Remember Malia's watching

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Kylie's pov:

I just woke up to my alarm, dreading the first day of school. But, it had to happen. As soon as I realized I was going to see Malia today, I've had a crush on her for like...EVER and I can't wait to see her gorgeous self again.

I got up, brushed my teeth, and ate breakfast then texted my best friend Ruby who was going to walk with me to school. She only lives a couple doors down so I should see her any moment now.

"KYLIE" Ruby says out of breath.

I turn to face her, as she runs up and hugs me.

"I've missed you so much" I said tearing up a little.

"I've missed you moreeee." She says as she pulls away from the hug. "I'm sorry I couldn't see you this summer, I had summer school and my parents were gone an-and-" she started to tear up a bit as I cut her off.

"I know what happened. Your aunt is just stricter about school and your parents had a business trip so they gave you to her, just try to breathe for me, ok?"

She looked at me and smiled, hugging me again.

"You're the best best friend I could ever ask for." She said still holding me.

"I know I know. You remind me like...everyday" I say as I pull away and smile at her.

I check the time and it's 7:40!!


"Oh fuck, come on let's get there quick!!"

*Once they get to school*

We enter the school just as the bell rang. I didn't even my first class. I pull out my schedule fast and noticed I have English first period. 'Ugh who wants to waste their brain away this early in the morning' I thought to myself as I tried to find the class.

I realized that the class was across the building and I had to get there fast. I only had a minute. So I went into my inner athlete and just bolted across the school, barely making it into class on time. I noticed that the only seat left, was in the front next to Malia...

As I was sitting down, the teacher randomly spoke up.

"Late on the first day? Not a good look"

I didn't respond because I just didn't wanna talk to this bitch this early in the morning.

"Not talking are we? What's wrong? Cat got your tounge?" Ms. Cummings said annoyingly.

I swear I felt my angry start to build up in me but I had to control myself, 'remember, Malia watching'

I glance over at Malia, Looking stunning as ever, and I think I'm staring a bit too much because I didn't even realize the bell has rung until Ruby smacked me out of my thought, laughing in the process.

"Kylie c'mon you don't wanna be late again, do you?" She asked me

"No I don't bu-" she cut me off dragging my hand to math. I had a love/hate relationship with math, it's just how it my teacher was t exactly the best...

3 periods pass by and I'm at lunch with Ruby and my other friends, Joshua and Peder.

I was talking to Josh and Peder, as I glance over at Ruby. She's giving love eyes to this girl sitting next to Malia.

I'm pretty sure her name was Morgan? She seemed cool.

"Ruby you okay?" I ask Ruby genuinely concerned.

Ruby's Pov:

"Hu-huh?" I say snapping back into reality.

"You were staring at that Morgan girl for a little while." Kylie says chuckling a little.

"Oh, you're girl is looking at you"

I see her eyes light up as she turns around to see Malia Baker staring right back at her, and I swear Morgan looked at me for a second. I felt my heart skip a beat.


Well that was the first chapter to my first book. What do you think?

677 words

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