and kicked the guy. "I don't have time for this."

Hazu paused, shocked. "Woah!"

The other delinquents, seeing that Ayoshi is stronger than he looks, jumped in. Ayoshi held his own and managed to beat them into submission. He came out relatively unscathed, but his uniform sleeve ripped. 'Mother will not be happy about this.' He picked up his bag, about to walk away, when...

"Ex-excuse me!"

Ayoshi turned around, noticing the boy he had helped earlier. "Yes?"

"I-I can help fix your shirt." Hazu gripped the strap of his bag. "As thank you!"

Ayoshi tilted his head. "How?"

"I know how to sew. I can use the sewing machine at the school."

"That would be helpful, thank you." Ayoshi follows behind Hazu to the sewing room.

Hazu quickly moves a chair from another table and places it next to the chair he'll sit in. He gestured. "Please sit."

Ayoshi nodded and sat. "I'll take my shirt off now." Without a second thought, he started unbuttoning his shirt.

"No-no!" Hazu waved his hands frantically. "It's just the sleeve ripped so I can hand sew it, so you don't need to take it off."

"Oh, ok." Ayoshi re-buttoned his shirt.

Hazu sat down, his heart racing uncontrollably. He sat down, taking deep breaths. "I'll start now." He took out a thread and needle and started sewing.

"How do you know how to sew?" Ayoshi asked.

"My mom was a seamstress and ever since I was little I wanted to learn, but my father is a very traditional man and thought that if I learned, I would be less of a man." Hazu's eyes teared up. "Sadly, my mom passed away a few months ago, and I started to learn behind my father's back. It makes me feel connected to her." He stopped, his hands shaking too much for him to continue sewing.

Ayoshi took the needle out of Hazu's hand and drew him into a hug. "She would be proud."

Hazu's eyes widened, the pain in his heart easing. He pulled back, wiping his tears. "Thank you, that means a lot."

"Mm. I understand the feeling of your father disapproving of who you are as a person."

"Haha, I'll finish fixing your sleeve now." Hazu peaked from under his bangs at Ayoshi. 'He's so kind...' His heart raced. 'I hope we can spend more time together.'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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