Pristine Majesty

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Pristine Majesty

Boss was a coward; Mago learned it through his record of vanishing from plain sight whenever King tried to find his traces back to him. It wasn't like the Crime lord hadn't tried to go after him, he did, but that man had some sort of superpowers when he decided to go underground. He was also cautious, enough that he was untraceable until now, or maybe King wasn't putting real effort and purposefully keeping the man away from the empire.

Whatever it is.... But Mago was after that Boss now and he wasn't going to rest until he blasts that sneaky ass.

"so you want to go for the bigger fish and expose the boss?" Charlton asked, intrigued as he pressed a stuffed toy in between his arms, cuddling the life out of him.

King raised a brow at his question and looked at Mago.

"Mhm. Kangsu can't be this enthusiastic about what he is doing, sending weird people and then killing them as if no one will sniff his fucking tracks. That freaky cartoon is clawing at more than he can handle and that is because of a certain someone who is backing him up" Mago explained confidently.

"the boss?" Mickey asked

"the boss" Mago answered with a smile.

"Danny was the man who tried to kill my man in his sleep and Kwazi tried to abduct me at the mall. It can't be a coincidence. They are plotting something big because they have found something big" the baby boy mentioned, slowly turning the conversation back to the point where King fumes in discomfort.

"what big?" King finally asked. He was the one who was quiet all this time, observing and listening to everything with focused attention. Mago was worried King would deny each and everything he uttered until now in a snap but then he was all ready to coax his man if need be.

"they have found your weakness king. You being the unrivalled all this time had them hidden in the corner for the longest of their life........ but not anymore because of me in your life and my taking up your empire." The boy turned to face King again as he pointed at his chest cutely and the older turned his face away so he wouldn't have to look at Mago.

The boy was right. King was unrivalled all this time, he was rising and claiming, ruthless and unforgiving but after Mago, who entered his life like a fucking bomb, the crime lord changed. The man was lenient to listen before he acted anymore, not enough to forgive what he didn't like but that was enough for the enemies to find the sensitive spot of the crime lord.

And the opportunity to use it to their benefit wasn't to be missed.

"All we have to do is to make them believe that they got us and won when we were flying in the colours of our fucking success..... but from there, they will be dancing on our strings" As expected, the body beneath him stiffened and hold around Mago tightened making Mago panicked a little at the hardened look on king's face. Charlton and Lucca, who had been listening to Mago until now and agreeing, were also shaking their heads again.

What Mago had in mind was nowhere near acceptable in King's and his men's opinion, even Mickey opposed it when he heard it first. The baby boy was so adamant about finding the boss and exposing his nasty self that he didn't consider the fact that his life would be in danger if anything....anything goes out of hand.

The plan was easy and simple and mostly peeked out from where he connected the relationship between Danny and Kwazi to the boss and Kangsu. After concluding the supposed intentions of the creepy man he met at the mall, the hushed talk of King and Charlton and his own speculation about the matter, Mago realized many things at once.

What caught his attention the most was the main and obvious purpose of the enemy and that was the demise of the crime lord, by hook or by crook. Whether murdering King by sending Danny or abducting his lover by sending another loser Kwazi.

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